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View Full Version : Xbox Live linked to a case of alleged “Child Grooming”

February 3rd, 2009, 21:09
KSEE 24 news is reporting that Xbox Live was the initial point of contact in a case of alleged internet grooming by a Paedophile in America. In brief the allegations are as follows, Edward Stout (27) made initial contact with his alleged victim (15) last April while gaming over Xbox Live. The relationship is reported to have then developed further leading to phone sex and eventually to a meeting in person on January 28th before Stout’s eventual arrest.

This story highlights the need for Parents to be aware that the Xbox 360 and other consoles with online capabilities can be used by paedophiles as a way of meeting children. I sadly doubt this will be the last time that consoles are associated with paedophilia in this way. It should be noted that there are parental controls available on the Xbox 360 that if used properly will prevent your child from being able to be contacted from anyone not on an approved list. Assuming of course that the child can not access the parental master account on the Xbox.
