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View Full Version : Nintendo Kills Wii Softmods?

March 14th, 2009, 14:19
News from WiiNewz which concerns those who want homebrew on the Wii:

Several users have reported purchasing new Wii consoles that will not allow any of the current Wii softmod packages to be installed. WiiNewz has confirmed with a member of Team Twiizers that these consoles contain a new version of boot1 (as mentioned in the HackMii blog post HERE) and will not work via soft modding. There is no "fix" forthcoming.

A modified boot2 will not run on them, period.

At the time the HackMii article was written, it was speculated that only 10% of current Wii stock contained the new boot1. More systems are now showing up. It would appear that Nintendo is now working to completely block softmods. This will not have any effect of soldered or solderless modchips or the majority of homebrew... yet.
