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View Full Version : Sales of R4 DS cart outlawed in Japan

February 27th, 2009, 18:45
via Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/sales-of-r4-ds-cart-outlawed-in-japan)

Sales of the R4 cartridge, which allows users to play pirated DS games, have been outlawed in Japan.

According to Kotaku, the Tokyo District Court has granted an injunction against the Chinese manufacturers who produce the R4. As a result, it's officially illegal to sell the cart, and the R4 has already disappeared from shops.

Square Enix, Nintendo and Capcom have issued statements pointing out how illegal sales of the R4 are now, just to be sure, and saying they'll continue to chase down anyone producing similar devices.

It's still legal to buy an R4 in this country, though obviously downloading pirate games is bad and wrong. Who knows, perhaps our lawmakers will follow Japan's lead in future.

February 28th, 2009, 00:23
Why do they always target the R4? There is always alternatives anyway.

February 28th, 2009, 03:20
R4s specifically? Presumably the Japanese can still buy and sell M3s, DSTTs, Edges, CycloDS', etc.. Also the injunction effectively sides with whoever developed the original, (defunct) R4, other more reliable cart manufacturers, and the consumer in general. I mean, the R4 has been synonymous with shoddy counterfeit shit for ages.

Nobody's sorry to see rubbish thrown out, and by the courts no less.

February 28th, 2009, 16:23
WTF?!? This has got to be 100% BS ..

I'm going to Akiba tomorrow morning, I'll report back here ASAP.

User Name
February 28th, 2009, 20:54
Gosh if their gonna ban they should change their name to like Not an R4DS the card! I'd so buy that and so what nintendo rips us off enough. Their getting what they deserver sides all they want is whats best for video gamers right? This is what we all (Free games) want right guys?

March 1st, 2009, 03:27
Just got back from Akihabara, and happy to report that R4s are still being sold. Want proof? Heres a link to my favorite console supply shop:


as you can see they are still selling R4s by the truckload..

March 1st, 2009, 03:57
so r4s are cheap and fake plus it is just in japan:p nothing gained nothing lost