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View Full Version : Sony: ‘Resistance Retribution’ Does Not Have a $60 Cheat Code

February 9th, 2009, 17:48
Players of the upcoming PSP game “Resistance: Retribution” will be able to unlock several otherwise-inaccessible features in the game if they also own the $60 “Resistance 2.” Is that a fair deal?
On Friday morning I went to the basement level of a Manhattan restaurant in order to be shown what the PS3 can do for Sony’s next big PSP game.
“Resistance: Retribution,” a March 17 third-person shooter from Sony Bend, was wired to a PS3 in an alcove that would normally be used to feed a family of four. A flat-screen TV was on the table, and a Sony producer wanted to show me the two ways the PSP and PS3 could connect in order to enhance the handheld game.
A PSP-Plus feature allowed the game to be controlled with a PS3 controller, transferring the controls from the single-stick PSP scheme to a dual-stick via the PS3 controller. The transfer deactivated the game’s aim-assist feature. The game’s controls page changed to display a PS3 schematic instead of a PSP. I was told the game might control more conventionally this way, but would be more challenging to play.

The other feature, Infected Mode, was a lot more involved.
It changed the game’s lead-character, James Grayson, by infecting him with an enemy Chimera virus, turning his eyes orange and changing his outfit.
It dropped the game’s health-pack-oriented health system (and eliminated health packs from the game), replacing it with the “Halo“-style regenerating health seen in the bulk of both “Resistance” PS3 games.
It gave the lead character the ability to breathe underwater.
It armed him with a new weapon from “Resistance 2,” the HE .44 Magnum.
It changed the game’s cut-scenes and dialogue, which now reflected the wariness allied characters have of the infected lead guy.
It pulled a “LEGO Star Wars” and allowed Chimera-locked doors to open and grant access to hidden areas and Intel.
It did a lot.
None of these features is accessible to people who just buy the PSP game. They are all only experienced by anyone who hooks the PSP game to the PS3’s “Resistance 2.” I asked the Sony reps showing the game if, as cool as all this was, it amounted to a $60 cheat code. After all, it’s not like there’s anything on the “Resistance 2″ disc making this possible other than some sort of digital handshake. Their answer was that “Resistance Retribution” is already “a full experience.” They described the game as lasting 12 hours without the Infected mode. The additions earned through connecting the two games? They say it’s a bonus for fans of the series who own multiple copies.
The Infected Mode lingersin the PSP game as long as the system is powered on or asleep. It is removed when the system is powered down, which means players wouldn’t be able to rent a copy of “Resistance 2″ and permanently unlock Infected Mode in “Retribution.” You’d need to own it.
Infected Mode can be used strategically. The PSP game will allow re-Infections at any point throughout its campaign, which will allow some players, if they’re in a bind, to briefly Infect their game if they think the alternate play style is what the need to proceed.
So… fair deal? Is this a welcome reward for those who own both games, one that doesn’t slight purchasers of just the PSP game? Or is it a $60 cheat code? You decide.


February 9th, 2009, 18:35
This is why it is good to own the games you like... I think this is more of a reward on Sony's part than a "$60 cheat code"

Sony is simply rewarding those that are loyal to them... Isn't that good?

P.S: Plus, if you ask me, its a genius marketing manouver... That why they can incite people into buying Resistance 2 also. Also it is another thing people begged for and that is PSP-PS3 connectivity/interactivity. There's still lot to be done, but they are on the right track.

February 9th, 2009, 18:42
There is nothing wrong with this at all. I think its great. I do have Resistance 2 for the PS3 and after playing the DEMO for Resistance Retribution on the PSP I can say that both games are worth owning / playing.

I would like to see more games utilize this type of interaction between PS3/PSP.

February 9th, 2009, 19:47
I have to disagree with the first two responses.

I don't own a PS3, or ever plan to get one. So why should I get less of the full game content because I haven't shelled out a ridiculous amount of money for a mediocre console?

It's just another way to try and hook you / stick it to you, IMHO.

Is the FPS genre so stagnant that this is the best 'new game mechanic' they can come up with? Please.

February 9th, 2009, 19:55
Did you read right? The game is complete without the PS3. It is just an extra bonus.

And the FPS genre isn't stagnated... It's overly saturated... There's WAAAYY too many.

Developers need to aim for less used genres like Graphical Adventure... THere's lots of potential in less used genres if you know how to tap into it

February 9th, 2009, 20:11
The FPS genre is only saturated on the home consoles (Xbox360, PS3), the PSP has very little library on the FPS genre, there's only two tittles and their respective sequels.

On topic, I don't consider this as a 60 bucks cheat code, you're getting another game not just the cheat, and I mean Resistance 2, not infected mode.

And also in the end someone will crack this open and add the infected feature for the people who doesn't have a PS3 or Resistance 2, so why worry about it?

I plan on getting a PS3 sometime this year, and this feature seems really nice, although it also feels a little like a douche move from $ony.

meeh!, both games look great, so why not get both?

February 9th, 2009, 20:16
personally i cant wait for another decent fps for the PSP

February 9th, 2009, 20:43
Personally, I don't care because odds are someone will find a way to use CWCheat to unlock infected mode without a PS3.

February 9th, 2009, 20:46
Who cares? Someone will hack the PSP version using a homebrew app to unlock infected mode anyway.

February 9th, 2009, 20:50
Seeing as that $60 buys you another complete game i really cant see how this $60 cheat code idea can be taken seriously.

Also, if the game stays infected during sleep, then you can keep it infected indefinitely. The PSP lasts days in sleep mode, and all you need to do is keep it charged.

February 9th, 2009, 21:18
I do not own or plan to own a PS3 and I didn't buy my PSP as a PS3 accessory they try to make it nowadays.

Loyal? Loyal to a brand? Sony "rewarding" you?

How old are some of you? That's just dirty marketing.

It's even dirtier than Namco and Soul Calibur 4 DLC.

February 9th, 2009, 23:05
Who the hell are YOU? Coming here and insulting people just because you don't agree with opinions. I'm the one to ask you: "HOW OLD ARE YOU?!"

If you don't own a darn PS3 fine. Suck it up it and shut up.

Of course it is marketing! How the hell do you think companies should survive? Giving away stuff? Don't come with that kind of view on life... You sound to me like a dirty pirate how doesn't want to pay for a game. Call it dirty if you want, I call it "Smart"

February 10th, 2009, 00:11
Think this is actually a brilliant idea and hope more game series take it up... something like a few extra guns/chars/levels or just a change to standard gameplay after pairing it with another from its series is a pretty cool thing to do with a game. Also it hopefully means ppl will BUY retribution instead of just pirating it. (prob not)

Ultima Chocochu
February 10th, 2009, 00:30
60 buck cheat?
That's a dumb way to put it, as it's stated, it's more so rewarding those whom are fans of the series.

And to a certain person who called the PS3 mediocre, it's your loss you don't get the add-on
And I hate to say, a company can add something for their customers through other games...Just like you can't get all Pokemon from one version.
So seriously, if you don't think you should have to get a PS3 to get that or what it may be, don't buy Retribution OR just be a non-complaining person and deal with it.

Edit: Just forgot to say a thing or two for people complaining about Marketing/PS3
Is having to pay to play a game online really fair? Especaially since you already own the game/pay for internet, I don't think so but you won't complain about something, that in a sense, Is the same.
Content in which you have to pay for, Only difference in my opinion, if you own R2 you're set, and awarding fans of a series makes more sense.

February 10th, 2009, 02:33
i think it's smart and cool all at the same time yeah i hope the game does well since sony puts alot of efforts into it's first party titles

@ the pokemon reference, they have basically sold photocopies of the same game for ages don't play anything after pokemon red lol!!

February 10th, 2009, 03:10
I would probably care more if this affected a better game.

A better way to do is to unlock the infected mode after you beat the game.

February 10th, 2009, 12:58
Who the hell are YOU? Coming here and insulting people just because you don't agree with opinions. I'm the one to ask you: "HOW OLD ARE YOU?!"

If you don't own a darn PS3 fine. Suck it up it and shut up.

Of course it is marketing! How the hell do you think companies should survive? Giving away stuff? Don't come with that kind of view on life... You sound to me like a dirty pirate how doesn't want to pay for a game. Call it dirty if you want, I call it "Smart"

And I simply call you a tool for falling for that.

Some people have opinions such stupid, they require a serious smack in the head.

No further comments required.

February 10th, 2009, 13:06
My friend... I've been a gamer longer than you have been alive most likely... No s*** a** kid is going to come here and call me a tool...

How can I fall for something I'm not into? I do not own a PS3 and most likely never will... Since I've stopped almost all my gaming activities to concentrate on development of games.

I do state however, that if I were Sony, I would have done the exact same thing to promote sales that we all know are doing so well...

You are limited beyond comprehension if you do not understand that people are aknowledging good marketing manouevers which is what Sony is lacking.

Quote: "No further comments required"

And I reiterate: "Thou art a Pirate... Arrrrr!"

February 11th, 2009, 03:50
i think it's smart and cool all at the same time yeah i hope the game does well since sony puts alot of efforts into it's first party titles

@ the pokemon reference, they have basically sold photocopies of the same game for ages don't play anything after pokemon red lol!!

LOL NO. PLAY MOAR don't listen to him and his fanboy lies.