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View Full Version : Giana's Return news

July 3rd, 2004, 15:44
The Giana's Return (http://www.gianas-return.de/) website updated last week with news on the inclusion of the old levels as a bonus:[br]As you know Manfred Trenz himself allowed us to remade the old levels. Thanks again Manfred! :-) The permission is here, but even if we have it, it's no promise that we will add the old levels as bonus. When checking the Giana's Return poll on our page, we can't recognize much request for that anway... make use of your democratic voice and vote![br][br]The downloads are back due to a report in a german computermagazine. The magazine is called GEE. If anyone has this article, please send us a scan for our press corner. Thanks in advance![br][br]So go to the site (http://www.gianas-return.de/) and have your say.

July 4th, 2004, 13:04
Please vote for it in this topic at the official Giana forum:



July 5th, 2004, 13:37
...and if you are at it ;D please vote for an additional soundtrack to be included to the sold version at Lik-Sang.com here:

