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View Full Version : Beats of Rage PSP V005

February 21st, 2006, 16:28
(Newspost of a new version of the popular Beats of Rage Beatemup)

Version 0.05 By SamuraiX

-Added Virtual File Management. (Ported from PS2 BOR)

-Load Times are incredibly Quick!!!

Known Issues:
-Large Paks 40 MBytes or Higher cause PSP crash.
-PSP Video Mode Widescreen. (Still not finished)

Future Releases...
-Pak file selector.
-Video Modes.
-More Optimizations....
-One SDL Conversion Left

Download via comments (Please leave feedback)

February 21st, 2006, 16:36
Muchas Gracias :)

February 21st, 2006, 17:32
Great job SamuraiX,
Your port is progressing a lot! Keep up the good work.

February 21st, 2006, 17:44
Ya! I was just going to download v.04 and bam, there´s v.05 with what I really wanted(shorter load times). Awesome work. Keep it up!!

February 21st, 2006, 23:03
Great job!!!Keep it up

February 22nd, 2006, 11:46
Kool! downloading right nw :D

February 22nd, 2006, 15:00
does this work with 2.0? :P
havent tried it since the second release
kinda scared its gonna crash on me again

February 22nd, 2006, 16:11
From what I've been hearing that no one but me is seeing the crash. It only happens when you exit the game using the in-game exit option using Large pak files. I think when you want to exit your game just hit the home button instead and it will not crash. I already have a fix for this in my dev environment... but there won't be another release until widescreen mode is finished.