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View Full Version : R4 sdhc 1.24 / EZ flash 3 in 1 / Nintendo Opera web browser Need help please!

Jiminy Crickets
March 6th, 2009, 04:40
:confused:Yes here is my dilemma. I have a r4sdhc 1.24 and a EZ flash 3 in 1. I think it is one of the new EZ flash 3 in 1s. I opened it and it is a (EZ5C3)blue in color. Anyway, it seems like I have tried everything but I cant get the Opera web browser to recognize my 3 in 1 ram expansion pack. I've tried patching the backup rom file, I'm also using the GBA_ExpLoader software but to no travail. It does work on the rumble pack although. I know there is probably something I am missing or maybe some sort of update for the new r4sdhc1.24 or for the EZ flash 3 in 1. If any one has a clue please help it would be much appreciated, Thanks.

May 25th, 2009, 17:44
I have the same issue where you can not access the expansion RAM in a new EZ V 3 in 1 with 2 different clone R4 SDHC cards. :(

The R4 SDHC SLOT-1 cards are:

R4 Ultra SDHC (www.r4ultra.com) Firmware: v1.54
R4 V SDHC (www.r4-v.com) Fireware v1.23

Both cards can play GBA games fine, but only the R4-V can access the 3rd Expansion Mode screen in GBA ExpLoader (v0.58b) with the Rumble level & Expansion RAM options. Even though I can I access this EZ V 3 in 1 option with the R4-V, if I set the Expansion RAM / Soft Reset and then run the Opera browser you still get the Memory Expansion required error.

Is there a way around this?

Also, How can I verify that the rumble feature works? :confused:

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have been searching the web for over 3 days now for an answer.

TheITGuy :cool:

June 9th, 2009, 22:29
:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: i have the same problem, i look all over the internet and couldn't find anything that work. I even try downloading thing that will patch or help the browser, it doesn't work. I use the exploader, click ram expansion, and than the browser but is still give me the same error message. i have the r4 sdhc with v1.25 and the ez flash 3 in 1. i just need a solution to fix the problem.

July 27th, 2009, 02:50
okay guys , i finally got it.


just open on your supercard and hey presto.