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View Full Version : DSKiosk v1.12b (R4) 3/8/09 - Homebrew Channel App for DS

March 16th, 2009, 19:17
Heres one i hadnt spotted but thanks to gbatemp (http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=141047) who link to pdroms (http://pdroms.de/news/16290/) as source i now can post news on it:

The Homebrew Channel type app for the DS has been updated, heres whats new:


v1.12b (R4) (8-Mar-2009): A major step was taken, DsKiosk now also works on the R4 card (thank you Michael 'Fenrir' and all testers for their invaluable assistance). Le fichier ZIP contient dorénavant deux exécutables : dskiosk.nds et dskiosk-r4.nds . The ZIP file now contains two different executable: dskiosk.nds and dskiosk-r4.nds. Utilisez ce dernier si votre linker est un R4 ou similaire, ou si dskiosk.nds refuse de tourner. Use this if your linker is an R4 or similar, or if dskiosk.nds refuses to turn.

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March 16th, 2009, 22:01
This works great on my cyclo ds though when i selected pictures for all my homebrew it wouldn't load white screen so am not sure what went wrong here.

March 17th, 2009, 16:49
It don't boots homebrew apps/games on my SCDS !
Neither the previous versions !
Sorry :-(

March 18th, 2009, 15:22
I like this App, very nice. May replace Moonshell with it on my R4.

I translated the readme for everyone. Thanks Google Translate!

Executables --- ---
the executable "dskiosk.nds works on most linkers, but if
you have an R4 (or

similar), or DsKiosk does not
run "dskiosk-R4.nds"

--- Implementation ---

Place the file in dskiosk.nds

anywhere on your SDCard,
and run it.

To begin, we will have to add your favorite homebrews to

applications available. If this is the first time you run
DsKiosk, the screen settings appear

automatically. Thereafter,
it is with the Start button on the console that you can access it. And it
with the same button

you can leave the setting screen.

--- Settings ---

DsKiosk default is in English when you start

for the first
times. To pass in French, just go to the Options
and press the button


Slots --- ---

This is the main tab from which you will populate DsKiosk.

The Add button lets you add

an application. Click it, and
dialog box allows you to define the path for the NDS file,

the image (PNG 16bits, 64x48).

DsKiosk is able to automatically detect if an image is present,

it meets one of the following two conditions:

* The image is in the same folder and has the same name

the application you want to add, except for the extension
which must be "knots" (ie, you

a game called
monHomebrew.nds, this image should be called monHomebrew.png)

* The image is named _title.png

(and of course, there can be
only one such file in a directory)

Note that if you do

provide no image file, try DSkiosk
display the default icon of homebrew, which will of course

less attractive (32x32, 16 colors).

Once you have confirmed your choices, your new entry
added to the end

your list of programs already registered. You
can change its position by selecting it (press it), and
using the Up and Down buttons.

Finally, the Remove button lets you delete an entry from the list. The

NDS and images will not be against not deleted from your SDCard.
It is always up to you to clean up your


--- Options ---

You can change the language used in DsKiosk, between English
and French. Click the

Language button to change.

--- News ---

The use of information: version, author, website address, etc etc ...


Save your settings ---

Registration is done automatically when you exit
interface settings

with the Start button on the console.

Hope this is some help to everyone.