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View Full Version : How Katamari Works On DSiWare

February 25th, 2009, 23:00
The short story is Korogashi Puzzle Katamari isn’t like Katamari Damacy it all. As 1up pointed out it looks like Pac-Attack, but it isn’t exactly Pac-Attack.

Pac-Attack has players drop blocks, stack up ghosts, and position Pac-Man pieces to eat the ghosts after they turn blue. You need to line up a few ghosts to get them to change color.

Korogashi Puzzle Katamari does away with the color changing. You just need to align blocks and junk. When you place a katamari piece the Prince will roll in whatever direction the arrow points and follow a trail of stuff until he reaches the bottom. Square bricks fall to the ground after the Prince makes a star. If the falling blocks complete a horizontal line they vanish a la Tetris. New blocks held by the Katamari cousins appear on the right side of the touch screen. The cousins are slowly drawn to the black hole on the top of the screen so unlike Pac-Attack you get a couple of choices for your next block.

The downloadable game has two modes Endless and Challenge where you need to make stars with a certain number or certain type of object. Namco Bandai will release this in Japan first for only 500 DSiWare Points ($5). Puzzle Katamari sounds like a shoe in game for the US DSiWare too.
