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View Full Version : Final Fantasy Legends 2 Set for DS

January 14th, 2009, 20:39
More Square Enix 3D remakes appear to be on the way for DS owners. The latest issue of Japan's Shounen Jump Magazine has first details on a DS version of Saga 2 Hihou Densetsu. The original was released in America as Final Fantasy Legends 2.

As is often the case in Jump reveals, very little is actually shared about the new game. Apparently, fans can look forward to major updates both to the gameplay systems and visuals. The latter shouldn't be too much of a surprise, considering the original was black and white. The game now runs in full 3D, and may even be cell shaded (we're going to have to wait until we see official full resolution materials from Square Enix to be sure).

A Japanese release for Saga 2 is set for some time this year.
