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View Full Version : Possibly Maybe…

February 8th, 2009, 22:57
The Saatchi website has a monthly competition for members to submit their work to be voted by the community.
I have only recently joined and uploaded a small selection of my own work or display, along with my first entry in the "showdown" competition, of which voting begins tomorrow 09-02-2009 9 AM GMT.

I welcome your thoughts and criticism

My page:

The competition entry:

If you like the piece then please rate it, with the sheer amount of work on the site i highly doubt i will win, but the ratings would be greatly appreciated.

I am quite happy to engage further conversation about my work if there is any interest.

February 8th, 2009, 23:14
You showed me the dandelion work over PSN before and I am still as impressed as I was when I first saw it.
Voting doesn't open till 9am tomorrow so I will vote then.
I have a question though.
What was the inspiration behind the dandelion art and what kind of message are you trying to convey?

February 8th, 2009, 23:28
It was a long time ago, the main issue was human expression, a backhand attack of egotistical display perhaps… A metamorphosis hidden.

Its hard to explain, which serves it well. Born from experimenting with economic material usage, my confusion of the desire to display my work and my disgust of the act. Its an idea that carried me further than i deserved and i have yet to best.

The structure economics, the image dismayed metamorphosis, the text fertilizer and camouflage.

The pin-screen is a continuation of sorts, though the resonance of the dandelion piece is still much unknown to me. Somehow the idea came to me, carried me to conclusion, now leaves me waiting.

February 8th, 2009, 23:44
I got a different vibe from it.
The message I get from it is that no matter how much many tries, it can never dictate to or control nature. Man must realise that as much as evolved and superior we claim to be, we can't escape the fact that we were created to be part of something and not masters of it.
I could go into more detail but I'm off the mark of the creators message, so I won't.
I will say this though. It goes to show the subjectivity of art that the same piece can send so many different messages to different people.

February 8th, 2009, 23:53
That was part of it actually. The idea of a cycle, especially one rooted to a large base is intended.

Regardless, never read the white box until your eyes are opened.

February 9th, 2009, 00:00
Rest assured, I shall be rating at 9am. ;)


beetroot bertie
February 9th, 2009, 19:50
Like it very much.

I interpreted it as a symbol of mankind spreading across the planet, propagation in mass numbers with each figure on the plant being the seed of another and so on. As if we're a part of nature but regarded as a weed too, due to our inability to live harmoniously with the planet and perhaps as a metaphor to our abilities to agressively take over areas.

Good luck with your submission Accordion.

February 9th, 2009, 20:00
great interpretation.

Like i said, the dandelion piece is beyond me.