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View Full Version : Sony refuses PlayStation brand for PSP Phone?

January 17th, 2009, 09:18

We've been following PSP Phone rumors since 2006, forever on a tech timeline. A plausible device given the natural evolution of mobile gaming and Sony's proven desire to cross-license its Bravia and Cyber-shot brands for use on other Sony Ericsson phones. Not so fast buster. Mobile Today (citing "several sources close to the matter") is reporting that Sony Ericsson has been refused the use of the PlayStation brand by Sony Corp. after pitching the business case in December. A spokesperson for Sony Ericsson wouldn't comment directly on the matter but did say, "In the past, we have been keen that our product proposition lives up to brand promise, and we feel at the moment the technical specs are not high enough to put such a prestigious brand on a phone." With Sony Ericsson posting a massive $346 million dollar loss today compared to the $95 million expected, well, maybe Sony's wisdom shouldn't be questioned. Then again, Sony's not doing much better.


January 17th, 2009, 19:17
wow that looks sick.. though digital would be nicer ha