View Full Version : MMi Cydia™ Crawler - Big Updates

February 8th, 2009, 08:49
A few weeks back, we launched our /Cydia section on MMi - which catalogs and displays packages from tons of repositories for Jay Freeman's Cydia™ application.

We've been working hard to improve this area, and have added some great features, including:
Comments. You can now comment on any package we catalog, simply by pressing reply. It works off your ModMyi.com login, and even shows your avatar if you have one.
Rating. Like an app/theme? Hate it? Rate it. Hover over the stars and click between 1-5 stars.
RSS. Lot's of people asked for this, so we've now got it. MMi is the only place you can get an RSS feed of the recent items in Cydia.
