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View Full Version : Orbis PSP Development - Flashmod v3

February 18th, 2006, 20:37
IchigoKurosaki (http://forums.qj.net/showthread.php?p=427774#post427774) has released a new version of FlashMod for the PSP, heres the info:

<blockquote>First i would like to thank everyone who donated towards a new PSP Motherboard and LCD Screen for me. I would also like to thank Fluff for the really nice graphics and user-interface she made. If you could please Donate towards Fluff. And one more thanks goes out to c5cha7 for codeing Flashmod v2.5. Now for some info on this release...

2.00+ UMD Support
Added Overclocking option.
No changes to 2.00+ support (Wait for Flashmod Modified Firmware)
Place Firmware in ms0:/f0 and ms0:/f1 (if you use FakeUpdater you shouldn't have to rename the directories)

UMD Loading
Added Overclocking option.

Corrupted Icon Remover through Firmware
Will make Corrupted Data Icon and text to disappear (Space will still exist)

PSIX Version Changer
Changes 1.0 Lite on top bar to 1.00 PSP -or- 1.50 PSP
Only for PSIX Lite
PSIX must be in ms0:/PSP/GAME/psix/

PSIX Background Changer
Allows Lite or Pro Users to change the Background of PSIX
Put 480x272 Background in ms0:/ named background.jpg or background.png

Graphical User-Interface
New Graphical User-Interface thanks to Fluff</blockquote>

Download via comments (Please Fully read and understand the instructions, this can damage your PSP if it goes wrong ie it writes over your flash)

February 18th, 2006, 20:48
good but still not perfect(it doesn't support 2.00+) :confused:

February 18th, 2006, 21:00
Why does it say UMD 2.00+ support if it really doesn't? Needless to say, UMD 2.00+ support on a Firmware 1.5 system would be the Holy Grail of PSP Homebrew. If it doesn't really support UMD 2.0+, then saying it does is a very cruel joke.

February 18th, 2006, 21:07
Flashmod Modified Firmware


February 18th, 2006, 21:09
Why does it say UMD 2.00+ support if it really doesn't? Needless to say, UMD 2.00+ support on a Firmware 1.5 system would be the Holy Grail of PSP Homebrew. If it doesn't really support UMD 2.0+, then saying it does is a very cruel joke.

Because it DOES have 2.00+ UMD support. It just isn't perfect. (such as GTA won't load with it)

February 18th, 2006, 21:31
what does this software actually do? i don't get it...

what does "changing the GUI" mean? can i get rid of the sony-PSP-menu and build my own menu/desktop?

btw, i have no interests in loading UMD's or ISO's or any related stuff. i just use my PSP (1.5) for homebrews. is there any use for me of this program? or what can it do?

February 18th, 2006, 22:02
what does this software actually do? i don't get it...

what does "changing the GUI" mean? can i get rid of the sony-PSP-menu and build my own menu/desktop?

btw, i have no interests in loading UMD's or ISO's or any related stuff. i just use my PSP (1.5) for homebrews. is there any use for me of this program? or what can it do?
If you know what you're doing, you can change some of the menu names and background. (Like how I added my own home made background then changed the names of the menu around just a bit. Like changing "Free Space" to "Space Free" and "Memory Stick" to "Memory Card" (That one really was driving me nuts. Glad I was able to use FlashMod V2 to change it).

Note that I was using FlashMod V2.

michael jackson
February 18th, 2006, 23:28
okay heres what this does, it rewrites flash on psp meaning its basicly a background changer for us who didnt preorder gta

also SHUT THE HELL UP about 2.00+ support it WORKS 2.00+ doesnt mean 2.5 neccisarily

i own popolocrois and i boot it with flashmod ... there

flashmod allows some games to boot w/o upgrading/downgrading EVERY time you want to play a 2.00 game, its safer to use flashmod and a lot less annoying

the warning about damage is for the background changer/ wavy line remover/adder and custom menu names

all of you retarded ***holes need to stop pointing fingers and start praising what might run your precious gta someday, if your lucky that is...

February 19th, 2006, 00:16
Amazing Work! I Will Be Donating Towards This! Cant Wait For The Custom Firmware! Sony Are Screwed If It Works! :)


michael jackson
February 19th, 2006, 01:29
who are you flaming? >.> because i was saying max was retarded for griping about a "cruel joke" when it does exactly what it says

hes just like the idiots who see "gba emulator" then expect a fully functional full speed emulator and bitch about speed because they dont realise that it takes time and money to get things working

February 19th, 2006, 01:32
Any chance of running a certain game that has to do with katamarys and their damacys with this ? Not that anyone would do such thing, just that it'd be nice to play 1.5 homebrew and use backups of games that only work on version 2.0's

michael jackson
February 19th, 2006, 01:38
if that game is a legal umd, this has nothing to do with iso's

if its 2.5+ then no... 2.5+ umds actually have graphics that 1.5 doesnt support so even if it booted your game would crash

February 19th, 2006, 02:07
Will overwriting the opening_plugin.rco file be added? Theres an option in that psp menu edit program that lets you add your own opening sounds and I already have a few made.

February 19th, 2006, 02:09
on a 1.0 psp, will this boot a umd that requires fw 1.5 ? (see sig)
wait, will this app even run on 1.0??... i think ive tried this before... :rolleyes:
ive spent hours and hours searching for an app that does that, im pretty sure psix was one i tried that didnt work. :(

February 19th, 2006, 03:15
Did you try the version changer for your 1.0? You can trick your firmware to 1.5 and I beleive 1.5 games will load.

February 19th, 2006, 04:21
I believe that all flamers are just stupid n00bs! These people are working there asses off to make good apps for the PSP, and just because it doesnt run your precious GTA, you flame them? It because of people like this, that you can load ISO's off of your memory sticks, or fake it into thinking its another firmwire. And then you flame them cus of ONE thing their latest app it doesnt do? Your lucky to even have a 1.5 you ****ing ****heads! Now stop moaning and have some ****ing patience! I hope you brick your PSP's with this app!


PS: Amazing Work By The Way! I Will Be Donating To You To Help You Get Your Custom Firmwire Working!
So, flamers are stupid n00bs, huh? ¬_¬

February 19th, 2006, 08:05
Does this support Burnout Legends?

February 19th, 2006, 14:15

February 20th, 2006, 00:14
Did you try the version changer for your 1.0? You can trick your firmware to 1.5 and I beleive 1.5 games will load.
i have tried wab and sxt version changers already but it didnt work for me with lumines (1.5 uk umd) :(
thanks for trying to help tho.
i hope this app does work for 1.0 but i dont really wanna try it unless other people with 1.0 have got it working.

February 20th, 2006, 15:04
So loading 2.0 UMDs on your 1.5 PSP with this is perfectly legal since you are buying the UMDs legally.

But is there a list somewhere of what can or can't be loaded with this?

February 22nd, 2006, 05:11
Just a follow up: Burnout Legends works with Flashmod. Thanks! This makes life much easier for me.

March 3rd, 2006, 23:07
I got Burnout Legends running on 1.5 with PspSet fine, you could just use that.

June 5th, 2006, 08:06
?? I have an issue with this app; It seems that when I flash new backgrounds (1-12) all the even number months work, and none of the odd. On top of that, the icons look pure white, and have a "glitch" look to them. Every icon on the menu is like that too :P Anyone have the same problem/have suggestions to fix this issue?

June 5th, 2006, 21:14
This application is great. I just wouldn't reccomend messing around with the menu names, it made my PSP into a partial brick... reffer to this thread for more info on how this happened:


August 19th, 2006, 05:47
i gotta try this