View Full Version : how to tell if your PSP is hackable or not

plow king321
February 10th, 2009, 09:54
Originally posted by Draik from PSP Slim Hacks (http://forums.pspslimhacks.com/user-help/121-psp-hackable-allow-me-answer.html)

First thing's first, know your PSP.

There are three types of PSPs:
1- 1000 Series (Also known as Phat/Fat)
2- 2000 Series (Also known as Slim or Lite & Slim)
3- 3000 Series (Also known as Brite)

Now, what do I mean by "Hackable"?
That means you can install a Custom Firmware (CFW) on it. The most popular (& sometimes only) way to do it is by using a Pandora Battery & Magic Memory Stick (MMS).

Why Hack a PSP?
A Hacked PSP could run Homebrew, which are programs that have been developed by people that don’t have a contract with Sony. A PSP with Custom Firmware could also back up your games from the UMD to your computer; it also allows you to play those backups from your Memory Stick (MS). You could also do some serious customizations to your theme. Basically, you free your PSP from the hands of Sony.

Why can't I hack 'this' PSP?
'This' PSP probably has a TA-088v3 (Found in some 2000 series units) or TA-090v2 (Found in all 3000 series units) Motherboard, both of which are unhackable, as in, you can't install CFW on them.

Let’s start now.

All 1000 Series PSPs are hackable to date.
To some, there are other methods than just using a Pandora & an MMS.

On the other hand, 2000 Series are a little complicated. There are old units, new units, & really new units. The old ones contain Motherboards released before the TA-088v3, and are all hackable. The new ones have TA-088v3 Motherboards, and are unhackable. Finally, the really new ones, those have TA-090v1 Motherboards, which are hackable.
There are 7 different ways to tell whether a 2000 series PSP is hackable or not, but we'll get to that later on (and this is the main topic of this post/guide).

Finally, the 3000 series PSPs, all of those have the TA-090v2 Motherboard, which are unhackable to date.
Though, there is hope for the PSP 3000 series. According to Dark_AleX, he was able to utilize an error in the game "Grip Shift" which allowed him to install Custom Firmware. So, if you have a PSP 3000, or a TA-088v3 Motherboard 2000 series PSP, rush & get your hands on a European (PAL, region 2) version of the game.

Here’s a list of all the Motherboards made & released by Sony:
Of course, new updates might come to change everything one day, & that's why there's a date at the start of the topic (To indicate when this topic was last updated).

So, now it's easy to tell whether a 1000 series and a 3000 series are hackable or not. The only complication is when trying to figure out a 2000 Series PSP. Whether you want to know before you buy it, or before you bother learning how to hack it, you choose the way that suits you best.

I want to note that most of the information I know I learned through research. So far, I can't tell whether a PSP has a TA-090v1 Motherboard or a TA-088v3 Motherboard. But, I could tell whether it's an old unit (Before TA-088v3) or a new one in general (TA-088v3 & after).

One final note, nothing could indicate that your PSP is 100% unhackable other than an actual failed attempt to hack it.

1- What is the Firmware the PSP came with?
The original firmware that came with the PSP right out of the box is an indication of its Motherboard, & here’s the list:
3.60 Official Firmware: Hackable.
3.71 Official Firmware: Hackable.
3.72 Official Firmware: Hackable.
3.80 Official Firmware: Hackable.
3.90 Official Firmware: Hackable.
3.95 Official Firmware: Hackable.
4.01 Official Firmware: Has a Very High Chance of being Unhackable.

Any brand new PSP with Official Firmware higher than 4.01 is unhackable (Except for TA-090v1 Motherboards, & I’m not sure which Firmware comes with them).

If you updated to any Firmware, that doesn’t matter. This only applies on the PSP’s Original Firmware that it was shipped with.

2- What is the PSP's Serial Number?
The Serial Number is found on a label where the battery is supposed to go (As shown in the picture "SERIAL No.")
This isn’t something serious or very helpful, but with more research, it could be.
At the moment, it focuses mostly on Piano Black PSPs.
If that serial starts with HU2, then the PSP most likely has a TA-088v3 Motherboard (And that the PSP is Piano Black).
Any other serial (Say starting with HC or HB or HJ) doesn’t matter at the moment.

3- What's the unit's Identification letter (A letter on a label on the box that indicates what version it has)?
Here's a picture of a label found on the PSP box that has the letter on it:

Note that this label is only present on an original style box (The small, normal box. Not like those large "Limited Edition" Boxes).

Anyways, See the G there?

PSP-2000 CW

That G is the letter in question. Here's a list of all the letters that the 2000 series ship with:
(No Letter) = 3.60
A = 3.71
B = Doesn’t exist
C = 3.72
D = Doesn’t exist
E = 3.80
F = 3.90
G = 3.95 (TA-088v1) / 4.01 (TA-088v2) / 4.01 (TA-088v3)

If the letter is absent or is from A to F, then it's hackable.
If it's a G, it's 60 to 67% Hackable (Though since everyone is looking for the hackable ones & no one’s buying the unhackable ones, I'd say that this percentage went all the way down to about 30% hackable).
Some Labels have an extra code written on it, usually “ss259”. That doesn’t matter, just look for the Capital Letter next to it.

Note that the G PSP in the picture is my personal PSP. It came with a 3.95 Official Firmware (OFW) & I hacked it (Has Custom Firmware 5.00 M33-4 5.02 GEN-A (Full)).

4- What's the Box's Serial Number?
If your box doesn't have a label with a letter in it, like the G in the third method, then it should have a label with another serial that's not related to the PSP unit.http://en.netlogstatic.com/p/oo/020/349/20349608.jpg
Note that American 2000 series (2001 PSPs) & Japanese PSPs (Both 1000 series & 2000 series) Don’t have those date codes on them, just like the 2001 Piano Black PSP pictured above.

The 2000 Series Date Codes go as follows:
7C: Hackable.
7D: Hackable.
7(Any later Letter): Hackable.

8A: Hackable.
8B: Hackable.
8C: Has Very High Chance that it is Unhackable.
8D: Unhackable.

This information isn’t 100% valid. I’m still doing some research on it, & I will be updating it every so often.

6- Using Dark_AleX's TA-088v3 Identifier:
I'll just post a link to the location I found it at. I don't plan on testing it, as I find it rather useless.
It's just a method for those in denial to accept the truth.
Basically, it's just like testing out a Pandora with an MMS, if it doesn't work, it means it's a TA-088v3 Motherboard.
(Link: http://forums.exophase.com/showthread.php?p=47672#post47672 )
I personally am disappointed by it, as I thought it would actually spell out the type of motherboard in the PSP...
I'm also not sure how this would react to the TA-090v1 Motherboards, but if I had to guess, I'd say it'd react the same way a hackable motherboard would (the PSP would shut down).

7- If it's a Limited Edition PSP, here's the list of the ones I know of so far:
Daxter Limited Edition Pack, comes with 3.80 OFW & a TA-085v2 Motherboard, and is hackable.
God of War Limited Edition Pack, comes with 3.95 OFW & a TA-088v2 Motherboard, and is hackable, & cool too
Madden 09 Limited Edition Pack, comes with either 3.95 OFW & a TA-088v2 Motherboard ~~OR~~ 4.01 OFW & a TA-088v3 Motherboard. If it's 3.95, it's hackable, but if it's 4.01, then it's not, as simple as that.

If anyone would like to discuss any of these methods with me, either to contradict them or help me improve my theories on them, a PM, IM, E-Mail or any other form of message would do to get us started.

There is one method I'd like to say has nothing to do with whether the PSP is hackable or not:
The PSP series full number (2000/2001/20002/etc) just as seen in both pictures (2001 black PSP Slim, & 2000 White PSP Slim) Those have nothing to do with whether the PSP is hackable or not, it's just an indication of the region of the PSP.

& Here's the list:
2000- Japan
2001- United States (American)
2002- Australia/New Zealand
2003- United Kingdom
2004- Europe
2005- Korea
2006- Hong Kong/Singapore
2007- Taiwan
2008- Russia
2009- China
2010- Mexico

Also, if a PSP is hackable, the Firmware on it has nothing to do with its Hackability.
Whether it had 1.00 Official Firmware, 4.00 Official Firmware, 4.01 Official Firmware, 5.00 Official Firmware, or even the latest 5.03 Official Firmware, if the 2000 series PSP doesn’t have a TA-088v3 Motherboard, then it can be hacked.

February 10th, 2009, 17:59
IMO this should become a sticky, very useful for people looking for a PSP that can run CFW

I knew only some of the Madden NFL PSPs were hackable, guess I got my slim just in time

February 10th, 2009, 18:02
awesome post thanks muchly and ive stuck it too :)

February 11th, 2009, 23:00
actually there are ways to find out,if your psp is hackable.I worked with dark alex to create a psp hack detector 2 years ago,and its working perfectly.Its called PSPhackT,downlaod it if you find it,you might not be able too,because we never released it.Anyways,download it and put it in game saves folder,pick it when you open saves folder from XMB and its will run a test,when the test is done,it will give you a answer for 5 questions,that need to be YES for you to hack your psp.

plow king321
February 12th, 2009, 10:49
awesome post thanks muchly and ive stuck it too :)

awsome thanks guys

February 14th, 2009, 17:33
Hey, i just found this post and looked at my PSP slim's serial number beneath the battery and it starts HU1. In the guide it says HU2 means unhackable, but HC, HB or HJ means hackable. What does HU1 mean? Hackable? I sadly can't remember what firmware it came on and none of the other options are suitable either.

Edit: Just wondering...is it possible that the second letter in the serial number is to do with region (eg U = USA, J = Japan). I ask because mine is American and has a U.

plow king321
February 16th, 2009, 07:06
Hey, i just found this post and looked at my PSP slim's serial number beneath the battery and it starts HU1. In the guide it says HU2 means unhackable, but HC, HB or HJ means hackable. What does HU1 mean? Hackable? I sadly can't remember what firmware it came on and none of the other options are suitable either.

Edit: Just wondering...is it possible that the second letter in the serial number is to do with region (eg U = USA, J = Japan). I ask because mine is American and has a U.
read this:
Any other serial (SAY starting with HC or HB or HJ) doesn’t matter at the moment.

so i think that hu1 is downgradable

February 23rd, 2009, 08:35
Ha just my luck I just picked up a very nice psp off ebay and it has the (HU2)

my question is this would it be possible to just buy a hackable motherboard say TA-085v1?

If this is possible or if someone has swapped out the board and it worked please let me know.

If not well I guess I have to test it :) thanks guys

plow king321 nice work

February 27th, 2009, 04:28

March 19th, 2009, 23:16
so the newest possible motherboards the slim 200x ones have is the ta-090v1?

March 25th, 2009, 06:25
Sifjar, were you ever able to downgrade your PSP? I have the same issue of having a PSP with the HU1 serial number...

March 25th, 2009, 06:26
or is there any other way to tell without having the box? I threw it out before I knew I would need it.

April 2nd, 2009, 16:08
thanx dis is a sik way but i tried with all the firmwares on my psp slim&lite2003cw and they dont work???

April 29th, 2009, 16:43
I hav a Slim PSP 2006
Serial No:HE04....
Battery:3.6 v 1200mAh
Firmware: Ver 4.05 OFW

is it hackable....Its in a bricked state :mad:
so no clue abt the mother type

June 22nd, 2009, 00:07
the 3004 red and white psp has the C letter instead of G. Does this mean it is 3,72 -hackbale ?

June 23rd, 2009, 19:54
i couldnt know my psp motherboard type because its hidden but my psp is 3004 what should i do

June 23rd, 2009, 20:23
b.t.w its silver an i only found a code starts with b

June 24th, 2009, 20:07
The psp 3000 motherboard TA88v3 can be hacked :D

June 26th, 2009, 09:27
could you tell me how i heard it can be hacked to install programs only

June 27th, 2009, 05:28

June 27th, 2009, 05:30

July 6th, 2009, 00:04
I'm confused, the first post has a chart of which psp's can be hacked and the other column is "creates pandora". What does it mean if your PSP can be hacked but can't "create pandora". I have a Daxter PSP, does this mean I can't use a pandora battery on it?

August 14th, 2009, 02:08
If I have a psp whose serial # begins with AB025 or higher, is it hackable?

August 14th, 2009, 23:01
Don't know about that, but any date code 8B or loewe and you're fine.

August 16th, 2009, 10:46
I don’t think it’s hackable, because it only applies to those with internet access and why on earth do you think psp’s can be hacked?

August 17th, 2009, 16:29
What about this (http://cgi.ebay.com/SONY-NEW-PSP-2000-PLAYSTATION-HANDHELD-GAME-CONSOLE_W0QQitemZ320410758084QQcmdZViewItemQQptZVi deo_Games?hash=item4a99f82bc4&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14) PSP? What are the chances it is hackable?

August 22nd, 2009, 18:03
Sorry for double post, bump for answer to my question above.

December 14th, 2009, 06:33
Is this Hackable.

4.01 Official Firmware
Serial number - HE3xxxx
unit's Identification letter- G
no date code mentioned....

December 22nd, 2009, 11:56
hi ive got the psp slim 2003 (HB) n the date code is 8c......but ive brought in the psp with the Ofirmware of 4.05......... is ths hackable????
if not im doomed ,cause i gotta hack it before boxing day for my bro........... :S

January 13th, 2010, 20:09
To add to the limited edition PSPs, the Dissidia: Final Fantasy bundle is a PSP 3000, it says so right on the packaging, and I've tried already with mine, to no avail.

February 6th, 2010, 19:14
Thanks for sharing, i learnt alot, thanks i bought a psp that was already hacked :D

March 16th, 2010, 20:44
3- What's the unit's Identification letter (A letter on a label on the box that indicates what version it has)?
Here's a picture of a label found on the PSP box that has the letter on it:

Note that this label is only present on an original style box (The small, normal box. Not like those large "Limited Edition" Boxes).

Anyways, See the G there?

PSP-2000 CW

That G is the letter in question. Here's a list of all the letters that the 2000 series ship with:
(No Letter) = 3.60
A = 3.71
B = Doesn’t exist
C = 3.72
D = Doesn’t exist
E = 3.80
F = 3.90
G = 3.95 (TA-088v1) / 4.01 (TA-088v2) / 4.01 (TA-088v3)

If the letter is absent or is from A to F, then it's hackable.

I have a question.. Brand New Sony PSP-2001PB/98510 still in the box with factory seals intact. The serial number is posted on the outside and it begins with AB. Is it hackable ?

March 16th, 2010, 21:25
I have a question.. Brand New Sony PSP-2001PB/98510 still in the box with factory seals intact. The serial number is posted on the outside and it begins with AB. Is it hackable ?

Yes, your PSP is the 2000 series. Forget the fourth digit, it's useless in the world of PSP hacking because we know them either as the 'slim' or '2000'. :cool:

To start you on your magical journey...


March 16th, 2010, 22:01
Thanks. I will try to buy it and hack it. Thanks again! :)

July 6th, 2010, 14:24
Hello, i m back. I was fail not to get this psp 2001 I mentioned last March, I think.

I want to go to pawn or gamestop but I need to make sure I understand.

The 2000 Series Date Codes go as follows:

7C: Hackable.
7D: Hackable.
7(Any later Letter): Hackable.

8A: Hackable.
8B: Hackable.

Along with below:


Then they are hackable, correct?

July 6th, 2010, 22:13
Any date code starting with 7 is hackable (ie. 7x where x is a random letter). Date codes 8A and 8B are okay as well. Anything else higher is partially or totally unhackable. Please note that only the European PSPs have them, the American and Japanese consoles do not have date codes printed inside the battery compartment. In that case you will have to work out the firmware version from the serial number instead.

July 6th, 2010, 22:20
Hi there!

Oh, ok...

I have studied and found the serial no. which is AB21XXXXXX and below as well as HU21XXXXX through HU33XXXXX along with HBXXXXXXX and HJXXXXXXX are hackable, am I correct ?

July 7th, 2010, 02:41
Hello ? Am I correct about that ? I need to know sooner before I can go to pawn to buy psp slim.

July 9th, 2010, 12:37
Can you help me out ? It is the last question I ever ask and thats all. Thanks.

July 9th, 2010, 23:49
I can't say for sure as I've not used that method of working out the hackability of a 2000 series PSP. There's isn't much info on that to determine accurately what's a good and bad one. All I've heard is a serial starting at HU2 is most likely a TA-88v3 that's unhackable and anything else could be fully or partially hackable. That's all I can say on the subject.

December 14th, 2010, 07:02
hi members and admins...
im just new here and i have to tell you something about this thread
this thread is not officially written by him
im not destroying him im just saying the truth
you want a prove guys? and admins? here it is!:

so you believe me now that this is just a copy and not a self work!? suggesting for thread closure!

but if you not believe me...
ok banned me its ok but im just saying the truth!

December 14th, 2010, 20:37
This thread stays open and you shall not receive a ban either. Instead, I have edited the first post to show the info was posted on another site. Sometimes folks forget to issue credit to the original source by linking back.

December 16th, 2010, 11:34
This thread stays open and you shall not receive a ban either. Instead, I have edited the first post to show the info was posted on another site. Sometimes folks forget to issue credit to the original source by linking back.

its easy to give credits....
i can tell why people is not giving credits to the original work of that because they want the other people to amaze with them....
i can feel it because i also made a thread... people's stealing them and not giving an credits....
so i stop working an thread because of that... stealing :(

June 19th, 2021, 13:21
All you have to do is go to system settings then system information and look at what the system software is. If it has SE/OE/LE/M33/GEN after the firmware version number then you have custom firmware. monday (https://www.crmsoftwaremonday.vip/) </p>

July 22nd, 2021, 10:03
All you have to do is go to system settings then system information and look at what the system software is. If it has SE/OE/LE/M33/GEN after the firmware version number then you have custom firmware.
This is a very old topic!