View Full Version : Princess Rosalina DS (SMB/SMW Clone)

March 12th, 2009, 00:34
News/release from Coburn64 (http://forum.palib.info/index.php?topic=6879.0)

Yeah, Rosalina is a princess in the Super Mario series. She came into play in Mario Galaxy, and she's been the center of attention for Mario Galaxy fans. This project is a platformer that is SMW and SMB mixed built in PAlib that aims to have the same look and feel as other Mario games.

As quoted from the info.txt in the archive:

Quote from: info.txt
Thanks for downloading my PALib-using game, Princess Rosalina DS.

This build uses a Platform Game Example (PlatformGame5 in PALibExamples) for the source which has had many things added and/or removed.

Mario's Sprite is still present in this build, MAINLY because I couldn't get PAGfx to compile on my linux... I'm going to fix that.

DPad : Move Mario
X : Make Mario Run (Y will also do run as well, like NSMB's "Modern" control mode)
A: Jump (B will also jump, but that's for next build).

I'll try to release builds as soon as I can, but I'm a fairly busy person with school and such. This is a hobby and I can't devote all my time to the project.

I would like people to help me with implementing a Level System (perhaps with a world map?) (changing levels and such instead of one level), improved engine and hitbox, Health (3 hits and you're dead), and Enemy AI.

Also, I have a sprite sheet of Rosalina I have available, I need them assigned to various things like 'mario.swimming = true' which will play Rosalina's swimmming animations and activate swimming mode.

Making a Mario-style platformer that features a selection of levels (and a world map) would be a major win for PALib. (What happened to a Monky homebrew game that I played a while ago?)

Known Bugs:
- Music Playback - Using MODs, no music (sadly). I'm guessing a invalid setting or something...
- Sounds sound 'drunk' - Incorrect Sound Format (but it's funny though) - Incorrect Sound Rate

Ideas on the drawing board
1. Enemy AI (Goomba, Koopa, etc etc)
2. 3 Hit Health Meter
3. HUD on Top Screen with visual icons (not just texts)
4. Programming Swimming and other Mario functions (crouching, etc)

What can you do?
You don't have to, but I would like someone (or even a few) to help me part-time on this project. There's a few things I've planned as I intended this project as a community project to show off the awesomeness of PALib. Don't worry if you don't - i'm not going to get angry at you.

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