View Full Version : First (to my knollage) Nintendo 64 Emulator for PSP !!

January 31st, 2006, 22:38
Well i bring you the "theoreticaly" first nintendo 64 emulator for psp. Before you get your hopes up, it only runs a small number of homebrew demos.

Here is the readme

P.S. If you wish to join my protest, post here on the forums!!

// Nincest 64
// NINCEST 64 by Marius Dumitrean [[email protected]]
// PSP Port By PSmonkey (http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk/)
// Based on the dreamcast port by Gpf (http://gpf.dcemu.co.uk/)

// Icon by pochi

// My Protest

------My Protest

I am sick and tired of sites treating coders like property.
We are here for the scene! We are not your property!
You do not own us! We would still be here without you
and just as strong!

This project is dedicated to all scene coders out there keeping up
the good fight to progress the scene and not for cash, fame or
being bought out by sites.

This project is dead from here on out untill this scene improves!

If you wish to join my protest, please visit my homepage.

Enjoy the emu.
Ps, This wont run commercial n64 roms.

// Info
This is theoreticaly the first n64 emulator on the psp.
It only runs 2 PD/Homebrew demos (stars & fire) which are included with the release.

If the scene improves. I will come back and eventualy get a working emulator that will allow psp
users to play smaller n64 games like mario 64 on their psp. If not, this emulator stops here.

Also do note the source is included.

// To Use
1) Copy the "n64" Folder to the root of the memory stick.
..) Example "G:\" (replace G: with your psp drive letter)
2) Copy the files from the folder containing your psp version number
..) Example, 1.0 users will go into 1.0 folder and copy the psp directory to the root of the memory stick.
3) Run the software :)

// Greetings
wraggster, GPF, Pochi, Zeenbor, Lac, Everybody who worked on this emu & all at dcemu!


January 31st, 2006, 23:11
You are an empowering figure in the homebrew society...

You did what most though as impossible

January 31st, 2006, 23:37
Great work !

January 31st, 2006, 23:43
You should just quit your job and live on the paypal donations you'll get by keeping at this. PSMonkey... there are scene gods and you've been riding high for a while now. Just tell us what we can do to support you. Maybe after iris is done we'll see some progress made. You maybe should've kept this quiet... you're gonna be flooded with kids wondering why perfect dark and resident evil 2 doesn't work on your emu :P ;)

February 1st, 2006, 00:13
Actualy I considering moving on to working for a well known game developer/publisher on comercial psp projects. So no longer will I sit at work banging my head on the desk because of another stupid thing nintendo did on the gba/ds. I'll get to work on psp 24/7. :D

Actualy in good time (and i hope much better news scene), I will work on making a n64 emulator that can play mario64 on the psp. Could be in a few months, could be next year. We will have to wait to see.

Also I am no god. I am just someone who loves to code & code for the psp. I was once a serious noob that was one of the ass jokes of the n64dev scene. I learned & i got smarter along the way to be able to contribute more to a scene then just be laughed at.

February 1st, 2006, 00:35
I'm all for improving the scene, unfortunately it's those certain sites which cause problems, DCEmu always stays in the clear. =D

February 1st, 2006, 00:48
I am sick and tired of sites treating coders like property.
We are here for the scene! We are not your property!
You do not own us! We would still be here without you
and just as strong!

This project is dedicated to all scene coders out there keeping up
the good fight to progress the scene and not for cash, fame or
being bought out by sites.

This project is dead from here on out untill this scene improves!

I fully agree with you :D

i will try my best with improving the scene ( i hope i can be succsesfull )

I'm all for improving the scene, unfortunately it's those certain sites which cause problems, DCEmu always stays in the clear. =D

couyldnt say it any better myself!!!

DCEmu ROCKS!!!!!

Thanks for Everything,

February 1st, 2006, 00:54
PSMonkey i would do anything if stuff would work for me.

I have tried porting a few games such as
and so on

Why not start a team? Then we could all work on something together. Maybe even some contributions could be involved?

This is the stuff that everyone needs. IT might put a few 1000 in shame *Cough* ZeZu *Cough*

Well what are you waiting for KICK SOME ASS!
BTW im willing to contribute to a fund

February 1st, 2006, 00:56
I bow down before PSmonkey. I think Produkt said it the best.

You are an empowering figure in the homebrew society...

You did what most though as impossible

Those are good words.:)

February 1st, 2006, 01:06
HEY! Perfect dark and R.E. 2 aint workin!!!

Only jokin, psmonkey you rock, cant wait for the next iris and would love it if you could get a playable 64emu even if only mario works!, once again you are da man!

Nice One!

February 1st, 2006, 01:11
Id love some of the n64 porting genuises to come on board because you would think games like Mario 64 and Mario Kart 64 are doable on a PSP, with a feck load of work

February 1st, 2006, 01:13
Nice work man. What company are you thinking of going to work for?

February 1st, 2006, 01:23
Sweet... very nice. Say hi to the potential killer app for homebrew..

February 1st, 2006, 01:55
PSmonkey, I 100% agree with you. A lot of people can't seem to respect coders and what you guys do for the scene; they take a lot of this stuff for granted. I will say one more thing, that name is sort of funny, maybe it's just me: nincest ....wtf :D

February 1st, 2006, 02:00
It would absolutely kill to be able to play Mario 64 on the PSP. Even if it is the only N64 game ever emulatable, that's all I need :D

I don't really know what to say except that I hope and pray you continue to work on this emulator. Emulators are the only reason I own a PSP.

On the protest thing, when I first got into homebrew on the PSP I visited all kinds of sites looking for the next big thing. However, in time I found my way here to DCEMU and have stayed because of its straight forward and helpfull approach.

I'm not really sure how I can help your protest, but if staying true to DCEMU will help your protest, then I'm already on board.

In any case, it's great news and I sincerely hope you keep working on it. It would be absolutely amazing :)

February 1st, 2006, 02:32
Hey guys, Just a small bit of info if your currious. What you're looking at is no more then 7 hours worth of work that I started on yesterday when i got home from work. On top of it nincest 64 is not a very fast emulator to begin with. :P

Also please note the name is not of my own. This is a port of nincest for pc (which was ported to dreamcast by gpf, which i then ported his code to psp).

Regarding my protest. I am not asking anybody to stay exclusive to a site. I love viewing all psp sites (psp-updates,dcemu,psp-hacks,...). By protesting I mean when you see sites trying to take claim to a coder & his work. Voice your opinion in their comments section. Tell them to stop taking credit for a coder. His work would still be on the net even if that site did not exsist.

February 1st, 2006, 02:57
That makes sense. If I see anyone trying to take credit for a coders work, without the coder making any specific indication that they are part of the site, I'll be sure to let them know that they are full of it.

If you could pull off a port of this emulator in a couple of hours I fear what you'll be able to do with more time.

The prospect of playing Mario 64 on my PSP is too much :D
I can't wait!!

February 1st, 2006, 03:06
I also completely agree. The homebrew that comes from talented and generous people like PSmonkey should be appreciated by all to the fullest. I like others have stayed consistently here with DCEMU. I will start paying attention to other sites to watch for these people claiming ownership. You can add me to the protest as well :-)

February 1st, 2006, 04:59
Amazing job.....**crying**.......i never thought christmas would come so early.......**sob sob**.


February 1st, 2006, 05:34
I have been following the PSP scene from the begging and this is just the first time I have decided to voice my opinion. Very rarely do I decide to make a voice on the internet do to the fact that is becomes water downed and overshadowed by other people making an ass of themselves. So I would like to say Thank you on behalf of everyone who loves to watch someone not only challenge them self but challenge the very system that tells them they can't do something. Thank you for all your hard work, and Thank you for staying true to what you love to do. And remember that there are a lot of people out there like me who like to stay quiet, and a ton of people who love to cause problems on forums and other anonymous forms of communication. Keep up the good work and I hope you find the response you were looking forward to from the PSP scene.

February 1st, 2006, 07:33

I have been fighting the good fight for a while now. My support comes and goes like the wind, but I have not given up nor will until sites like the ones featured on my "anti" page are gone for good. Both sites do what you meantion - lie, deceive, take credit what it not theirs, delete/edit/remove posts, ban you, etc...


February 1st, 2006, 11:01
I used to use ps2nfo.... The past few months I've turned away from isos and I use my 2x 2gb sticks for homebrew and movies respectively.

On the defence of the scene psmonkey, I think the scene's dependance on fanjita creating support for his eboot loaders has finally killed off the threat of isos, and in the past week, we've heard awesome news from the TYL team, and seen excellent release after excellent release. PSP will have an incredible scene this year, and I think the annoyance of the coders will calm as they are left to work on their projects without the threat of frustration from n00bs. I don't think sony will release pointless firmware updates now the iso threat is gone too.

Humma Kavula, guy who makes devhook and anyone else who's trying to get past this... just stop now. you're really shooting yourself in the foot. I'd personally prefer a back catalogue of roms and retro games, plus some excellent homebrew rather than an ability to play the crap selection of games commercially available for psp. It works both ways too. The day pacmanfan graces us with his breakthrough releases, we'll be able to play the original incarnations of the games sony keeps porting anyway.

In a months time, I'm starting my quest for knowledge of coding. My ultimate goal is a fully developed monsterland sequel. Sega nor westone are never going to make it. So I'm going to try. I hope some of you guys can show me what to read when I'm ready to start. I've already been working on music and backstory (don't fear an amateurish plot or dialogue.... I'm a pretty decent writer.) and I'm not intending to reuse sprites from the previous games. Anyway... more on that later. I'm off for a shower :)

February 1st, 2006, 13:29
I’m not sure where this should be posted. I hope this is a good place.

I am not a coder. I got as far as.......

10 print "hello"
20 go to 10

……on my spectrum!

I’d like to say a huge thanks to all the coders out there who selflessly work on their various projects and homebrew apps to the detriment of their personal lives.

There are far too many people out there who complain and bitch about what these coders are doing or what there not doing. I’d personally like to step up and say thanks for all the hard work and ask that you pay no attention to the kids out there shouting mindlessly because they want and want and want. I only bought my PSP for the homebrew apps. I only have wipeout because it came with the machine. My PSP is effectively a Genesis, snes and e-book reader! I’m sure in time it is going to do a lot more. That obviously depends on the home brewers and coders.

The homebrew scene is far more important the the ISO rippers and the ISO launchers. They all have their place in the roots of homebrew and hacking but I think bringing better functionality to the PSP is the way forward. Sony are adding little bits here and there to their firmware but for the bits they add they take away lot more.

Sony should embrace the fact that so many people want to add to the PSP and they are adding it not to undermine them but to show what the public are really looking for. They should look and learn from the coders sitting at home putting all the hours in to improve the PSP. Not try to lock them out with more firmware updates.

I’ve realized i'm ranting so I’d just like to add at the end…..

Home brewers and coders. Please don’t let the loud mouthed complainers and the firmware stop you from doing your stuff.

The PSP would be nothing without you guys.

I look forward to seeing what you do next!

Keep up the good work. It is appreciated!!!!

February 1st, 2006, 13:39
At last some one with the ball to stand up for free creators
Im not a coder but I am a Freelance illustrator and im tired of other people
taken credit for work they did'nt do

If you need any Image work let me know :)

Heres one of my pictures :)

February 1st, 2006, 13:47
At last some one with the ball to stand up for free creators
Im not a coder but I am a Freelance illustrator and im tired of other people
taken credit for work they did'nt do

If you need any Image work let me know :)

Heres one of my pictures :)

e.mail ; [email protected]

February 1st, 2006, 15:33
I think I might need to make a new main post to clarify things. People are thinking I am trying to get sympathy or ass kissing. I care not for that. My enjoyment comes from coding. You guys don't know how crazy my mind has been at work. I pretty much spend every second I can going back and thinking about iris & the n64 emulator and how I can improve things. I love to code and always will.

My problem is with scene sites. Not people in the scene. Some people have shown to know exactly what I am talking about. I suport all sites (i am not being bias to just one) but this infighting between sites just flat out needs to stop. It's a joke and just hurting the scene. Sites have already started trying to pull exclusive releases of projects wich is total bull****. There is no exclusitivity in this scene. If you guys keep up on my protest all over the net people will see I am not targeting one site but a few.

Anyways so far progress has been good. I look forward to speaking with a few more sites today on getting this crap to end. If it does I will be happy.

Nice job on the art. Yeah artist are sadly ones who get screwed alot. I might have to bug you in the future to do some art for iris. Will be quite lovely. :)

February 1st, 2006, 17:33
cirus, that looks like C4d, what did you use to make it?

February 1st, 2006, 18:06
A little thing not that important i want to say: I remember a couple of years ago, there was an emulator for N64 called "Corn" i was really impressed about, cause it could run Mario64 at full speed on a Pentium MMX 233Mhz.

So it could probably be possible to run it on PSP with its 333Mhz

February 1st, 2006, 18:42
Corn was almost pure assembly. It be virtually impossible to port.

February 1st, 2006, 20:41
Great work! :D

February 1st, 2006, 22:08
Besides Corn is not opensource :)

I managed to get Wave Race to work on this emulator @ 2 FPS.

Also i hear all thats wrong is that the video is to be hard coded.

Anyone who is using ISOS and are saying UMDS are too expensive well you shouldnt own a PSP at all..

February 1st, 2006, 22:29
I do have to ask one thing . . . . . WTF?! you made a program that only partialy plays anything, and then say "This project is dead from here on out untill this scene improves!" well, how is this scene so awfull anyway?! you make awesome programs, we all download em, and use em and have fun, and are glad there is someone around to program this now so i dont have to wait untill i know how . . . . i mean its almost pathetic. . . . . we made this demo of a n64 emulator, now . . . lets blackmail this so called "scene" and then when its exactly the same in 5 years, the people that were exicted about that n64 emulator when you made it, will have never seen another one, because you thought you were being treated unfairly? i guess it makes no sence why you would have a problem with getting your name and progress out for the public to enjoy. . . . . .

February 1st, 2006, 22:36
PSMonkey just wants the PSP scene to be worth it.

The Gp2x has been around for 6 months yet already beats the PSP homebrew.

I think also its a wake up call to sony and realise what the homebrew means to all of us

February 1st, 2006, 22:38
but dont get me wrong, i am a pc coder myself i have just never gone to the work of programing a psp game, i find it might take me a year to get a reasonable game, but by then, i'm sure psp will be out-dated, i am not being a jerk, i am not a "noob" as someone said earlyer in the thread, but hey, i just dont quite get why you would make a program that would haul ass around the psp, and the boycot it. . . . oh well its your choice i suppose, but i can say this, people now understand that making a n64 emulator is possible, so someone could make one before this "scene" improves

February 1st, 2006, 23:14
My problem is with scene sites. Not people in the scene. Some people have shown to know exactly what I am talking about. I suport all sites (i am not being bias to just one) but this infighting between sites just flat out needs to stop. It's a joke and just hurting the scene. Sites have already started trying to pull exclusive releases of projects wich is total bull****. There is no exclusitivity in this scene. If you guys keep up on my protest all over the net people will see I am not targeting one site but a few.

I'm not sure of your past experience with running and maintaining a scene news site, but as in all situations there comes a time when you have to stand up for what is right and push the others aside. Alas, there is no good without evil and some fights need to be faught.

Now - if someone is taking an authors work and altering it, claiming it as an exclusive and frankly outright lying to the public then something needs to be done. There will always be internal issues within the scene sites and the polictics involved - that is just the nature of the beast.

I have devoted my time, effort and gone against my better judgement to shine the light on various sites that do indeed in my opinion harm the scene in general. That is what my ps2banzyou site is all about.

I don't alter peoples work, claim exclusives that are not released directly to me or go around making up fantasies to gain hits. I pay for my own network of sites with more then money and will continue to uphold the utmust standards when it comes to the content on my network of pages.

I just think you should understand there is never peace in any walk of life, but your willingness to call out unamed sites in such a way is a step in the right direction. The scene needs more people like you that will put their foot down and say enough is enough.

Alright, I'm done taking up your time. Get back to your madman coding so I can get some good old N64 on my PSP. :)

Peace Out,

February 1st, 2006, 23:22
WTF you talking about regarding wave race?

I did not partialy code something. I ported a n64 emulator that does not suport more then 2 PD/hombrew demos. I am not pist at the scene but scene sites. My point has been made and i've already got the admins of some sites wanted to resove this bull**** going on in the scene.

Yet even tho i am pist off at the scene sites, I actualy still pluged an hour away at this emu today. I spent my entire lunch break trying to improve the memory handlers (they were horibly writen for speed). As a result I now get about 1.8/1.9 fps (you kind of get a small 0.2 fps boost by disabling vsync but does not really do much). I've also been trying to find what is bad that keeps other demos like dextrose & pong from working.

Again like I have said many times. I am not doing this to get fame & ass kissing. I am doing this to get people to wake up to the bull**** sites are doing and to get the said sites to stop it. There is no reason for the fude between sites or the need for exclusive releases.

February 1st, 2006, 23:22
I do have to ask one thing . . . . . WTF?! you made a program that only partialy plays anything, and then say "This project is dead from here on out untill this scene improves!" well, how is this scene so awfull anyway?! you make awesome programs, we all download em, and use em and have fun, and are glad there is someone around to program this now so i dont have to wait untill i know how . . . . i mean its almost pathetic. . . . . we made this demo of a n64 emulator, now . . . lets blackmail this so called "scene" and then when its exactly the same in 5 years, the people that were exicted about that n64 emulator when you made it, will have never seen another one, because you thought you were being treated unfairly? i guess it makes no sence why you would have a problem with getting your name and progress out for the public to enjoy. . . . . .

and what have you coded?

February 2nd, 2006, 00:13
I'd like to say thank your PSmonkey for this proof of concept :) I really hope you continue this project so we can all enjoy it. The one game I'd like to see working is Mario Kart 64, so please continue :cool: And if you don't continue it, I surely hope someone continues the work you have started.

February 2nd, 2006, 00:30
I should also ask, why did you port a windows version that doesnt run any commercial games? Is it just because this particular emu is opensource?...

I also like this little piece of code

'printf("YOU PIECE OF CRAP WORK\n");'

February 2nd, 2006, 01:49
I should also ask, why did you port a windows version that doesnt run any commercial games? Is it just because this particular emu is opensource?...

I also like this little piece of code

'printf("YOU PIECE OF CRAP WORK\n");'

most simplest and straight forward to port. I've put about 7 hours into the port that i released. A serious emu would require weeks.

February 2nd, 2006, 02:25
PSMonkey: WaveRace.v64 works @ 2fps (1.998). try it for urself

Its the only commercial game that i have had working.

Might be good for your testing eh?

I agree with $n!pR. Why not port UltraHLE? (Im not sure if its aSM or not)

I found removing the Debug entries in the code sped things up a touch as well

February 2nd, 2006, 03:05
How did you get waverace to work?? I just tried and nothing happens....

February 2nd, 2006, 03:10
Who knows....

I think because i cleared some debugging crap it prolly made a difference

Got MSN Sniper? add wally4000-at-Gmail.com to ur list

February 2nd, 2006, 04:02
Hmm...well, my little "joke" about the name was just that, a joke. I didn't mean anything by it. Also, I do now see your point; I thought I did before but I obviously didn't. :o

I think this "feud" between sites is actually somewhat amusing; it's really so pointless and you'd think that the sites could just exist side by side and not try pushing their ideals on each other. I wonder what exactly started this feud, and why the issue hasn't been resolved already. :confused: I think you could be the one to show them the way; there hasn't been anyone else so maybe that's all they needed: a guide (sort of).

Well, my short post is just about over, and I really hope this issue gets resolved quickly and you get back to that emu so I can play some Mario Kart on the go. ;)

February 2nd, 2006, 04:23
PSMonkey: WaveRace.v64 works @ 2fps (1.998). try it for urself

Its the only commercial game that i have had working.

Might be good for your testing eh?

I agree with $n!pR. Why not port UltraHLE? (Im not sure if its aSM or not)

I found removing the Debug entries in the code sped things up a touch as well

Wally you code?

Also yes I have been tempted to remove some debug features. I actualy removed quite a few of them so far in the memory area. Also I am currious to chat over msn (nexis2600[at]hotmail...., you get the picture on how to fix that). I also got fire demo running at 1.87/1.9 fps by rewriting a few parts. I also fix the pi transfer (I think it means dma transfer) to be much faster & added in a retrive memory pointer which i use for the pi/dma transfer & video.

Regarding waverace I will have to check & also can you give me a bit of info. I am guessing since it's v64 the rom is not byteswaped yet? (this is an issue since some roms on the net are byteswaped and some arn't)

February 2nd, 2006, 04:41
Ya, I tried waverace only the file extension is .z64 dunno if that makes a difference - couldnt get it to work.

February 2nd, 2006, 04:48
Very nice work PSmonkey (and everyone else who worked on it)!

February 2nd, 2006, 05:01
I got somewhat of a result with mariokart 64 :) Just a fuzzy screen, but it's better progress than the waverace rom i tried.

Should also say, it's running at a stable 1.275FPS. A little better than the demo's supplied.

February 2nd, 2006, 05:27
I got somewhat of a result with mariokart 64 :) Just a fuzzy screen, but it's better progress than the waverace rom i tried.

Should also say, it's running at a stable 1.275FPS. A little better than the demo's supplied.

Thats pretty cool actually. I might give it a go with the roms I got to see what reaction the emulator gives me and at what FPS.

February 2nd, 2006, 05:34
PSPmonkey this is a beutiful project man! I knew someone could port an N64 emulator. I am amazed at the amount of power this little system has. And all I can say is I bought a PSP for the homebrew. It is great what your doing

god speed :-)

February 2nd, 2006, 10:28
1) well done.
2) again.:D
3) dont let this affect your work on Iris ;)
4) a PS1 emu would be WAY better (so i can play FF7) :D
5) i love your stance against the other sites but i think it falls on other people, myself included, to spread the word. this is a call to action. we should create a list of shame and then visit the sites and post. the key is not to attack the websites but to convert their users. i mean, many of the people who use the sites probably do not know how bad those sites are or why they shouldnt be paying for stuff like that. we should also post comments on ebay anytime we see them selling the stuff too - that really pisses me off as it is worse than the sites.
6) maybe wraggster could cut us some of his ad revenue for all the increased traffic ;)
7) you are NOT a god... but you are an exceptional indivudual.
8) there should be a re-count of the votes on Iris ;)

February 2nd, 2006, 14:52
Hey guys regarding comercial roms. Sure they might do something but they wont get very far. Not enough opcodes are emulated & the COP0 COP1 need alot of work before they can allow for a game to actualy run.


1) well done.
> Thanks

2) again.
> Cool.

3) dont let this affect your work on Iris
> It wont. :D MGFox just sent me a new map.

4) a PS1 emu would be WAY better (so i can play FF7)
> Someone else is doing a ps1 emu. He is very talented.

5) i love your stance against the other sites but i think it falls on other people, myself included, to spread the word. this is a call to action. we should create a list of shame and then visit the sites and post. the key is not to attack the websites but to convert their users. i mean, many of the people who use the sites probably do not know how bad those sites are or why they shouldnt be paying for stuff like that. we should also post comments on ebay anytime we see them selling the stuff too - that really pisses me off as it is worse than the sites.

6) maybe wraggster could cut us some of his ad revenue for all the increased traffic
> Hahah. :)

7) you are NOT a god... but you are an exceptional indivudual.
> Thank you. I don't like being a called a god. I am just a regular coder. I was once the joke of the n64 scene.

8) there should be a re-count of the votes on Iris
> Hahaha. I lost. I conceeded & I think MrZonk deserves the prize. He put in alot of work as well.

February 2nd, 2006, 15:11
4) a PS1 emu would be WAY better (so i can play FF7)
> Someone else is doing a ps1 emu. He is very talented.

yeah but he is taking AGES.... but let me explain that i KNOW NOTHING about coding :o so do not appreciate how hard it must be. so please do not think i am rude. i appreciate all homebrew, but playing final fantasy 7 and final fantasy tactics on my psp would be awesome. :D

I was once the joke of the n64 scene.

i think that is pretty crazy. is that true? i mean i know absolutely NOTHING about coding or programming. are you saying that within 6 years (how old is n64>?) i could be doing what you are doing?. or is programming and coding getting much harder now?

February 2nd, 2006, 15:58
i think that is pretty crazy. is that true? i mean i know absolutely NOTHING about coding or programming. are you saying that within 6 years (how old is n64>?) i could be doing what you are doing?. or is programming and coding getting much harder now?

If you're dedicated enough and work you ass off then yes. 6 years is a very long time (hell learning in college is only like 4 years).

February 2nd, 2006, 16:11
If you're dedicated enough and work you ass off then yes. 6 years is a very long time (hell learning in college is only like 4 years).
yeah i guess when you put it like that... i mean i do have to work... see women, drink beer, play videogames, etc. phew! i would never have the time. it is much easier to stay a noob and ask people to do stuff for my benefit :rolleyes:

by the way, none of my N64 roms work with ths emu??? :D kidding guys :D

February 2nd, 2006, 17:27
8) there should be a re-count of the votes on Iris
> Hahaha. I lost. I conceeded & I think MrZonk deserves the prize. He put in alot of work as well.

PSmonkey, you never lost out on much. the 4gb drive is a waste of money. I sold mine after a week. Hopeless with everything, from homebrew to movies. Battery life was a joke too. Maybe the neoflash device is better. Do look out for the team xecuter device tho. They're still working on it, officially confirmed on the 11th december by xecuter himself. He's hinted he's gotten round the 4gb limit.

February 2nd, 2006, 17:50
PSmonkey, you never lost out on much. the 4gb drive is a waste of money. I sold mine after a week. Hopeless with everything, from homebrew to movies. Battery life was a joke too. Maybe the neoflash device is better. Do look out for the team xecuter device tho. They're still working on it, officially confirmed on the 11th december by xecuter himself. He's hinted he's gotten round the 4gb limit.

i think it was more for the kudos than the prize. ;)

February 2nd, 2006, 19:43
PSmonkey, you never lost out on much. the 4gb drive is a waste of money. I sold mine after a week. Hopeless with everything, from homebrew to movies. Battery life was a joke too. Maybe the neoflash device is better. Do look out for the team xecuter device tho. They're still working on it, officially confirmed on the 11th december by xecuter himself. He's hinted he's gotten round the 4gb limit.

Eh actualy I was going to sell it and buy MGFox & Produkt a free psp game for all their help on the project. Also it would have just been kind of cool to place first in a compo but its not the end of the world. :)

February 3rd, 2006, 03:22
Does this work for 2.00, because it loads and shows at the top of the menu "no rom loaded". Sorry to be a pain in the but but where do you put the roms, like the two demos included i am a begginner at this

February 3rd, 2006, 03:26
Your using 2.0??? Roms go in F:/n64 folder and you have to load the rom before running the emulation...

February 3rd, 2006, 04:19
What do i use to load the rom before emulation
Do i need any special programs, put it into easy steps
because your talking to retard "me".

February 3rd, 2006, 04:47
Nevermind i got it Thank You for your help
And Thank You PSmonkey For You are the
Hero that answerd the crys of many N64
fans who own psp.

Thank You

February 3rd, 2006, 09:46
And Thank You PSmonkey For You are the
Hero that answerd the crys of many N64
fans who own psp.
Thank You

yeah sure, because now you can play all those N64 games :rolleyes:
did you actually read the beginning of this thread? :confused: there is more chance of xbox selling out in japan than you getting a playable rom on this n64 build :D

February 3rd, 2006, 16:21
supporting to the fullest. respekts monkey. good luck in everything.