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View Full Version : If you could have a superpower...

Blue Protoman
February 15th, 2009, 03:12
If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

I'd take PSI, from the MOTHER series. In other words, three games and a remake, over the course of 20 years. :(

PSI would allow me to:
-Unleash some energy-based attack (PK Rockin/PK LOVE)
-Blind people (PK Flash)
-Protect myself and others (Shield/PSI Shield)
-Heal myself and others (Lifeup/Healing)
-Warp to places I've been before (Teleport)
-Put people to sleep (PSI Hypnosis)
-Disorient people (Brainshock)
-Paralyse people (Paralysis)
-Shoot fire from my fingers (PK Fire)
-Freeze stuff (PK Freeze)
-Strike stuff with lightning (PK Thunder)
-Fire lasers (PK Beam)
-Summon a meteor shower (PK Starstorm)
-Hit harder (Offense Up)
-Reinforce/Weaken stuff (Defense Up/Down)
-Move faster (Quick Up)
-Control nearby earth (PK Ground)

Long list, ain't it? That's Earthbound for ya!

Go on, now. I answered the thread's question. Let's see you do it!

February 15th, 2009, 03:13
Ability to warp time and space. You can't go wrong with being immortal, indestructable, and all powerful.

February 15th, 2009, 10:17
regeneration, like Claire from Heroes.

that would make my life complete. I doubt I would ever go on the internet again as long as I lived.

I would spend my time jumping off of cliffs, in front of cars, and other assorted things I couldn't do now, because I'd die, or get severely injured.

Blue Protoman
February 15th, 2009, 17:08
regeneration, like Claire from Heroes.

that would make my life complete. I doubt I would ever go on the internet again as long as I lived.

I would spend my time jumping off of cliffs, in front of cars, and other assorted things I couldn't do now, because I'd die, or get severely injured.

Does this include regenerating when you die of age?

February 16th, 2009, 02:53
Teleportation, X-ray vision, super strenght

February 16th, 2009, 05:35
I want to be just like Robin! :p

February 16th, 2009, 10:18
I want the superpower to grow big hands.

February 17th, 2009, 02:00
Top 10 disgusting super powers:

1. Eat unlimited supplies of pizza without
needing a dump.
2. Having sperm that tastes like chocolate milk.
3. Unlimited sperm.
4. Turning my poo into Easter eggs.
5. Ability to make any woman in the world, at any time, to make wild, passionate love with me then forgot about it.
6. Testicles the size of bean bags so I dont need a chair.
7. Unlimited supply of boogies so i can pick my nose all day.
8. Ability for my farts to smell like air freshner.
9.Turn my urine into Fosters Larger cos its the same thing.
10. Ability for my penis to talk cos its man's best friend.

February 17th, 2009, 15:26
I want to be just like Robin! :p

Why Robin? He has no powers. :rofl:

- - -

I would like the ability to never get tired:

So I could stay awake all night, then go to work and then play videogames when I get home. Then just repeat the process over and over, because tiredness/sleeping sucks. :cool:

Blue Protoman
February 17th, 2009, 17:00
Top 10 disgusting super powers:

1. Eat unlimited supplies of pizza without
needing a dump.
2. Having sperm that tastes like chocolate milk.
3. Unlimited sperm.
4. Turning my poo into Easter eggs.
5. Ability to make any woman in the world, at any time, to make wild, passionate love with me then forgot about it.
6. Testicles the size of bean bags so I dont need a chair.
7. Unlimited supply of boogies so i can pick my nose all day.
8. Ability for my farts to smell like air freshner.
9.Turn my urine into Fosters Larger cos its the same thing.
10. Ability for my penis to talk cos its man's best friend.



February 17th, 2009, 20:11
I want the superpower to grow big hands.

Like Luda?

Blue Protoman
February 17th, 2009, 20:16
Luda? Isn't he from Heroes?

February 17th, 2009, 22:12
I assume quzar means Ludacris.
I preferred Dave Grohl's hand powers from the Everlong vid.

February 17th, 2009, 23:05
Why Robin? He has no powers. :rofl:

- - -

I would like the ability to never get tired:

So I could stay awake all night, then go to work and then play videogames when I get home. Then just repeat the process over and over, because tiredness/sleeping sucks. :cool:

That's amazing! I already possess the EXACT opposite of those powers.

February 18th, 2009, 04:23
I assume quzar means Ludacris.
I preferred Dave Grohl's hand powers from the Everlong vid.

Yea, from the "Get Back" music video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp_4B-Sq9Ps

February 18th, 2009, 23:59
i would like the power to have all the powers i wanted at any given moment simply by thinking i have them :D

want to stop time/space? just believe i can and its done

want to regenerate or fly? just believe i can and its done, you get the idea :P

February 24th, 2009, 02:08
hmmm the nano suit from crysis seems to be nice.... maximum strength, maximum speed, maximum armor, cloak engaged! :p

Blue Protoman
February 24th, 2009, 21:55
i would like the power to have all the powers i wanted at any given moment simply by thinking i have them :D

want to stop time/space? just believe i can and its done

want to regenerate or fly? just believe i can and its done, you get the idea :P

Don't be a cheap-ass. ;)