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View Full Version : linux ubuntu help

January 17th, 2009, 22:49
if i install linux ubuntu on my ps3 (60GB) then how do i play ps3 games when it starts up?
do i have to press & hold the PS button or something like that or does the game start once i've inserted the game?
i, as of now haven't yet installed the system but i have the CD and am ready to install, i just need to know; how will i play a ps3 game once i've installed the Operating System?

January 19th, 2009, 00:39
if i install linux ubuntu on my ps3 (60GB) then how do i play ps3 games when it starts up?
do i have to press & hold the PS button or something like that or does the game start once i've inserted the game?
i, as of now haven't yet installed the system but i have the CD and am ready to install, i just need to know; how will i play a ps3 game once i've installed the Operating System?

When you're on the PS3 side, you go to System Settings - OtherOS Settings and tell it to boot into OtherOS. When you're on the OtherOS, you have a bootloader (usually kboot or petitboot). The bootloader gives you a way to boot back into PS3 mode (or you can hold the power button, but that resets your settings, so don't do that unless you have to).

I suggest using petitboot - it allows you to boot other things using the mouse. It's a nice graphical display whereas kboot is command line oriented.

April 18th, 2009, 16:17
The only OS I have had any experience with is ubuntu. After you tell the PS3 to boot from the other OS and you have to plug in a USB keyboard. In order to proceed to your other OS, you simply hit enter. If you want to get back to the PS3 OS, you need to type boot-game-os