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View Full Version : psp°map - Find PSP players in your area

February 1st, 2006, 20:37

I would like to tell you about a new psp site. I'm a student from germany and I'm working on an example project for my computer-science diploma-thesis.

That project is called psp°map (which stands for 'meet and play') and should help psp owners finding other psp gamers in their area and assist them in organizing meetups.


Some features:

you can add your favorite locations, games and friends
you can set your current location, which other gamers can see (and maybe join you)
add new events (meetups)
the app suggestes possible friends in your area, based on how many same locations you like
it will soon be possible to use your mobile phone to find other gamers near you when you're on the road (e.g. when you missed your train and have some time ...)
AJAX-powered interface

The site is online since yesterday and I hope you check it out and maybe spread the news.

Thanks and bye,

Mario Eckl


February 17th, 2006, 22:21
Thios Is Actually Farly Useful, So Faqr I Have Found 2 Peple To Play With How AMAZING!! *Sarcastic Tone By The Way*