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View Full Version : The GTA:LCS CheatDevice Thread

February 16th, 2006, 02:16
In this thread, post fun things to do with the CheatDevice. Here is my personal favorite:

Make sure these settings are as follows:

Infinite Health and Ammo - ON
Wanted Level - 0 stars
Never fall of bike - ON
Heavy bike - ON
Your car is indestructible - ON
Gravity - 0.0g
Bikes can drive on walls - ON
Rocket boost - 2

After setting these, find a bike or a moped. Jack it. Drive very fast while holding DOWN on the analog stick. After hitting a car or a bump in the road, the bike will lift off of the ground, with you at full control of its direction. To make the bike move up in the air, maintain an angle of 80-90 degrees. To turn left or right in the air, set the bike to about a 40-50 degree angle and press left or right without pressing the analog stick up at all. To go down, let go of X.

How does this work? Never fall off bike keeps you on the bike in midair. Heavy bike keeps oncoming traffic from interfering (if you hit them, they go flying into the air!). Zero gravity keeps you in the air. Bikes can drive on walls (which actually changes gravity to the direction of the bottom of your tires) enables you to turn in the air (make the bottoms of your tires face the direction you want to go). Rocket boost lets you pick up enough speed to launch into the air and stay there. Infinite health and ammo enables you to crash into anything or fall from any height without dying. The wanted level at 0 stars keeps the cops at bay when you crash into them.