View Full Version : Nintendo President: We Aren't Competing With Cell Phones Or The iPod

February 28th, 2009, 16:41
Nintendo President Satoru Iwata wants you all to know something: despite throwing music playback and a digital camera into the latest DSi, Nintendo have no intention of "directly competing with existing products".

That's right, after years and years of shying away from multimedia convergence like it was a steaming hot nothankyou.jpg sandwich, Nintendo have embraced the idea on the DSi, including features that we've never seen included directly on a Nintendo console before.

The casual observer (and hardcore observer, really) would think this was nothing but an attempt to push the DS on from being "just" a games player and into a bigger market, one currently occupied by do-it-all success stories like the iPhone. This bringing the DSi into, you know. Competition with such devices. Competition for consumer dollars and awareness.

But it's not!

No, Iwata would like you to ignore all notions of competition in the marketplace, and instead believe Nintendo are simply into pleasing people:

That's right. Nintendo doesn't have any intention of directly competing with existing products, but the mass media has a tendency to portray everything as a rivalry between opposing companies. It seems some people have the impression that we want to compete with cell phones or the iPod, that putting cameras or music players in our devices is out of character for us. I hope those who have such an impression will take an interest in what Nintendo can make when it dedicates itself to pleasing as many people as possible who pick up a DS, and I hope they'll actually pick one up themselves.


wiggy fuzz
March 1st, 2009, 08:21
the only evidence will be games which incorporate the dsi's features. by the way, can the dsi camera function as a webcam (for the wii)?

March 1st, 2009, 16:08
And the lack of a movie player out of the box is disappointing!

March 2nd, 2009, 20:33
DSI is not a multimedia machine, it is a gaming machine. if you want to watch videos please buy a psp/ipod touch. it has a bigger screen much more suited for watching videos. from the start those two were built for media... But if you like games like mario, zelda, and ect buy a DSI. if they really wanted to compete with the ipod and ect. they really would of given the systen more than 256 mb of internal flash memory. Although I do believe that nintendo would like to grab a few of the ipod group they really arn't pushing for it with the specs given. just a nice music and photo add on feature for the rest of us who use there systems. also a way to add to there new games.

March 2nd, 2009, 20:57
by the way, can the dsi camera function as a webcam (for the wii)?

Well it's not mentioned in any of the specs, but i guess Nintendo could add it later on, it would be a great feature!