View Full Version : Army of Two: The 40th Day Announced

March 12th, 2009, 20:17
Last year, Electronic Arts introduced players to a world of mercenaries, co-operative gameplay and gold plated automatic weapons. Army of Two took players on a globetrotting adventure where you needed to use co-op strategy with your partner to survive various hotspots. As Salem and Rios, two ex-Army Rangers turned mercenaries, you battle through different warzones to uncover a conspiracy that could threaten America and the world. But there's no rest for these two soldiers, as today Electronic Arts announced the sequel to the co-op action game. Army of Two: The 40th Day reunites Salem and Rios as they're forced to survive in a city under siege.

The story of The 40th Day places Salem and Rios in the middle of Shanghai, China, as a disaster of epic proportions strikes the city. While they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, they are the right men to react to the chaos. As they fight their way through ruined districts of the city, they discover more and more catastrophes are being orchestrated to devastate Shanghai piece by piece. It's up two Salem and Rios to uncover the secret of the 40th Day and survive the chaos.

Salem and Rios are back to shoot their way out of Shanghai.

"With Army of Two: The 40th Day, we're pushing the tactical two-man military team into new battlegrounds offering a completely organic and rich co-op experience to deliver an action-packed co-op shooter this winter," said Reid Schneider, executive producer at EA Montreal. "As chaos blankets Shanghai, China, you must rely on your partner to survive as you weave through a broken city left devastated in a mysterious wake."

Army of Two: The 40th day will include more co-op moves for players to use at any time, which will allow for completely different strategies and options in battle. According to EA, the expansion of co-op moves will create a bigger, more organic and immersive co-op experience. Army of Two: The 40th day will be available for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PSP this winter.


March 13th, 2009, 04:49
Looking forward to this game.