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View Full Version : "Wii Is Driven By Girls And Women"

January 14th, 2009, 16:32
Hey! Girls play video games. I know that, you know that, and even Tim Curry knows that. But what's more, publisher Ubisoft says, females drive the Nintendo Wii.

According to Ann Hamilton, senior brand manager with game publisher Ubisoft, "What's driving the Wii sales is the use of Wii by women, girls and families... It's a really female-driven platform."

A female driven platform? Look at the console's sales figures. Ubisoft, we think you mean, it's a human driven platform.


January 14th, 2009, 19:21
I agree with him.
It's true that the Mario, Zelda, and Metroid tittles have draw many old male fans to the console, but the core gamers of the Wii are girls and Women.
Propably they got excited from it's low price, and the fact that you have to actualy move your self in order to play. After all, the high price and sitting doing nothing, is the things the girls used to criticise about video games.
So in the end...
(lots males + lots of females) > (tons of males + just a few females)

Developers are starting realising that fact, so Wii owners, don't be surpised if you see Link in Pink tunic running the fields of highrule on top of a "my little pony".:p

January 14th, 2009, 21:18
don't be surpised if you see Link in Pink tunic running the fields of highrule on top of a "my little pony".:p

OK, someone get me the Mind Bleach.