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View Full Version : Legend of dragoon

January 22nd, 2009, 01:43
Legend of Dragoon was a good "1st attempt" at an RPG by the company. It just wasn't that good of a game. The story was predictable, and the dragoon attacks were poorly animated and not that impressive, as well as long non skippable sequences. Rose had an attack where what appeared to be black blood dripped from between her legs. There were far too many random battles, which is what drew out the play time, not actual story, the character I liked best was actually killed off, even.

When I first played LOD I liked it, and I still do. But it falls under "decent at best" and the ending was really lame. The one thing I loved about this game was the ending song, but it is easily downloadable off lime wire... not worth putting time into this tedious game.

March 13th, 2009, 18:08
I loved Legend of the Dragoon. I will admit I haven't played in many years so I can't say to much about the story because I don't remember too much. But for its time I loved it. I really liked how they turned it away from the regular rpg and put some action in by using the timed attacks. I really liked using the dragoons, healing while using guard. Just the little things that stood out.
One thing I do remember that I despised in the game was some of the difficulty of the boss battles, and also the villians name was Lloyd. I thought that was the lamest evil name ever, hah.