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January 16th, 2009, 18:53
Well it is said that this 2 has been in fight since they met.

Who of this 2 will win?////

Let the fight begin!!!!!!!!

:thumbup:---Answer the Poll to see the winner---:thumbup:

January 16th, 2009, 19:21
ps3 is soon to be victorious.....

January 16th, 2009, 20:12
just a pre-warning, no flaming in this thread. Lets keep this thread nice and friendly.

January 16th, 2009, 21:16
Hmm (http://www.hardcoreware.net/playstation-3-vs-xbox-360-one-year-later/) . Well competition is great and I like both but most of my friends own a 360 and so we do this kind of potluck of gaming lol and I find myself playing more games on 360, plus my Live glitched and ive been getting live for about a year free!

January 16th, 2009, 21:25
Most games are multi-platform but PS3 has the better exclusives =)

January 16th, 2009, 21:29
Most games are multi-platform but PS3 has the better exclusives =)

The thing is most multiplatform games looks ever so slightly worse on PS3. The logical reason for that is that most of these games are 360 games that get quick ports to PS3. Is this the case?

I do agree that PS3 has better exclusive coming up.

January 16th, 2009, 21:54
The thing is most multiplatform games looks ever so slightly worse on PS3. The logical reason for that is that most of these games are 360 games that get quick ports to PS3. Is this the case?

I do agree that PS3 has better exclusive coming up.

PS3's hardware is confusing and hard to work with. Developers are now making the PS3 the lead platform and porting the games to the 360, the PS3 versions should be pretty much identical now.

PS3 has a small, but nice lineup coming this year, I am excited for this year :)

Killzone 2
Uncharted 2
Heavy Rain (w00t)

and Street Fighter 4 and Resident Evil 5 being released this year too :)

January 16th, 2009, 22:30
Definetely xbox360.The Playstation empire is finished.See Mrs Sony,without piracy you cant prevail.Someone must be very stupid to buy a ps3 just for watching useless blu-ray movies,metal gear solid 4 and yakuza 3.Xbox360 is the must have for a nextgen gamer,quality games and cheap

January 16th, 2009, 22:50
Definetely xbox360.The Playstation empire is finished.See Mrs Sony,without piracy you cant prevail.Someone must be very stupid to buy a ps3 just for watching useless blu-ray movies,metal gear solid 4 and yakuza 3.Xbox360 is the must have for a nextgen gamer,quality games and cheap

PS3 has great exclusives, most challenging, if not besting 360 exclusives. let me name a few exclusives and metacritic scores :)

LittleBigPlanet [95]
Metal Gear Solid 4 [94]
Rachet and Clank [89]
Ninja Gaiden Sigma [88]
Uncharted [88]
Valkyria Chronicles [87]
Resistance 2 [87]
Wipeout HD [87]
Heavenly Sword [79]
Siren [78]
Folklore [75]

and upcoming games

Heavy Rain
Killzone 2 [already has two reviews, 100 and 99]
Gran Turismo 5
Yakuza 3

P.S. Greek here also ;)

January 16th, 2009, 23:18
PS3 is years past the 360.
The only problem is that most people have 360s, so if you want to play with your friends, the pressure is to get a 360.
But PS3 is still much better.

January 16th, 2009, 23:20
I think the 360 has more good games, plus alot of the good ps3 games are coming or already came to the 360.

*Virtua Fighter 5 (when it got to the 360 it had the ability to do online play)
*FinalFantasy VIII
*Assassin's Creed
*Tekken 6
*Devil May Cry
*GTA4 (with 2 exclusive downloadable packs)

i think that covers all if not most of them.

and aside from that it has its own good exclusives like:

*GOW 1/2
*Halo 3
*Dead Rising
*Viva Pinata
*Left 4 Dead
*Blue Dragon
*Fable 2
*Mass Effect

i think that is all the good ones if not most of them :P and lets not forget that some games that come out on both consoles get higher scores on 360.

Lost Planet (360) 8.5
Lost Planet (ps3) 5.5

Bioshock (360) 9.7
Bioshock (ps3) 9.4

Rainbow six vegas 2 (360) 8.4
Rainbow six vegas 2 (ps3) 8.2

Rainbow six vegas (360) 9.3
Rainbow six vegas (ps3) 8.7

The scores above are from IGN.com

January 16th, 2009, 23:23

360 games come to the PS3 too and Mass Effect, Gears of War 1, Eternal Sonata and Left 4 Dead are not exclusives

January 16th, 2009, 23:41
well, we are only talking about ps3 and 360, i know those games are on pc too, but they are not on the ps3, but you are right i probably should have been more specific since they aren't exclusives at all, just games you can't get if the ps3 is your only console and your computer can't run those games (like mine :( ) and i know bioshock came to the ps3 (with a slightly lower score) but what other games besides that one does the ps3 have that the 360 use to?

January 16th, 2009, 23:45
Eternal Sonata has also been released for PS3 and The Last Remnant is being released soon.

January 16th, 2009, 23:47
ah, lemme edit my post then, didn't last remnant get bad scores tho? that is why i didn't put it as one of the good 360 exclusive when i thought it was :P also i am assuming that everyone who voted has both consoles right? cuz you can't really say one console is better then another if you don't experience both, i use to think wii was the best thing ever until i bought one, now it is back in its box inside my closet :P

PS: most games that come out for both consoles also look better on the 360, go to youtube and look at some head to heads.

January 16th, 2009, 23:58
The older multiplatform games that got higher scores on 360 were games that got those quick ports I mentioned. As seen in Killzone 2 the PS3 is obviously no less capable a machine than the 360 so when one game gets 2 different scores for the two consoles it must fall back on the developer.

That doesnt make the scores invalid or anything and they do contribute to the 360 have a stronger catalog of games currently. However the release dates for the year thus far may show the times they are a changing.

January 17th, 2009, 00:00
well i think everyone here knows that the ps3 IS stronger then the 360, but what bout bioshock? they took one year porting it and even with the bonus content it managed to get a lower score (which i don't know why to be honest :P )

I think there should be a post with all the pros and cons of both consoles so that even people can get a better view of what is up, like:

pros: xbox live
cons: three red rings


pros: eye cam
cons: trophies don't update themselves on your sig so every time you unlock a new one you have to go to the site and say you got it :P that also means you can B.S. your sig and say you have trophies that you really don't.

like that but on a bigger scale :P

January 17th, 2009, 00:03
Resident Evil Wii Edition also received a lower score than some version before it even though it was the superior version due to the time between the releases. That could be responsible for the score. I would have to read the review to be sure.

January 17th, 2009, 00:21
In my view, after reading an interview with the devs of Red Faction on 360 (they said that if they tried to put one more piece of scenery or vehicle in the game it would have blown the 360's memory) I think the 360 is quickly reaching it's pinnacle, whereas the PS3 seems to be capable of so much more.
That and MGS4 is on PS3, so it wins for me.

January 17th, 2009, 00:21
yes, because it was on the wii, the earlier version i believe was on the gamecube, i don't know much about the game so i won't say anything besides that the most reasonable factor could be that resident evil 4 is a gamecube game and then it was just ported to a wii which is superior to the gamecube, it would be reasonable to expect the port to support the wii's greater power with maybe better graphics or faster fps, idk, but the standard is raised because its a wii, but since it was the same as the gamecube game (my guess at least is that it is, like i said i don't know much about it) it got a lower socre because it was gamecube quality on a Nintendo wii (which is expected to have better quality games)

and dejkirkby, yes, it seems like the 360 IS reaching its limits, but you have to remember that the ps3 was built for a 9 year life spam, there will be a new xbox console once the xbox reaches about 6-7 years; besides, even tho the ps3 has way more power, i don't see a whole bunch of games pushing it further then what the360 can do aside from MGS4.

One more thing, good games on the 360 are selling way more then good games on the ps3:

LittleBigPlanet: 1.89 m
Metal Gear Solid 4: 3.80 m

Halo 3: 8.96 m
Gears Of War 2: 4.34 m

Call of duty: world at war (ps3): 2.63 m
Call of duty: world at war (360): 4.38 m

GTA4 (ps3): 5.31 m
GTA4 (360): 6.70 m

i will put the following ones for a good laugh:

Wii Play: 20.40 m
Mario Kart: 14.12 m
Mario Party 8: 6.13 m
Mario And Sonic At The Olympic Games: 6.69 m
Super Mario Galaxy: 7.93 m
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption: 1.49 m?????????

Source: http://vgchartz.com/

January 17th, 2009, 00:26
yes, because it was on the wii, the earlier version i believe was on the gamecube, i don't know much about the game so i won't say anything besides that the most reasonable factor could be that resident evil 4 is a gamecube game and then it was just ported to a wii which is superior to the gamecube, it would be reasonable to expect the port to support the wii's greater power with maybe better graphics or faster fps, idk, but the standard is raised because its a wii, but since it was the same as the gamecube game (my guess at least is that it is, like i said i don't know much about it) it got a lower socre because it was gamecube quality on a Nintendo wii.

The Wii version was better in every way from the Gamecube and PS2 version but its score was still lower. They sighted the fact that it was released so long after the PS2 version as the reason for the best version not getting the best score. I think that the Bioshock review might be a similar thing.
EDIT: Thats not to say the PS3 version was better as was the case for RE4 on Wii. Just that it might not have been any worse, just a year late.

January 17th, 2009, 00:52
since i haven't played the ps3 version of bioshock i can't say much again, but from what i heard what made the score lower was a mixture of high and low res textures next to each other (which won't bother the people who just play and don't take time to look at walls, i so tho :P) and the price point (when it came out, the 360 version was at half price) other then that if you don't care about the achievements i see no reason why you wouldn't want to pick up the ps3 version instead of the 360 to get the extra contend.

January 17th, 2009, 01:13
Perhaps porting from 360 to PS3 is more difficult then we might think. The port by EA of Orange Box needed a patch to fix some very large bugs and still has some slowdown. The PS3 can run it so its either a lazy port or it is, in fact just a difficult port in some cases.

Actually the games that are stricken with bugs most are the games that have staggered releases. The games that were meant as 360 games and then a year or so later came out on PS3. The games intended as games for both that have simultaneous releases dont seem to have nearly as much of this type of thing.

January 17th, 2009, 03:51
Eternal Sonata has also been released for PS3 and The Last Remnant is being released soon.

Later then a year after. Have fun with you massively delayed games while 360 owners get previously exclusive games as multiplat or exclusive releases.

Face it; Sony f***ed up. They have no one to blame but themselves.

January 17th, 2009, 04:50
Eternal Sonata has also been released for PS3 and The Last Remnant is being released soon.

When Eternal Sonata was released, I don't believe it was ever stated that it would be exclusive to the 360 (I remember the first reports of it being in progress for PS3 before the game was even released). The fact that it stayed a 360 exclusive for as long as it did is nothing short of miraculous, considering the 360's standing in Japan during that timeframe.

All I have to say about RPGs and this thread right now is Tales of Vesperia. ToV is the best JRPG I've played in a long while (it even tops the first Tales of Symphonia game in my book).

January 17th, 2009, 07:17
this gen is mostly multiplatform, almost every game comes out for both consoles

I own a 360 but I'm planing to get a PS3 sometime this year, I think PS3 is better on some things

- I hate having to pay for LIVE
- My 360 sounds like the washing machine
- I had to buy rechargeable batteries for my controls

Aside from those inconveniences the 360 has some very nice exclusives, and I got mine for cheap.

PS3 needs more exclusive titles but it's better, although it is more expensive.

January 17th, 2009, 07:33
this gen is mostly multiplatform, almost every game comes out for both consoles

I own a 360 but I'm planing to get a PS3 sometime this year, I think PS3 is better on some things

- I hate having to pay for LIVE
- My 360 sounds like the washing machine
- I had to buy rechargeable batteries for my controls

Aside from those inconveniences the 360 has some very nice exclusives, and I got mine for cheap.

PS3 needs more exclusive titles but it's better, although it is more expensive.

Actually my launch 60gb is pretty loud, not as loud as my launch 360RIP. It is also a bit fatter but its probably because it has that power thing built inside.

If you hate paying for live try Xlink Kai or sell your 360 and get a ps3 lol

Yep I really hate ms for not having built in batteries on the controllers!:mad:

January 17th, 2009, 12:12
One more thing, good games on the 360 are selling way more then good games on the ps3:

LittleBigPlanet: 1.89 m
Metal Gear Solid 4: 3.80 m

Halo 3: 8.96 m
Gears Of War 2: 4.34 m

Call of duty: world at war (ps3): 2.63 m
Call of duty: world at war (360): 4.38 m

GTA4 (ps3): 5.31 m
GTA4 (360): 6.70 m

i will put the following ones for a good laugh:

Wii Play: 20.40 m
Mario Kart: 14.12 m
Mario Party 8: 6.13 m
Mario And Sonic At The Olympic Games: 6.69 m
Super Mario Galaxy: 7.93 m
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption: 1.49 m?????????

Source: http://vgchartz.com/
But the simple reason for that is not to do with the quality of the game, but the size of the userbase. Considering the number of users that own 360's and the number that own PS3's (and discounting the phenomenon that is Halo) then the figures for MGS4 are more impressive than the ones for Gears of War 2 and the like.
This is proven with the other comparisons.
by rights with the massive difference in userbases, then CoD: WaW and GTAIV should be have far higher sales on 360.

January 17th, 2009, 14:14
That is true dejkirkby. Don't forget, though, the 360 also has a record high attachment rate, at 8.1 games per console. And this is even with the 360's 8 million lead on the PS3. So technically, should the 360 have the same consoles sold as the PS3, its still would shift more software then either the wii or PS3; of course assuming they would buy the same amount of games which I don't see why they wouldn't. Thats why making 3rd-party 360 exclusives is so popular.

I hear a very cliched, overused and unproved retort coming, but then again this isn't VGChartz :p I'm thinking of a certain phrase by the way, not a retort in general....

January 17th, 2009, 15:54
this gen is mostly multiplatform, almost every game comes out for both consoles

I own a 360 but I'm planing to get a PS3 sometime this year, I think PS3 is better on some things

- I hate having to pay for LIVE
- My 360 sounds like the washing machine
- I had to buy rechargeable batteries for my controls

Aside from those inconveniences the 360 has some very nice exclusives, and I got mine for cheap.

PS3 needs more exclusive titles but it's better, although it is more expensive.

trust me, once you get your ps3 you are going to wish they charged for better service, me+shadowblind+LittleBigPlanet=LAG! we often get thrown off each others servers, and for some reason it throws us off every time we try to make a level together which by the way is one of the trophies so i know we are SUPPOSE to be able to do :P

this isn't the case for all games tho, warhawk has some pretty good servers and if you get on the right ones there is no lag what so ever, feels like you are playing on a 360. Still, you get what you pay for and honestly $50 a year isn't bad t all and it is giving us some pretty good servers. Of course the 360 isn't perfect, sometimes when me and shadowblind want to play GOW2 online we have to reset our routers and go to "restore to factory defaults" on our console menus.

One more thing, yes there are more people with 360s out there then people with ps3s, but shouldn't that simply prove that more people like the 360? the fact that the 360 had a year of advantage was proven an invalid argument thanks to the Nintendo wii selling about 2 to 1 against the xbox 360 even with a year of advantage.

January 17th, 2009, 20:59
PS3 is years past the 360.
The only problem is that most people have 360s, so if you want to play with your friends, the pressure is to get a 360.
But PS3 is still much better.
Yeah man that its the problem in most cases, I want to play with them or I want to play with class alone.....

Oh and Hey. Say thkz for the thread dudes..

I made the thread to help me decide the pro's and con's. And another thing was to see the winner. let's see was gonna happened.

January 18th, 2009, 20:49
I'm amazed by the poll results.

PS3 is my choice, having owned both. The PS3 is the better system in my eyes.

January 18th, 2009, 22:15

There is no online co-op creation for LPB at this time. The trophy you are referring to regards offline co-op on a single PS3.

January 19th, 2009, 03:38
I don't know fg-54 a friend of mine has a PS3 and he doesn't complain about online play, wich he plays a lot.

He uses a wireless router same as mine and it works ok, don't know, I'll give it a try.

January 19th, 2009, 04:23
from visiting the ps3 forums (which i did a bunch as i was getting closer to getting my ps3) i heard alot of bad things about the online, that GTA4 didn't work, and SOCOM didn't work ether, and that the system updates break their consoles and sometimes they needed updates for updates because they messed things up, things like that, maybe it depends on how fast your internet is because mine is very slow, but if the xbox can put me in a match with no lag, then i expect nothing less from the ps3.

Like i said before i play warhawk and the online is fine, but if 32 people moving around, shooting things and making explotions don't make lag, i don't see how i get lag when there is just me and one other person playing a level on littlebigplanet.

PS: lol, that makes much more seance accordion :P i wuz like WTF THIS KEEPS LOGGING ME OFF AS SOON AS I TRY TO MAKE A MAP WITH A FRIEND!

January 23rd, 2009, 16:54
I'd say get a modchipped Xbox classic (you can't go wrong with an ultra system like that!). That isn't what you're asking, though. I'm sort of an Xbox guy, and most of my friends have 360's, although the one friend I know that has a PS3 stands by his unwavered. I guess I'd say get a PS3 if you have the dough.

April 7th, 2009, 02:58
vote for ps3... better grafix, xmb, and games
and has blueray... had 3 xbox360... 1st got death ring, 2nd cooler fan killed it buy over heating and 3rd hasn't died yet

April 7th, 2009, 14:57
PS3 ftw. I'm still trying to fix my 360 (doesn't last more than 2 minutes)

Besides, most 360 games worth playing get ported to either PC or PS3 :3

April 9th, 2009, 11:39
definitely ps3... with blu-ray i thint it's really "cheap". it was one of the main reason why i got a ps3...