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View Full Version : New Wii Games Can't Unseat Old GameCube Games In Japan

January 29th, 2009, 20:39
Nintendo's strategy of re-releasing classic GameCube games that have been Wii waggle-readied looks to be working, as least in the case of Mario Power Tennis. The "Play on Wii" version is still Japan's favorite game.

That includes the original Wii role-playing game Fragile: Sayonara Tsuki no Haikyo from Namco Bandai, one of two new debuts on this week's top ten. Why bother with new IP, when you can simply repackage? We're sure that folks like Namco Bandai wouldn't mind dusting off a few old GameCubes duds for a quick cash-in.

Other new entries include the Japanese release of Left 4 Dead, which landed at the 12th spot, and the latest Haruhi schlock, Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekidou. *Yawn* Wake me up when Resident Evil 5 madness hits
