View Full Version : WordDS v0.4.1

February 9th, 2009, 21:06
News via nintendomax (http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php?topic_id=9531&format=news)

Frezzy performs an update to its text editor "WordDS" exclusively devoted to a new design

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February 9th, 2009, 23:08
Provided the save files arn't corrupt, I'll write my review of dsword ON dsword. However even wit the complaints I'll bring foreward, I have to say I'm encouraged by what I see so far.

February 11th, 2009, 18:00
Bump post.


A good start to an extent. After all it has the advantage of me being able to read what's on the screen without squinting and being able to save/load, which already beats out most other text editors on this handheld. Also like that it tries faking formatting by doing everything in html, though as I recall word perfect did full on formatting way back in dos era, so I have to wonder why resorting to html to do formatting (and not even show it on screen mind you, it just throws in the tags for later rendering).

the keyboard's servicable, but to be honest, I'd have liked it if they'd made better use of screen realestate by going wall to wall rather than have the keypad as an insert as well as borrowing nintendo's idea of using tabbs (though this i'd preffer on the top than to the side) that let you swap between character sets. Additionally while I like the save/load buttons and the overall interfacing. When you've got the keyboard up, you don't need save/load. Put it as a tab option, or at the very least shrink the buttons so you have larger keys, please.

Lastly, and this is a deal breaker, after Woritter (dunno if i'm spelling it right) 91 it wouldn't scroll anymore and overlapped text for another five or six lines before refusing to add ANYTHING.

As a way to end on a positive. I like the keytap sounds. Nice little touch I wish more people would add (there's a program for windows/linux that has typewriter sounds, and even a separate noise for return (carriage return). Leave it in, I like it.