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View Full Version : Xbox 360 Camera Nearing Release? Developers Shown Video Chat, Possible New Design

February 17th, 2006, 16:08
News from Lik Sang (http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3802&lsaid=219793)

During last year's MTV special where Microsoft revealed the 360 to the world, a webcam was also on display next to the console. Little more was shown of it since then though, but this week Computer and Videogames reported several developers have recently been shown it up and running.

Back at the last E3 show Microsoft said they aim to release the camera within the first quarter of 2006, and with March coming up fast, an official announcement is expected soon. Meanwhile speculation continues, and some believe the camera has over gone a make over since its last appearance, and could look like the second image at the right.


One unnamed developer told CVG how impressed they were by the technology, despite only being shown video chat over Xbox Live and not actual Eye Toy style games. In addition to chatting while playing games, using Xbox Live Arcade, listening to music or watching movies, users will be able to slap their faces on leader boards, and with supported titles, take customization a level further by putting their ugly mug on a character.

I for one wouldn't mind seeing if those girls I fight side by side with in MMORPG's are really just that. But back when the camera was first announced, the guys at Penny-Arcade had a different take on what the camera may unleash...