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View Full Version : Strategic Command WW2 Pacific Gets Patch

February 7th, 2009, 10:35
It's here - the first patch for Furysoftware's Strategic Command WW2 Pacific Theater, v1.01, boasting over 70 improvements, fixes and enhancements to both the game engine as well as the editor - many based on feedback from the fan community forums and email.

Please note, this is a PATCH for the game and will only work for the Battlefront.com English language version of Strategic Command WWII Pacific Theater. This patch will not work with any non-English version of Strategic Command WWII Pacific Theater at this time.


Save games created with earlier versions of the game are NOT compatible with v1.01. Please finish your in-progress games before applying this patch.

If you play the game and notice unplayably slow map scroll speeds and unit selection time, then please activate the "Video Acceleration" option from inside the Settings panel. That option will use a different method to handle graphics and should put your game performance back to regular levels. If you have never noticed any extreme game slowness, you can leave this option set to OFF.

This new game patch includes the optional install of a new, and we think, exciting tool. This tool seamlessly attaches to your internet browser (currently Microsoft Internet Explorer and Firefox supported) and gives you instant access to Battlefront.com game news, patches, demos, chat channel as well as other popular browser toolbar *gadgets* such as realtime weather reports (unique to your hometown!), a spell checker and pop-up blocker. Fully user configurable and expandable, your new Battlefront.com Community toolbar unlocks the full potential of your internet browser to keep you connected with the ever-growing world of Battlefront.com games and resources! You can find more details on this new free utility here: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=388&Itemid=212

Downloads (59.8 MB):

Battlefront Server

More mirrors coming soon


liberated countries that had free units will now have their parental control transferred to themselves if they are a major, otherwise to their new parent
fixed a properties research level display error that did not properly show the maximum levels for minor countries

unit purchases by the AI are no longer sequentially ordered as listed by the campaign script, i.e. selections are now random in nature but still dependant on the assigned values

fixed a Carrier combat error for when the attacking aircraft were reduced to 0 strength

implemented random #FINISH_POSITION arrivals for looped units

added additional AI scripts for when Pearl Harbor captured by the Japanese

fixed an AI unit purchase error when there were no placement tiles remaining

fixed a reinforcement error for Carriers

fixed a surprise combat error for Carriers that had an aircraft strength = 0

fixed a reorganizational error where aircraft did not optimally move to vacant cities that offered better protective cover

optimized sub convoy raiding so that subs do not raid immediately next to an enemy port

fixed a flag display error for SUPPLY events in the activity summary popup

fixed a sub mode change error for E-Mail games

default rating for HQs that are not on the build list is now increased from 3 to 5

fixed a loop increment error for units on either a land or naval loop when loading saved turns

fixed an AI Carrier purchase error that had the AI receive new Carriers with a 'Carrier' strength of 0

implemented further optimizations for land and naval unit upgrades when the AI has extra MPP available

fixed an Industrial technology calculation error that miscalculates occupied 'major' territory MPP

fixed a Chinese convoy to Japan error once China surrenders

fixed an estimated combat losses error for defending Carriers in port

fixed an automatic defensive artillery and anti-aircraft error that would return fire when the unit strength was < 5

fixed an Amphibious Transport
script error for Fortress targets that were set to 'Destroy On Overrun'

fixed an Amphibious Transport supply loss error for when the 'Weather' option was not selected


adjusted the loop arrival positions for the Pearl Harbor naval loop

maximum research limit for AA increased for all nations from 2 to 3

the following percentages transferred by convoy from occupied countries to Japan have been amended as follows:

Australia, from 60% to 100%

China, from 80% to 100%

India, from 60 to 80%

Malaya, from 60 to 100%

Japan now needs to increase the size of her garrisons in Manchukuo by 1st October 1944 to prevent Soviet activation (was 1st January 1944)

The surrender of China will lead to an increase in Soviet activation of 5-10% (was 20-40%)

Japan's Industrial Modifier reduced from 50% to 35%

fixed several 3D Japanese Tactical Bomber sprites

fixed a custom interface error for Operation Z

fixed a Victory/Decision event error for Allied Major Victories

removed the popup wording from the resource script that fires to represent the supply planes flying to China, as it was duplicating the one from the popup script

removed Stilwell from the US and Chinese build lists, will now only be available via the designated UNIT/DECISION events

removed Chennault from the US build list, will now only be available via the designated UNIT/DECISION events

added AI unit Garrisons for Wellington and Papeete

added additional AI scripts and improvements for US Amphibious planning

added additional AI scripts and improvements for the USSR as well as US Fleet movements

US oil
well in 197,19 will now only benefit the allied AI, activating on the 1st January 1942

land tile NW of Hawaii at 141,32 changed to a sea tile

land tile at Johnston (135,37) changed to a sea tile

land tile NW of Borneo (40,46) changed to a sea tile

land tile W of Nagasaki (65,26) changed to a sea tile

kamikazes will now not appear before 1944

Japan's Industrial Efficiency now starts at 55% (it was 50%)

China is now set to Full Scorched Earth

unit scripts added for Japanese sponsored forces to be raised from Chinese collaborators

AI's fortification scripts in China renamed from Changsha to Chungking

the surrender of Australia will no longer lead to an increase in Soviet activation

Soviet 1944 and 1945 activation scripts amended

Soviet troop deployment script title and popup text amended from "Stalin
forms the Transbaikal Front" to "The USSR Mobilizes The Transbaikal Front"

Japanese units can now be adjacent to Manchouli, Kiamusze, Yenki, Tsitsihar and Harbin to prevent Soviet activation, they do not need to be actually in the city

Chinese and Soviet amphibious transports now have only 4 action points (was 5)

Long Range Air can now have five chits invested

the price of Soviet Tank Groups has been raised from 250 to 280MPPs

number of atomic bombs reduced to a maximum of eight

there is now a 50% chance that the Midget submarines will attack Brisbane rather than Sydney. The attack dates will also now vary

damage caused by Chinese partisans in Manchukuo reduced slightly

post-surrender partisan scripts added for China at Chengchow (46,25) and Kweiyang (36,30)

partisan script that was producing partisans in the mountains NW of Peking has been amended so that the partisans will now be able to move towards Peking or Paotow

Chinese partisans have had their soft defence factor reduced from 2 to 1

Brisbane port is now US

US Forces deploy in Samoa script amended, so that there is now a 50% chance of the Tank unit deploying at Asau (133,56) and an equal chance of it deploying at Apla (136,58)

8th Army unit script amended so that it will not arrive before 1st Jan 1943

if the allies capture Mukden it will massively increase Soviet readiness

popup wording for the Manchukuo garrison script 1944 changed to read: Stalin Takes An Increasing Interest In The Far East

Canadian RCAF Coastal bombers amended to arrive in the PQ from 10th Jan 1942 to 20th February 1942

fixed a SUPPLY script error regarding the "Hump"
