View Full Version : Cydia Searchable / Browsable Online

January 14th, 2009, 15:54
You all know Cydia. You use it every day, or at least every week if you're less app-hungry. Its home to Cycorder, Backgrounder, dTunes, PdaNet, WinterBoard (and hundreds nearing thousands of themes), SBSettings, and more.

We've now got Cydia indexed and searchable online at modmyi.com/cydia. Of course you can't download anything to your iPhone from there - Cydia has a great searching function built-in, and if you're ON your iPhone you should use it. If you've ever wanted to browse Cydia from a larger screen, or check what version of what app is most current, but you don't have your iPhone with you... etc, then this is for you.
