View Full Version : Pachter says this console generation is the last

March 25th, 2009, 16:32
Micheal Pachter foresees a world without console wars, calling the current crop of hardware "the last generation of consoles." The ballsy claim was made during GamesBeat 2009, a conference going on in parallel to GDC, where the Wedbush Morgan analyst reportedly declared that the future belonged to a "standard delivery platform" instead.

According to 1UP, Pachter based his claims on the rising cost of console game development, stating that third-party publishers "are not going to support a PS4 or Xbox 720." His opinion, however, was not shared by fellow analysts David Cole and Colin Sebastian, who instead believe we can expect new hardware in 2012, though all three soothsayers agree that should this come to pass, Sony will drag its feet in getting something new onto store shelves. But how long will Sony loyalists have to wait for a new fix? According to the "Church of Pachter," don't expect Sony's fourth-coming until sometime around 2015, coincidentally the same year the aliens attack.


March 26th, 2009, 07:11
Yeah maybe last for him! As long as devs keep making good games, I bet real gamers won't mind shelling out the bucks for the console and games. Nobody said this hobby was cheap, we all know what we are getting into haha

March 27th, 2009, 00:23
Patcher says a lot of things...

March 27th, 2009, 03:31
I think he's predicting a open platform that would be cheap to develop on