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June 25th, 2004, 12:08
ive always been an avid hater of nintendo and i hate them now for the same reason i hated them 10 and 15 years ago. and why is this?

1. games are always for kids
2. they rerelease the same games every year such as mario, zelda etc.
3. when they release a new console their exciting line up includes none other than......mario and zelda.


June 25th, 2004, 15:14
you obviously didnt hate the nes... that was thee best system in the 80s

June 25th, 2004, 15:14
of course my first console was a gemini (coleco)

June 25th, 2004, 17:23
oh yeah tell your precious sony to start making original games and comput up with something innovative for a change.

June 25th, 2004, 18:58
1. games are always for kidsI never got this argument. I can't understand why someone won't play a game that's actually fun just because the environment and the characters are bright and colorful.

The only rationale I can come up with is that people are afraid about what their friends might think of when they see them play such games. All I can say to this is - grow up. You're missing out on alot of games just because of your insecurity. I happily play games such as the original Pokemon for the Gameboy and Space Channel 5 in front of friends and family, and frankly I don't care what they think. They are fun games, and that's all that matters.

June 25th, 2004, 20:48

I would kinda agree with him, but more like the lines of "not enough content for adults" and
seriously lacking in RPG, and adventure.

Space channel 5 I found was quite a hit with
my friends (age 26-34).. Fur Fighters originally
was a tough sell, but after the initial shame was
gone.. I quickly replaced Quake/G-Recon with
fluff matches for at least 6 months..

June 25th, 2004, 21:12

I would kinda agree with him, but more like the lines of "not enough content for adults"That wouldn't fit in with Nintendo. They're always throwing in in-jokes into their games that only the gamers who grew up playing the games in the older generations would get.

There's plenty of content for adults. When I think adult content, I think of content that will fly right over the heads of the kids, but the adults get it. Like the jokes in Shrek - not bloody, gory, swear as much as we want to for no reason just because it's cool type of games.

Nintendo's got adult humour a-plenty. Unless you're too young to get it, and it goes right over your head. And, I'm sure alot of these people claiming that "Nintendo is too kiddy" actually are too young to get it.

June 25th, 2004, 21:44
nintendo as been known to play towards kids, but, I think that it is only in the aspect of playing towards the parents, at least in the U.S.. But who can deny that most zelda games (with the cdi being an exception.) are among some of the most thought out games, graphically, and playability. I love sequels. it sucks when a game comes to an end and there is still so much to do story or game-wise. I know it sounds lame but, i grew up with mario, and zelda, and samus. my only lament is that snes dodgeball was never released in the US. and no dodgeball at all for 64. and a silly remake for GBA. Until the 64 nintendo was the king of graphics and sound, (except for the neo-geo which in my opinion was an elitist console because of the price.) and the 64 was just bad planning. We know that nintedo will always regret not putting out a disc system so that it would have stayed competitive with the PS1. but on the other hand they had to make games to stay more competitve. In others words I think that the big N had to make games such as Conker, and smash brothers, and perfect dark, to make sure that they were still getting the 20+ crowd, and anyway, the N really kicked some ass with 3d aspect of games with titles such as Mario64 and Zelda OoT. (personally I think that MM sucked). anyway you can trash nintendo if you want, but just remeber who it was that dragged the console world out crappy atari and C64 games.(though AMiga still kicked some ass) but nintendo really needs to not be intimidated by all the new kids on the block. I heard that they are going to try some really crazy stuff with they're next console and I just want to warn them that all the other console companies are capitalizing on making a console with immense system capabilities while also making it damn easy to code and directly port games directly to it, automatically makeing it possible to have an extensive library out of the box. and don't forget that it wouldn't be illegal at all to make a system that could play PC games just as easy as the games that were made for it. (I think that the PHANTOM by infium labs will do this.) this will be the decideing factor in the upcoming console war. and a game in which microsoft as already won. (The dc with it's CE kernal) and the xbox with it's almost linux kernal. not some krazy of shoot propietary brand of stupid SDL. (i'm probably wrong though)

June 25th, 2004, 22:56

I don't think I was clear.. I do like that fact that they
have that 2 level humor which I always find better
than strait out Duke nukem slurs.
But what I was aiming to, was more along
teen+ oriented titles, ala Resident evil, Metal Gear.
I find that with the GC they've been trying to
make as many "G" rated games as possible..
so immense RPG's that younger kids will not
play because of lack of reading skills.. or interest
are totally missing..
But as guymelef mentioned it, as with the dreamcast.
it might just be a Nintendo of America descision..
to market it that way..

I'll have to disagree on the C=64, since that would
depend on your age at the time of the nintendo
release, if you were younger it would make sense
but if you were well into your teens, the library
of games on the computers were better at the time..
also I picked up my first amiga a several months
after the nintendo was released (If I remember right).
and to be honest the NES, or SNES couldn't compare
game wise to it.. but of course it was $1000..
That's what made the nes collect serious dust..

I also liked the N64, much better than the
PSX, or Saturn..
but this I feel was the start of the
decline of Nintendo of America.. they kept
loosing 3rd party on this guy.. which all went
to the psx

I personally don't hate the GC.. for all intents I have
a semi-dead PS2 in the closet.. don't care for the Xbox..
Just have a GC, and a Dreamcast hooked up to my
TV.. GC is a great piece of hardware..

Cap'n 1time
June 25th, 2004, 23:06
I love nintendo, i always have, i always will. even though they make some bad decisions (no internet games) I shall always hold a special place for nintendo in my heart. And i can understand your dislike of mario but zelda?! what the hell is wrong with you man? Zelda is art. I cant name one game that compares with the adventure involved with zelda games, any of them! I take that back about mario too, mario kicks ass. If you think your too mature for these great titles... your really missing out!

June 25th, 2004, 23:12
i guess i did get off topic
my bad
but you are correct on all points.
I especailly like the part about nintendo losing some 3rd party companies to sony. I much like other gameers, attribute this to the n64's lack of hi quality full color FMV's. For instance tony hawk. my favorite game on the ps1/2. was even more playable and beutifull(imo) for the 64 but without fmv's and longer music tracks it just wasn't worth playing.
But N did a turn around with the GC and made things all better except, there is a whole library of games in their past that are just going to waste. Nintendo has got a big problem with makeing backwards compatible systems and i wish I knew why. they have only a couple of undertakings gb - gbc - gba. then you have the super gameboy (which they made obsolete almost immediatly after) and the new gamecube advance. but what about the rest of the library? and what kills me is that they shut down anyone that tries to do it for them. like Nintendo was really going to do it. this is why I say that if Nintendo goes out on limb with some crazy stuff on their next system, they might be going the way of sega, or worse. if they learned anything from sony or their own gameboy it should be that backwards compatibility A. sells systems B. keeps the old software alive for a little longer and C. shows that they actually care about the investments made by their consumers, D. keeps the demand for older games higher because there are new systems to play the old games.
I hope they fully realize why the virtual boy failed, if they didn't they are about to relive it. I let you infer your own opinion on that. and not just cause it was red.

June 25th, 2004, 23:13
Oh and except the lack of a huge library of mature games the GC does kick ass.

June 26th, 2004, 04:50
ive been playing games since i was 4 or five when i had a commodore 16. ive played the games in question and i cant stand them. yes its just an opinion and no there is nothing wrong with a sequel. ive always been on the side of the more serious game but not when it gets so serious as to introduce ridiculous concepts into a game. for example when you take certain pc rpg's they put in all this dice rolling malarky and complex bonus systems which i dont really understand being new to the pc world. ive also got a ps2 and it also needs a revamp of their games selection. its basically another ps1.

June 26th, 2004, 22:06
y opinion is the gaming world is nothing more than a popularity prick fight. the one with the bigger one seems to be getting the most attention (sounds like girls now a days, I hate women,video games are better IMO} and since every one is hopping on sony's member that is why its getting the attention.people are like oooo sony has the bigger prick it must be better, IT ISNT (imo} I love nintendo for a lot of reasons. I love their original non boring games they put out, nearly every game i played is so damn fun!!!! I love nintendo because no matter how many break ups I had with chicks, it would be there like a best friend. I love nintendo cuz no matter what they put out in the industry it has always something good for it. I hate when people start this "nintendo sucks a fat ----" The truth is just like what you like and if you don't like nintendo just keep your opinions to yourself because I am deeply offended by what people say about the big N, in all honesty if it weren't for nintendo i would be 6 feet under. yes I tried getting help for my depression but nintendo got me through it more than any human being could.

June 27th, 2004, 01:49
whatever L

June 27th, 2004, 02:41
yeah whatever. if you want to talk anout member size then nintendos game variety member is well below average

June 27th, 2004, 02:42
Nintendo don't care about the generation that made them. As gamers grow so do there taste for certain types of games, nintendo doesn't seem to care at all about it. Plus they are just plain stupid the past couple generations. Not supporting online on the gamecube is so a horrible decison. Online is the future of gaming, it starting for the most part with the dreamcast, why can't nintendo do it. Imagine mario golf, tennis online, f-zero and starfox etc. All they got online for it is a dreamcast game.....Finally they are making a zelda that appeals to me, the cell shading was a good game but I didn't care for the chracter design at all. Mario sunshine was a downgrade from mario 64, mario cart dd failed in the most important area, the battle arenas. Seems since the snes nintendo has been making some of there franchises worse imo with a few exceptions.

June 27th, 2004, 09:11
ive been playing games since i was 4 or five when i had a commodore 16. ive played the games in question and i cant stand them. yes its just an opinion and no there is nothing wrong with a sequel. ive always been on the side of the more serious game but not when it gets so serious as to introduce ridiculous concepts into a game. for example when you take certain pc rpg's they put in all this dice rolling malarky and complex bonus systems which i dont really understand being new to the pc world. ive also got a ps2 and it also needs a revamp of their games selection. its basically another ps1.

I take it you are one of those guys who sits around the house playing video games 6 hours a day?

Games are suppose to be an escape from reality, not something to experience realistic, mature, or hardcore aspects that you are missing or want in your life. *Games are for the kids in us, and for that Nintendo will always hold a special place in my heart.

And I agree with the Big N playing up to parents moreso than kids bit, also. *Let's be honest, from what I've gathered some parents who never grew up playing games can't tell the difference from a pixelated v-a-g-i-n-a from a pixelated mushroom. *At least when they recognize Mario they can bet it's safe.

June 27th, 2004, 10:20
if youre worrying about what your parents are thinking of computer games then you are obviously still a kid. to be honest what have the parents got to do with it. these parents know very little about games and only know what the media sensationalise about games being violent etc. as any games player knows, the violence in games is always at a minimum and very cartoon like. and there is no mention of sex in any game apart from some dodgy old amiga game. to me a film which is rated twelve has more graphic violence in it than most 18 rated games exept for manhunt. manhunt is only violent because of the thought of what you are doing. watching someone being suffocated with a plastic bag isnt as bad as thinking about it. so the bottom line is parents are stupid when it comes to any technology and need to wise up if they want to protect their kids.

June 27th, 2004, 15:44
if youre worrying about what your parents are thinking of computer games then you are obviously still a kid.

Hehe, if this was towards me directly, no. I'm 27.

Indirectly and to your other quote; yes, parents do matter. Being a parent myself I have to screen everything. I'm not just talking about games. It's very important to watch and/or control everything that comes in contact with children as much as possible.

'Course, I'm still under the guise that games are for kids. Maybe it's just me who still thinks this way. Wierd, being that I grew up in the NES generation but there you go. I've said enough on this over the years, and everytime I get into it the subject usually gets bitter for me.

So, I'll stop before I get there :D

June 27th, 2004, 22:38
if youre worrying about what your parents are thinking of computer games then you are obviously still a kid. to be honest what have the parents got to do with it. these parents know very little about games and only know what the media sensationalise about games being violent etc. as any games player knows, the violence in games is always at a minimum and very cartoon like. and there is no mention of sex in any game apart from some dodgy old amiga game. to me a film which is rated twelve has more graphic violence in it than most 18 rated games exept for manhunt. manhunt is only violent because of the thought of what you are doing. watching someone being suffocated with a plastic bag isnt as bad as thinking about it. so the bottom line is parents are stupid when it comes to any technology and need to wise up if they want to protect their kids.

the second you made this topic is the second you start a flame war. the answer is very simple if you don't like nintendo or where their going stop your damn complaining and play gay station 2, ok? no need to put down a company that has been in existance since 1889. If a company can *last this long and not die, then there are doing something right WITH or WITHOUT your consent.Yes I am a fan boy and shall die that way. we guys love zelda mario and the other quality nintendo titels, I am ending my rant by saying people like you piss me off and need to just STFU when *it comes to nintendo, don't like them don't play thier stuff simple as that, nothing more.play your Gay station and leave us nintendo gamers alone.

June 27th, 2004, 22:59
alright theres alot of stuff here to read but im going to throw my opinion up from what i read....i agree with metafox ,but this is how my opinion goes ....since when does a game hafta have something to do with guns stealth mafias and the other rehashed junk thats constantly plagueing the consoles lately mainly Sony. at least nintendo is being orginal and release stuff thats not this rehashed garbage. yeah ill admit some of its good. but alot of is garbage and i for one can only take so much of it. hell back in the early 90's games that people hate nintendo for was the norm now suddenly its about wars mafias stealth missions shooting this guy and that guy. its getting ridiclous. at least nintendo puts a fair mix of the new stuff and there lighthearted stuff so things dont get oversaturated like on sony and xbox.

June 27th, 2004, 23:04
alright theres alot of stuff here to read but im going to throw my opinion up from what i read....i agree with metafox ,but this is how my opinion goes ....since when does a game hafta have something to do with guns stealth mafias and the other rehashed junk thats constantly plagueing the consoles lately mainly Sony. at least nintendo is being orginal and release stuff thats not this rehashed garbage. yeah ill admit some of its good. but alot of is garbage and i for one can only take so much of it. hell back in the early 90's games that people hate nintendo for was the norm now suddenly its about wars mafias stealth missions shooting this guy and that *guy. its getting ridiclous. at least nintendo puts a fair mix of the new stuff and there lighthearted stuff so things dont get oversaturated like on sony and xbox.

I agree with that 100%

June 28th, 2004, 02:43
its not me whos causing arguments. i just made my opinion on what is blatantly obvious which is nintendos games are all for kids. you all moan about having your opinion but you cant handle mine. open your eyes blind people. your being conned by rehashed nintendo crap. no wonder they are going down the drain. ive always been amazed at how blind people are and most of you are just proving my point. do none of you realise that the point in a forum is so that people who dont agree with you can have a say. nobody said that all games should contain guns etc and yes its about time ALL the console companies started to pay out for smaller software houses to make original games. (you can see my "originality crisis" on the ps2 forum). so to sum it up, all companies need to get their arse in gear but nintendo more than others. look at what happened to the great sega.

June 28th, 2004, 05:58
its not me whos causing arguments. i just made my opinion on what is blatantly obvious which is nintendos games are all for kids. you all moan about having your opinion but you cant handle mine. open your eyes blind people.

Ok, no need to get into arguments here. *Everyone say what they have to say without inflammatory remarks. *Everyone made some good points so there is no need to hammer out some deragotary words.

Btw, Biagrin, you are losing the argument :D *It doesn't matter on the game's content, it matters on the game. *If games like 'Max Payne' gets better value for your buck than 'Zelda: Wind Waker' then that's your opinion. *I would warn you that too much exposure to violence and such is not good.

nobody said that all games should contain guns etc and yes its about time ALL the console companies started to pay out for smaller software houses to make original games. (you can see my "originality crisis" on the ps2 forum). so to sum it up, all companies need to get their arse in gear but nintendo more than others. look at what happened to the great sega.

I just read the rest of your post. One thing you should note is that the "smaller software houses" are the ones who started this trend. They wanted to get their foot in the door so they start re-hashing anything that's profitable. That's going back to money.

June 28th, 2004, 07:10
i think you seem to have missed the point. my point is, is that nintendo range of games is too much towards little kids instead of expanding into the adult market as well.

Cap'n 1time
June 28th, 2004, 08:14
I think the "adult games" you are refuring to are Grand Theft Auto and clones of that. Well Grand Theft Auto can hold its own... but other than that I can't think of anything on the GC thats not "adult enough". If your refering to RPG's that say "damn" and "hell" some times, that dosnt make a hardcore game, it just means the guy that wrote the script was a potty mouth. What makes an adult game? Blood, gore, bad language, death and destruction? Take a game such as UT2004. Go to the options and turn off the blood and gore and the adult taunts and play it. Does that make the game any less fun? NO! If it does than your some kind of bdsm freak.

Games dont have to be "Adult" to be good. But to name one Silent Hill is quite enjoyable. Lets think of a hardcore classic shooter Mega Man X. Was there blood? NO! Bad language? NO! Was it a good game? YES! If you havnt played it, play it!
Perhapes the kiddy games are too easy for you? Zelda is sometimes a frusterating experiance. Alot of games are. ALOT OF CUTE COLORFUL NINTENDO GAMES. BTW has anyone tried Custom Robo for the gamecube?

June 28th, 2004, 08:18
alright theres alot of stuff here to read but im going to throw my opinion up from what i read....i agree with metafox ,but this is how my opinion goes ....since when does a game hafta have something to do with guns stealth mafias and the other rehashed junk thats constantly plagueing the consoles lately mainly Sony. at least nintendo is being orginal and release stuff thats not this rehashed garbage. yeah ill admit some of its good. but alot of is garbage and i for one can only take so much of it. hell back in the early 90's games that people hate nintendo for was the norm now suddenly its about wars mafias stealth missions shooting this guy and that *guy. its getting ridiclous. at least nintendo puts a fair mix of the new stuff and there lighthearted stuff so things dont get oversaturated like on sony and xbox.

um another nintendo fan in denial how exactly is sony saturated the market with this is called garbage they make like 1% of the games on the system and the ones they make are awesome platformers, so your whole argument is stupid. I can only think of a couple games that have anything to do with mafia, i'm sure your trying to bash a game like grand theft auto which is great fun cause of the interactivity and freedom it has and non linear gameplay. Nintendos not rehashing LOL thas the quote of the century. Jeez they can't even make new mario games one gba they just take snes ones and ones from mario allstar and call them mario 4 and 5. All of nintendos franchises have gone done hill since snes and there failure to support online play is just play ignorant.

June 28th, 2004, 09:18
thank you somebody has actually realised. the message two above this one somebody said silent hill was good and that violence and swearing was the ingredients of an adult game. silent hill was a fantastic game going down as one of my favourites of all time but this game is a good example to use for my argument. yes silent hill was violent no there was no swearing. the main thing about this game is it had an adult theme but the story was told to us veeeerrrryyy ssslllooowwwly like we are retarded. this automatically removes the adult nature of the game. now this makes me think - an adult game but a story portrayed in a way kids can understand. hmmmmm

Cap'n 1time
June 28th, 2004, 15:13
What makes an adult game? Blood, gore, bad language, death and destruction? Take a game such as UT2004. Go to the options and turn off the blood and gore and the adult taunts and play it. Does that make the game any less fun? NO! If it does than your some kind of bdsm freak.

mabey you should read the whole thing before you try to bash it wise ass. >:(

I feel like alot of people think that it takes 3d, blood, gore, and bad language to make a good game. Thats just stupid.

I would think that adults would want to understand a story, not just play some game. Silent Hill was told at a great speed in my opinion. So what exactly is your argument? You just dont like color? Music? Fun gameplay? No bad language? Silly humor? WELL ONE GAME COMES TO MIND! GO PLAY TRON! Nintendo makes fun creative games. Even though they are have made some bad decisions for the system you have no right to make an argument that the system isnt adult enough. Bash the developers, not the company that provides the system. Other than mario party, I can't think of one single game developed by Nintendo that wasnt an instant hit! Sure PS2 has some good games. So does Xbox, and so does GC. Lets look at just the systems not the games for a bit.

Which system has the most software? PS2
Which system is the most economical? GC.
Which system is the most powerful? XBOX.

Which system is the worst? PS2!
Which system lacks online support? GC.
Which system has alot of crappy games? XBOX

Which system has the most adult games? well garsh, i dont know. adult games are the only games i play because im too cool to play fun games. Mabey they should make a game with no story and all blood and gore. Yeah thats very adult, no color, no imagination, just blood gore and no story. How much money do you think that would make? I'll make a game like that just for you and call it "Worthless peice of crap but very adult murder game" While you wait for me to make it go play Pong or somthing. But only the black and white one because it dosnt have color.

June 28th, 2004, 19:05
mabey you should read the whole thing before you try to bash it wise ass. *>:(

Ok, this is starting to turn into the typical console war thread in which noone can seem to keep there cool. Once again, the derogatory remarks aren't necessary. As Reaper would say, "attack the opinion and not the person".

Cap'n 1time
June 28th, 2004, 19:46
sorry. i hate it when people try to attack something they havnt even completely read. and it happens alot.

June 28th, 2004, 19:51
Ok, this is starting to turn into the typical console war thread in which noone can seem to keep there cool. *Once again, the derogatory remarks aren't necessary. *As Reaper would say, "attack the opinion and not the person".

yes this is true. I am trying to keep my cool but I tjust think if someone is going to rip on nintendo that should just keep it to themselves and since my fav game company is getting bashed I felel as thought I should bash theirs but I know the fight will just escalate into bigger problem I ma just going to state on last thing and seeming how the sony fanboys are going to come pouring in any minute. nintendo may have kid-like themes HOWEVER they are more challenging and fun then your stupid boring bloody games that the blood looks fake in. Blood don't make games what they are, the gameplay and quality makes a a great game, sad how the gaming market is full of morons now a days ::). I hope this topic gets locked soon.....

June 28th, 2004, 19:56
BTW has anyone tried Custom Robo for the gamecube?
YEs it is a wonderful game, I am so glad we finally get a US release. building mechs and battling them out is really fun.

June 28th, 2004, 20:09
um another nintendo fan in denial how exactly is sony saturated the market with this is called garbage they make like 1% of the games on the system and the ones they make are awesome platformers, so your whole argument is stupid. I can only think of a couple games that have anything to do with mafia, i'm sure your trying to bash a game like grand theft auto which is great fun cause of the interactivity and freedom it has and non linear gameplay. Nintendos not rehashing LOL thas the quote of the century. Jeez they can't even make new mario games one gba they just take snes ones and ones from mario allstar and call them mario 4 and 5. All of nintendos franchises have gone done hill since snes and there failure to support online play is just play ignorant.

im not a nintendo fan boy in denial i have ps2 as well its just half of the games i see on the shelves for playstation 2 or xbox is all ops this ops that something about this war or that war they're all about the same anymore. grant it "some" maybe good ,but the 3rd person adventure and first person shooter genres are gettin over saturated with the same garbage. at least nintendo reinvent they're franchises unlike the other 2 systems where they keep bringing out new franchises and dont follow up with them with the excepition of a select few. although if they do follow up the franchise the sequel usually never lives up to the orginal title. and i wasn't just bashing GTA im bashing all the games that copied it... i know sony is producing all their consoles games most of it is 3rd party publishers ,but at least nintendo knows the difference to filter out the rehashed garbage and whats orignal enough to keep.

...as far as nintendo taking GC online..they refuse to only because theres still more people on dial up than broadband so whats the point. i read it qouted that once there is more people in the broadband market than there are now then nintendo will look into being online. until if your that pissy about nintendo needing to be online then use Warppipe or something.

June 28th, 2004, 21:49
all right ... either some one make a non arguemenative statement or exprsesses an idea or this just plain opinionated argueing

June 29th, 2004, 02:26
id just like to point out that i am not making arguments its everybody else. all i did was point out a weakness in nintendo and youve all got incredibly touchy. is it cos you know nintendo are in trouble.

June 29th, 2004, 02:29
this isnt about some console war and for a start off i never even said what consoles i own nor did i make a comparison between any two therefore theres no console war been mentioned by me. its somebody else who has turned it into a console war. if you cant make a valid statement about nintendos situation then dont post.

June 29th, 2004, 03:46
id just like to point out that i am not making arguments its everybody else. all i did was point out a weakness in nintendo and youve all got incredibly touchy. is it cos you know nintendo are in trouble.

Yes, I wasn't pointed this out as you ;) Nintendo people are a bit touchy: I'm a Nintendo person. I wasn't in the N64 era but I had high hopes for the GC. Now it's another DC. :/

Cap'n 1time
June 29th, 2004, 08:37
ive always been an avid hater of nintendo and i hate them now for the same reason i hated them 10 and 15 years ago. and why is this?

1. games are always for kids
2. they rerelease the same games every year such as mario, zelda etc.
3. when they release a new console their exciting line up includes none other than......mario and zelda.


thats funny, your 1st post sounded like it was trying to start something. They have sites for nintendo haters im sure, why not post your ideas at thoes places.

And dont try to pretend you wouldnt recieve negative feedback. look at your post! if you didnt expect bad feedback than your some kind of idiot.

June 29th, 2004, 08:50
of course i expected negative feedback but i also expected some intelligent feedback on the subject and not personal hate messages. so stop acting like a five year old and give a mature opinion.

June 29th, 2004, 08:50

June 29th, 2004, 08:52
*As Reaper would say, "attack the opinion and not the person".

Cap'n 1time
June 29th, 2004, 13:06
I didnt start this hate thing, you just simply failed to read my previouse posts and totally misinterpreted it then tried to make me look bad. Thats very rude and immature. and now your Posting things calling me an idiot, then posting a quote that says to attack someones opinion not the person. dosnt that sound just a little weird. What have you posted so far? negative things. Find some dark evil gothing emulation site to post your thoughts and please stop plauging us with your negative comments.

You dont like nintendo? well guess what. I HATE EGG PLANTS! yes why dont i just go make a thread about how i hate egg plants. thats a great idea.

Its not as if we dont know nintendo has problems. it has only appeared *over every game magazine, tv show, etc.

You also personaly attacked nintendo with your first thread, is that a valid intelegent argument? no thats called an opinion my friend. I gave my opinion in return. Thats the way forums work.

(_)_) <- if i could moon you in ascii this is what it would look like.

June 29th, 2004, 14:11
[quote author=1timeuser link=board=gamecube;num=1088186911;start=30#43 date=06/29/04 at 14:06:06] thats called an opinion my friend. I gave my opinion in return. Thats the way forums work.

youve just agreed with me

June 29th, 2004, 14:19
also id just like to add that you said calling you an idiot was imature. sounds hypocritical to me. i havent slagged off anyone unless provoked but ive been personally insulted just because you lot cant respect my opinion. nobody is making any pro nintendo ideas. i posted the "sort yourself out nintendo post" to rouse creative ideas from pro nintendo people. the only person to show respect for me and to give genuine replies to criticism in a mature manner is storminator16. maybe a few of you should take a leaf out of his book on how to accept criticism on a topic that means something to you.

Cap'n 1time
June 29th, 2004, 15:10
<edit> I cant say all that... I probably will be banned.
but i will say this. Pull a leaf out of your ass. Stop trying to make a comeback at me you annoying little dolt.

June 29th, 2004, 15:54

June 29th, 2004, 17:12
this has gone to far now.

June 30th, 2004, 00:16
Hmm boy how many excuses can nintendo fans come up for when there system isn't selling the most. But all a sudden when a nintendo system like the gba is selling better it's selling cause it's better, if it's a none nintendo systems its some negative reason..grow up.

June 30th, 2004, 01:41
if nintendo and sega fused together, your precious sony and xbox would get their @$$ kicked.nintendo is doing fine. I will just remind myslef to laugh in your face when sony gets its ass kicked by some form or another.remeber nintendo has been around since 1889 they are not going any where and they are hard core nintendo fans world wide and they are just fine, don't worry about them, they know what they are doing. if you don't like them then STFU and just be quiet because they aer nintendo fans here, like it or not.

June 30th, 2004, 01:48
very true law56ker

June 30th, 2004, 05:07
nintendo is lagging in the cosole departement. but they still have a decent share of the market and parents approval. *and longer lasting hardware/software. and if you guys don't know by now....the gameboy has been nintendo's bread and butter for a very long time now. *just check the stats from lik-sang... never mind they took them down. *but the GB has been going since 1989. four years after the NES. how many games are there between GB GBC SGB GBA ? *unless this peice of crap PSP actually does something I don't think that N has anything to worry about. and they are launching a dual touch screen handheld soon......this stuff just gets more and more weird by the day. *oh yeah I was going to say that the gameboy advance because it still plays most all of the gameboy library that it is considered revisions of the same system and not a new system so the history books are calling it the most selling system ever with i think numbers like 50 mill + world wide. which is wierd cause I like nintendo (and sega and sony and microsoft and atari and colecovisiona and nec etc) and I alway prefered the game gear.

and end of discussion. *anything else besides that is 1moot 2 trite 3 biased 4 argumentative 5 and just all around bad form

I take that back...argue if you want. just no name calling

June 30th, 2004, 05:36
after reading through this thread for the hundredth time i realized that you people(all/most/maybe me) are really blind to amount of games out for a system and only concentrate on what you want to see. and have little real knowledge of the current libraries for most consoles. *please check them all out and then get back to this arguement.

don't reply your wasting space

1% my ass

July 4th, 2004, 07:14
games are not always for kids

Mario and Zelda are the main mascots of nintendo they cannot make up new game characters every day

gamecube-starfox not mario or zelda


July 9th, 2004, 04:35
hey i like nintendo they have lots of great games, as for the whole no mature games that is a liar liar pants on fire situation
there are RE 0-CV (soon to be RE4), enteral darkness,bmx xxx, THPS
between RE and ED there are 7 great M games then add Metal Gear solid, splinter cell,the james bond games, the LOTR games,
mortal Kombat DA,prince of Perisa, dead to rights,odama,geist,the WWE games,Def jam fighting games,backyard wrestling,killer 7,burnout,need for speed

through all those there are a lot of great games,(note to list some suck, some are not yet released)

one thing about nintendo i can't help with my pimp tuff mad listing SkrillZ is the amount of online games
Phatansy star
MARIO CART Double Dash (if you warp pipe it through lan)


July 9th, 2004, 04:46
You know that this whole arguement was a very moot point that originated from people(maybe me) stateing that their system was better 'cause they said so and that by the numbers that sony was better. but i am finally glad to see this topic coming to an end for now. I hope everyone's pacified with the statements made here. and hopefully sony and nintendo fans can come together to better the world.=== or the DC, which ever comes first

March 3rd, 2005, 00:05
screw you irish freak! talking about gamecube like that, i do agree that you have the rights to state your opinion. But why start insulting GC? >:(

March 9th, 2005, 01:44
hi who likes my avatar?

March 23rd, 2005, 11:07
YAWN...As I have already stated in so many posts on the past. I do consider myself a gaming veteran, I've been playing videogames since 1978, I've seen them all come and go, some great some good, and some very, very bad (JAGUAR, CD32 anyone??) BUT...This Fanboy rant should have been cut off at the root. His comments are unjustified, severely biased, completely unfounded and based solely upon his own narrow perception of the current and past game industry in general. The argument, if you can call it that, is one that I have heard many hundreds of times since about 1984. This form of one-upmanship is no more than techno masturbatory fetishism at its most base and banal level. This is just a highly evolved anthropological display of insecurity. For example, Ken has told everyone that he has built something that will make the world chant his name in unison. He tells everyone that it is a graphical gargant, its so fast a greased cheetah couldnt catch it, its so fantastic and will change your life so much your brain would catch fire if you thought about its infinite deliciousness on a mental level, oh and its got a DVD palyer, hooray! At this time Bill scrotebag and his friends are happily reading all of this in thier Official party monthly publication. Billy vows that he will scour the earth and sell his family to the slave trade to get the money to buy this monolith of plastic and screws. The day finally arrives, oooh what a wonder, its just, just, amazing. Billy sets it up and turns on the power, his friends in a semi circle, like monks in a chant, all watch awaiting the earth shattering beast this will be, all hail the monolith they cry. The game inserted, the power on........Oh its great, its hmmmmmmmmm the blank looks. After an hour of play someone suggests NBA2k1 on the DC....Ahhh those were the days...
Sorry I digress, what I am trying to say people is that these sort of Mine is Better than yours type of arguments are futile. I have a PS2 )for literally 5 games, and I have a gamecube I have 26 titles all are great, I'm in my thirties and I love Animal Crossing, for kids??? Nah, far too good for kids.I have and have owned EVERY major console, I loved the nes, PCE, Sega MS, and on and on...I LOVE GAMES. These people CAN NOT love games, they can and will never be able to fully apreciate what makes a good game if they dont play all the good games, yeah it can be expensive, but its worth it. A prejudiced mind is a worthless one. Until these people can fully see the beauty of games on all systems then we should just feel sorry for them, pity them, they miss out. Feel good about our love of games, but always pity those who are less fortunate than we.

March 23rd, 2005, 11:29
screw you irish freak! (

hey WTF!

March 24th, 2005, 01:30
Im Sorry, and how the heck do i choose my own avatars?