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View Full Version : Finally A DS Game About Puffins

January 15th, 2009, 20:25
Just when we figured that we were doomed to live life without a game about Puffins, Majesco swoops in like a mighty seabird to announce Puffins: Island Adventure for the Nintendo DS.

Puffins: Adventure Island (P: IA to the cool kids) turns you into one of pelagic seabirds, learning to dive, fly, swim, and play all sorts of puffin-related games in order to gain the favor of your fellows. Once you gain favor, you can then begin to raise a family in order to carry on the puffin legacy, and you know what that means - steamy Puffin sex. I am assuming that Majesco will keep the steamy Puffin sex off screen, or at least film it at a discreet camera angle.

I suppose this is big news for the actual Puffin fans. Quite honestly I had forgotten such a bird existed until this press release came across my desk. For those of you unfamiliar with the Puffin, check out the screens below to catch up with the class. Puffins: Island Adventure is due out this spring.
