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View Full Version : 40GB PS3 PS2 full compatible

January 22nd, 2009, 21:02
The 40GB PS3 does fully support all PS2 games and plays them without any problems. It is just not unlocked for the retail consoles. One hint for the sooner or later release of a patch which allows full software emulation is the unlocked PS2 games support in the newest debug and factory firmwares.

Here a video of a 40GB PS3 running in factory mode:



January 22nd, 2009, 21:46
I don't understand why they would have locked it out in the first place?? ...thats if this video is even real?

January 22nd, 2009, 21:49
I don't understand why they would have locked it out in the first place?? ...thats if this video is even real?

Yeah.. Does it cost them anything to enable it?

January 22nd, 2009, 22:39
It's fake. They don't even bother showing the model tag on the back of the PS3, which they WOULD have done for a good fake or real one. The fact they don't show it shows this to be a BAD fake.

Even if it was a 40G PS3, we aren't shown that it was even the PS3 hooked to the monitor. The easiest way to fake this video is to have two PS3s with one just off camera. When he puts the disc in the first, someone else puts the same disc in the off-screen PS3 and TADA! The PS3 is "playing" the disc.

As I said, a really BAD fake.

January 22nd, 2009, 22:58
I hope this isn't a fake so I can put up my ps2, but I don't believe it until it happens.

January 22nd, 2009, 23:35
I don't understand why they would have locked it out in the first place?? ...thats if this video is even real?

If this is real, then surely this means that the latest firmware supports PS2 but has yet to be released .
it doesnt mean the ability is restricted, but simply not yet available as an update


this is easy to fake, the console on show is a 40GB or at least the matt trim is from a 40GB, but it is very simple to hook up another ps3 out of view

also the setting is so poor i doubt it is reality.

January 22nd, 2009, 23:37
lol whats the point in sony locking it? remember what reaction they got when the European PS3 were released with 'reduced' compatibility? locking ps2 bc on a capable console?

i seriously doubt sony would do that and i doubt the video is real.

January 22nd, 2009, 23:56
I already talked to Mathieulh about this before, and he said that the 40GB debug units could play PS2 games, so I see no reason why a 40GB in service mode couldn't either if the PS2 emulator is still there...

January 23rd, 2009, 00:04
I already talked to Mathieulh about this before, and he said that the 40GB debug units could play PS2 games, so I see no reason why a 40GB in service mode couldn't either if the PS2 emulator is still there...

debug units most likely have everything in them.

there is not a chance that current 40GB consoles have the ability to play PS2 games. It makes no sense to remove a paid for feature from use.

If it is possible via software then it will arrive in a firmware update in the short future

January 23rd, 2009, 05:03
Well i think that the video is fake, but the Concept and the Dream of having a PS2 emulator on all PS3 models is real in the video.

All we need is a firmware update that "supposedly" Sony will make

January 23rd, 2009, 13:19
I'm afraid i have to agree with the other posts, the video is way too vague to be conclusive. We must treat it as fake until proved otherwise.
What's with this 'factory mode' too?:confused:

January 23rd, 2009, 15:29
Well the factory mode is the normal Retail version of the PS3 so in that sense the video could be real. But the thing is he doesnt show us enough evidence to say its real

January 23rd, 2009, 22:53
Another thought is that this could be a beta firmware sent to specific companies for testing of upcoming PS2 emulation on all PS3s. It wouldn't be enabled on home machines as it crashes left and right... notice how short the video is. It could be the video is completely true... and they cut it off where they did because it crashed spectacularly right at that point. There's no way you'd allow users to use this feature until it was mostly solid.

January 24th, 2009, 05:39
My thought is that sony made a Goober? I'm not saying the video is correct or incorrect. But In order to sell PS2s there needs to be a need for PS2s. With the 20gb/60gb/80gb(1st version). The PS2 was emulated fairly well and thus people without a PS2 could simply pick up a PS3 and now have both. But this means the PS2s won't be sold off as quickly to make room for the PS3s. By having the PS3 not backwards compatible new games now have to choose between PS2/PS3/other console. PS2 already has a good name and a number of good games and it is cheaper! So it would be a good qualifier for people with less money and they wouldn't feel bad because the current PS3s can't play PS2 games anyway. Once all the PS2 are out of the way and people start buying the PS3. Since they have worked on the emulator they can simply add it in as a update and then the PS2 owners feel stupid for buying a older console when that console could of just been added to the newer console. !!!This is all speculation as well as being able to play PS2 games on 40 GB PS3!!! But I do believe there are possible marketing reasons for not having a PS2 emulator on a PS3.

January 24th, 2009, 12:04
well its can be real, the 60gb models have full emulation thru software so theres no reason why the others cant!

As to why sony would lock it? because the ps2 isnt dead yet and they still want ppl to buy the consoles, if they unlocked it on the ps3 then ull find alot of ps2 consoles in second hand shops!

January 24th, 2009, 15:32
Jonezybaby, the 60GB (save the Euro 60GB, which had partial emulation) had full backwards compatibility, but they slowly removed the PS2 components that made it BC (first the Emotion Engine, then the Graphics Synthesizer).

I'm sure it's either one of two things:
a.) It's running off a debug unit (which might have everything) like Accordion said.
b.) Sony still finds it incomplete and will release it in a future firmware update.

Ultima Chocochu
January 24th, 2009, 23:23
Eeh, call me kind of crazy but...
Isn't the 40GB like the 80GB/60GB about the disc tray thing?
AS in, the disc tray was shiny and reflective...
This one doesn't look shiny or reflective, more so like a 160GB or possibly new 80GB(unsure what the ones without BC look exactly like).
Point is, this video is pretty fishy.

But I must say, it is possible this is real, just unlikely.
I find it hard to believe someone could unlock this when the PS3 is hard to do anything along the lines with.

And one more thing being, I kind of don't expect BC back until the PS2 ceases to exist, so we have around a year or something possibly.

January 25th, 2009, 00:02
Eeh, call me kind of crazy but...
Isn't the 40GB like the 80GB/60GB about the disc tray thing?
AS in, the disc tray was shiny and reflective...
This one doesn't look shiny or reflective, more so like a 160GB or possibly new 80GB(unsure what the ones without BC look exactly like).
Point is, this video is pretty fishy.

But I must say, it is possible this is real, just unlikely.
I find it hard to believe someone could unlock this when the PS3 is hard to do anything along the lines with.

And one more thing being, I kind of don't expect BC back until the PS2 ceases to exist, so we have around a year or something possibly.

the trim is as follows:
BASIC UNIT/20GB - black
REDUCED SPEC/40GB/160GB - matt silver
FULL SPEC/60GB/80GB - chrome

So the console in shot appears to be a reduced spec without hardware BC.