View Full Version : Duke Nukem Trilogy News

January 15th, 2009, 23:27
Apogee posted this news for DS and PSP Fans:

Both the DS and PSP versions of the game are coming along nicely. On the DS side the graphics are blowing the socks off everyone who sees it (those lucky few outside the company that have seen it), and on the PSP, they say the depth of view is the best they have seen to date for that device. Development is proceeding at a feverish pace on both systems. There has been implementation of some unique features specific to each system that owners will be glad to see. We are also including some cool bonus game play features that we haven’t spoken about that we feel will enhance the overall way the game is played. That’s all we can say for now, other than stay tuned, more info in greater detail is on the way!

http://apogee.dukenukemds.com/forums/index.php?PHPSESSID=4676bb24aa410b7582e208d3dcafee 26&topic=179.msg580#msg580

January 16th, 2009, 02:00
If these games are anything like the original PC DOS version they should quite literally R O C K ! !

The other handheld versions (not homebrew ports of the dos version) that I own sucked. The one on GBA was better than the one on the Tapwave Zodiac but both of them were terrible. I have original cartridges of both (although zodiac was really on an SD Card) and I like having the carts. I guess the downfall is that the levels are really short and you can't look up or down to shoot. It is more like playing short levels of doom I & II instead of the innovative system presented in Duke Nukem.

January 18th, 2009, 12:33
This is gonna be great if it's identical to the original DOS version as mentioned above, the game was so badass. ^_^

Looking forward to the bonus features, wonder what they're gonna think up.

"It's time to kick back and chew bubblegum... and I'm all out of gum!" :D

January 18th, 2009, 23:05
Christ, I hope Keen is on the way.