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View Full Version : Virtual On Slicing And Shooting On Our Shores

March 12th, 2009, 22:24
When Sega Japan said Cyber Troopers Virtual On Oratorio Tangram 5.66 was in development for Xbox Live Arcade it didn’t sound like an only in Japan kind of thing. And it isn’t! Sega USA sent us an e-mail confirming it’s coming to North America this spring. April is spring, right? We’ll probably see Virtual On hit the Xbox 360 then since that’s when Japan gets it.

The mech fighting game is being updated with better graphics, online play, and voice chat. When you’re not dodging rockets online you can hone your skills in ten arcade mode levels and fourteen score attack stages. Sounds like a sweet deal for 1,200 Microsoft Points ($15). Now if there was just a way to plug the arcade sticks into an Xbox 360…


March 13th, 2009, 09:09
x.x (dies of sheer excitement)

Great, the one version of VO i've been wanting on a console and it's on one i don't own yet...

Thats it, i'm finally getting a 360, so help me...