View Full Version : Port of a Flashback for the DS

February 13th, 2006, 18:17
REminiscence is a rewrite of the engine used in the game Flashback from Delphine Software. This program is designed as a cross-platform replacement for the original executable and uses the SDL library. Original version by Gregory Montoir, [email protected] - http://membres.lycos.fr/cyxdown/reminiscence/


Copy the original dos data files into the romdisk/Data directory and run the createromdisk.bat which will create the romdiskfs and append it to the end of the nds and ds.gba binaries.

Still needs support for sound in my SDL library, so no sound in this release.

Has been tested on the superdisk and m3 and should work with any flashcard that supports appended filesystems, its not compatible with the gbamp though, I still need one for testing if anyone has one to send me or wants to buy me one :)

Troy Davis(GPF)

February 14th, 2006, 04:24
How can I add music?, I put the MOD files, but it complains it can't find them :S

February 14th, 2006, 10:47
Hi i've just try to use REminiscence Ds but it don'tg create the romdisk.img file.. somebody can help me ?