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February 21st, 2006, 21:30
Monkey Present :D

Thanks to zilmar's help (of PJ64). I have fixed a few stupid mistakes I made in opcodes and starting register values (lol, n64 though it was in pal mode).

Anyways many more demos are now running but more bugs are stoping me further (most demos run 1-2 frames then hang or need more opcodes emulated).

So enjoy the shots and good times all around !!
-- See Comments for screenshots --

February 21st, 2006, 23:13
Nice work!!! Hope more Demo's progress further :D

February 21st, 2006, 23:17
Very well PSmonkey to request helps to the ceador of an emulator of N64, with its help you finished the good work before, continue this way ;)

February 22nd, 2006, 00:15
Yay, that's exciting! :D

February 22nd, 2006, 00:51
Brilliant work...a real inspiration for monkeys everywhere!

February 22nd, 2006, 01:50
It's nice to see you makings such great progress, and it's really cool to see that other N64 programmers are willing to help you out.

Keep up the nice work, I'm really looking forward to Mario 64 one day.

P.S. I remember reading in one of your previous posts that you hope to run Mario 64 at 30 fps. Was 30 fps. its original frame rate?

February 22nd, 2006, 03:16
:D These Screens Make Me Happy! Keep Up The Wonderful Work :D

February 22nd, 2006, 04:14
Keep Up The Good Work!!!!!1 By The By Did You Get The Demo I Sent You????????

February 22nd, 2006, 05:06
Keep Up The Good Work!!!!!1 By The By Did You Get The Demo I Sent You????????

Yeah it actualy just showed up today. Dude you totaly rock. Daxter is amazing for a psp game. :D

Such a great day all around. :P

February 22nd, 2006, 05:07
Yay, haha good job PSmonkey. Good idea getting help from Zilmar, PJ64 is definitly the best N64 emu out there. Can't wait to see furthur progress! Good luck PSmonkey! :D

February 22nd, 2006, 05:14
wow first finjata now the monkey every day gets closer and better much love monkey i appreciate your hard work..

February 22nd, 2006, 09:30
Impressive stuff, thanks for putting so much time into this project. This is very exciting indeed!

February 22nd, 2006, 12:23
yes monkey. your awesome.

February 22nd, 2006, 13:23
very impressive and amazing!
You're an awesome monkey! :D
Keep up the good work! You definetly rock!

I've deep respect in you and all the other psp coders out there!

February 22nd, 2006, 19:54
Kudos Monkey man! You deserve a trillion bananas!!! At least I'll go bananas the day we have SmashBros and Ocarina of time in our hands. From one monkey to another...You are one heck of an ape! It looks better everytime you post, so cheers! :D

February 22nd, 2006, 20:27
Props from Paris!
And real nice to get the pj64 team involved, my son and i play n64 games every day thanx to them. I wish you the best luck and hope to play n64 on the road soon!

Thanks for your effort.

February 23rd, 2006, 08:01
Small update.

I fixed my lock up bug today on fire demo. It now finaly keeps updating. Along with this fix Fire Demo now works & so does Pong by Omar. Yet there are some bugs still in others (absolute crap 1 & 2 still hang after a few cycles, pong input is bad ( left trigger sent my pad up and that was it. :P ) ).

anyways a more proper anoucement will come later in the day. its 3am now and i need to get some rest. :)

February 23rd, 2006, 09:46
D*mn, I truly admire your dedication to this project. Really magnificant
Once again, keep up the great work :D (I wonder how many times I said that lol :p:) )

February 23rd, 2006, 12:03
hi psmonkey will the emu play banjo-tooie and dk 64 oh yeah by the way good work

February 23rd, 2006, 15:24
sweet i have a fanboy now (m64fan). :P

well after being up so late last night I dont want to get up this morning. :(
I made a typo in my last post. I ment I fixed a bug for n64 stars (not fire demo) but that same bug was what locked up other demos from working. Either way. YAY.

With more and more things starting to work (including new demos) I am starting to debate a time frame for release. I was originaly gunning for "when more runs, post quickly" but I am thinking not to do that. I am actualy thinking of trying to get the emulator to the point where it's waiting on rsp emulation. That way when I start on it again (need break to work on iris) I will be starting in on rsp emulation to start running comercial roms. Sure it might only take me another week to get to this point but I am thinking of delaying it further for a huge release on march 9th (there be a reason for that) but I am unsure atm. So I will have to debate it further and also continue to hunt down bugs.

Well anyways i'll post some pictures up later today of new status & of me hopfuly kicking the n64 ass in pong by omar. :D

Untill then. *chimes ghostbuster music* There is something strange in the coding base, who you gonna call? Bugbuster!! It doe something wierred and it dont look good, who you gonna call? Bugbuster!!

It will be a long time till banjo-tooie or dk64 work. The reason being is they are larger then 16MB which is my current limit for the emulator. I am thinking to get this fixed after some time but the result wont happen till after mario64 is running & after the recompiler is implemented.

February 23rd, 2006, 19:14
WOW, great work! I can't wait to play mario 64 or super smash bros. Keep up this amazing work! By the way, I just got a 2gb memory stick pro duo so I will be able to put tons of N64 games on my psp! Also, about when do you think that Mario 64 will be running along with other commercial N64 games?

February 23rd, 2006, 19:31
You'd better don't ask developers for release dates, that's a source of stress!

16 mb let's see.......... Goldeneye, blastcorps, mario64, pilotwings, waverace, diddykong racing, mariokart, tony hawk, micro machines, banjo kazooi, fzero, mage the dark age, yoshis story and about 30 more roms in my collection wich are 16mb or less! Wow! Well i'd say that the 16mb barrier is not a big problem at all becouse most of my (and allmost everybody's) favorite titles are within this limit! You are really a hero psmonkey, thanx for working day and night on this!

February 23rd, 2006, 19:51
Hey guys, don't jump the gun.

He said commercial roms won't work cause he still needs to implement rsp emulation. So for now, only PD roms. Get your N64 versions of Tetris and Pong out and be ready to play ;)

February 23rd, 2006, 21:23
You'd better don't ask developers for release dates, that's a source of stress!

16 mb let's see.......... Goldeneye, blastcorps, mario64, pilotwings, waverace, diddykong racing, mariokart, tony hawk, micro machines, banjo kazooi, fzero, mage the dark age, yoshis story and about 30 more roms in my collection wich are 16mb or less! Wow! Well i'd say that the 16mb barrier is not a big problem at all becouse most of my (and allmost everybody's) favorite titles are within this limit! You are really a hero psmonkey, thanx for working day and night on this!

You forgot Zelda, It is way over the 16 mb barrier unfortunately :( . I am sure that is also one of everyone's favorite titles. Cause then again, who doesn't like Zelda?

February 23rd, 2006, 21:29
Yes i know, no zelda, but i was only naming titles with less than 16mb, and starfox won't work neither although it's under the 16mb barrier witch isn't working becouse of the required fx chip emulation witch is hard to accomplish....

February 23rd, 2006, 22:04
There has to be a way to make zelda smaller without killing the game in anyway.

I will do some research but im not promising anyone anything

February 23rd, 2006, 23:41
Yes i know, no zelda, but i was only naming titles with less than 16mb, and starfox won't work neither although it's under the 16mb barrier witch isn't working becouse of the required fx chip emulation witch is hard to accomplish....

wrong version dude. Starfox snes used the fx chip. starfox 64 used the normal n64 hardware and is posible to emulate (its actualy another mario64, not heavly demanding on the hardware )

February 24th, 2006, 04:11
good luck dude you know you have my support. Need anything just ask.

February 24th, 2006, 04:14
By the way don't answer this question if you really can't justify it. And for the fact i don't want to stress you out. But even if you get commercial games like Mario 64 running do you think you will ever get a good emulation for the speed. Cause even though we would all be impressed seeing it play. The truth is we want to play it. Just a question. Cause I don't want this to end up like the ps1 project. cause that project almost seemed like a complete waste of time. (No disrespect in any way, just trying to see where we stand).

February 24th, 2006, 04:41
By the way don't answer this question if you really can't justify it. And for the fact i don't want to stress you out. But even if you get commercial games like Mario 64 running do you think you will ever get a good emulation for the speed. Cause even though we would all be impressed seeing it play. The truth is we want to play it. Just a question. Cause I don't want this to end up like the ps1 project. cause that project almost seemed like a complete waste of time. (No disrespect in any way, just trying to see where we stand).
It sure seems like it.

I feel your post needs to be addressed on a technical level so please bare with me.

As some have already pointed out, the PSP & n64 are mips processors which share alot of simularities. The instruction set on both are relativly close and with both being mips processors instruction layout will be about the same as well. In other words an ADD V0, V1, V2 is going to be the same on both.

Pc use x86 processors wich are cisc in design (unlike the mips which is Risc). So there is a vast amount of things that are different. What has caused for some really good speeds on the pc is emulators implementing a dynamic or static recompiler of the instruction set. This is yet to be implemented on Monkey 64 which at the moment is only interpreter based (which is ungodly slow mind you). The n64 emus for xbox are not very good or well optimised compaired to many pc n64 emulators (wich is rather sad since it should have been straight forward to get one going on the n64).

A few additional things that are interesting about the n64 is that it's registers are 64bit. While this sounds daunting for a 32bit system to handle, most instructions on the n64 mips processor were actualy 32bit with additional instructions added on to handle 64bit arithmatic. Thies instructions are not as heavly used as one would be led to believe. On top of it, mario64 & many other early n64 games did not push the system a whole lot, Alot of the geometry was rather basic, Rsp & Rdp were not worked to the bone & in most n64 emus for pc, mario 64 is one of the n64 games to actualy run almost near perfectly.

So is 30+ fps posible? Actualy its more posible then lead to believe. I have had numerious discussions with a few well known people from the n64 emulation & development scene. Both know the n64 like the back of their hand & feel that n64 emulation on the psp is quite posible if properly writen.

So how do I plan to properly write a n64 emu for the psp? By recompiling the mips instructions to psp mips instructions. Since both are simular very, less work will be needed to make this accurate compaired to recompiled instructions for a pc emu. I plan to recompile cpu & cop0 instructions to the main cpu. Cop1 instructions (floating point instructions) can be recompiled to take use of the psp's VFPU which also have their own set of registers. This will help out emencly in emulation speed.

Well thats about it. Do take into consideration that on the revolution, you're going to be paying out the teeth to play classic n64 games on the system, on top of it you will only get to play what nintendo provides. If you want to play games the way they were ment to be played, then buy the original system then. Thats the only way you will get to play things the way they are ment to be played.

February 24th, 2006, 10:03
Psmonkey, would the available memory be an issue on 2.00+ ? (I have a 2.0 thankfully :p ) Because I think that all the memory (24 mb I believe) is available in User Mode. And because the new Eloader has freed up more memory. I personally think the memory would not be an issue anymore, but I am not sure. So what would be the benefit of having a 1.5 over a 2.0 on Monkey 64? Would there be a difference in performance, or other functions? :confused:

Thanks :D

February 24th, 2006, 11:47
Im pretty sure there are issues with running power hungry apps on eboot loaders because they dont allow direct access to all memory and hardware functions. Also (and im not saying this will happen) if any of the proccessing was moved to the media engine for optimisation purposes anything beyond 1.5 would be ruled out. Basically, if you want speed and functionality, stick with lower firmware.

(Waits for PSMonkey to answer and tell me if ive got the right idea or im way off)

February 24th, 2006, 12:14
wrong version dude. Starfox snes used the fx chip. starfox 64 used the normal n64 hardware and is posible to emulate (its actualy another mario64, not heavly demanding on the hardware )

Yes , how could i be so stupid! It was the snes!
Well that's a relief becouse i love starfox.
Thanx for the correction PSmonkey, nice to have you in the discussion.

February 24th, 2006, 15:52
great work i hope it will run comercial games soon ((CONKERS BAD FUR DAY ON YOUR PSP)) :D

can it be downloaded yet???????? :confused:

February 24th, 2006, 15:53
great work i hope it will run comercial games soon ((CONKERS BAD FUR DAY ON YOUR PSP)) :D

can it be downloaded yet???????? :confused:

February 24th, 2006, 16:42
Well PSMonkey, take your time, we'll all be waiting here with baited breath!

One of my favourite games ever is Blast Corps on the N64, if I could play that on my PSP I'd be in Heaven!

February 24th, 2006, 17:42
It sure seems like it.

Well thanks for the information I appreciate it. And also I do own the original n64 system but what I was thinking from a n64 emulator on the PSP was it would be the first hand held n64 (emulation). So that is why I was wondering how you would be able to run the emulator. Also I was looking at the specs and to me I could be wrong but it did not seem as if the emulation was very possible but I'll take your word for it. Well good luck!

February 24th, 2006, 18:38
great work i hope it will run comercial games soon ((CONKERS BAD FUR DAY ON YOUR PSP)) :D

can it be downloaded yet???????? :confused:

Unlikely (it be a miracle if Mario64 works) and not anytime soon (think months [wild guess 6] ) for a version running commerical roms nicely.

February 24th, 2006, 19:02
More like 2 or 3 if he continues working on it.

February 24th, 2006, 19:51
but dont forget the break i must take on monkey so i can work on iris for the dcemu compo that ends in april (i have alot on my plate for that).

Yet I think in another month of work we can see comercial roms booting. Maybe mario playable in 2 months and 4-5 months for a solid recompiler so we can get playable speed.

Few things to take into consideration. with a little trickery (like when roms are waiting for a vsycn to accure) a few fps can be obtain. Like Chaos demo runs at 12.5 fps vs the 5.5 that fire runs. Why? Well because chaos goes into a little opcode loop till a vblank occures. Since we speed up emulation when this happens it gets a bit higher frame rate. I currently only do this on the J opcode but if I add it into others we might see a little boost in others. :D

February 24th, 2006, 20:40
Monkey, first of all love you also wonderin if you are writing the code all separately or using an arranger

February 24th, 2006, 21:10
The Pj64 Team Is Gr8 At Recompilers Im Sure U Know That ..... But It Would Be Nice To Have There Help In That Feild And Jabo Is A Genious Too Three Of You Would Take Some Stress Of The Monkeys Back!!! What Do U Guys Think Between Our Genious Psmonkey And Jabo And Zilmer Omg Magic I Say Muhuhuhaha Your All Amazing Peeps With Lots Of Charicter And Underground Rep. And 64 Emulation Is What U Have In Common Jabo Is "the Man" For The Job Fr Plug-ins

February 25th, 2006, 02:52
Dude monkey, not even king kong could match your prowess with the PSP. :-)

I can remember my first thread asking if N64 emulation was possible

I knew someone could do it and you proved all the doupters wrong.

P.S. Iris looks great

February 25th, 2006, 04:48
Ok there is basicly only one thing any one want running here.

Zelda (Ocarana Of Time)

If you get that running i will go beserk

February 25th, 2006, 21:53

Your dedication is admirable

What percentage are you for getting tis completed?

(You have another fanboy)

February 25th, 2006, 22:09
nice work guy. I cant wait to play starcraft64 with the psp!!!!

November 17th, 2006, 22:25
you are gay