View Full Version : VolDown plugin

March 30th, 2009, 23:12
News/release from jojojoris (http://forums.qj.net/psp-development-forum/147974-release-voldown-plugin.html)

Hello erveybody,

Imagine: You are bored in boring math class. Your teacher is boring and the whole school is boring. You want to play a game on your psp. So you turn on your psp and then it happened. Last time you play on your psp you forget to turn the sound off. You hear the StartUp sound of your psp. The teacher heared it also and you have to gave your psp to the teacher.

To prevent this enormous annoyance you can use my newest homebrew.

It's called "VolDown".

It's a small plugin which turns the vollume down to ZERO. After it had done it it unloads itselfe so is doesn't use any memory after it had one its task.

(I know you can also put earphones in but not everone had a earphone ready)


Step 1.
Copy "VolDown.prx" to ms0:\seplugins\
Step 2.
Add the following line to ms0:\seplugins\vsh.txt:
(you don't have to add this line to game.txt)
Step 3.
Turn off your PSP.
Step 4.
Hold R while you turn your psp on again.
Step 5.
In recovery go to plugins and enable VolDown.prx
Step 6.
Close recovery.
Step 7.
In XMB turn the volume to maximum.
Step 8.
RestartYour PSP.
Step 9.
Confirm that it works.
Step 10.
Jump 3 times in the air and post a comment where you say that this has saved your life.

Download and Give Feedback Via Comments

March 31st, 2009, 06:51
Scared myself half to death once by accidentally turning on my PSP with GTA in there. Got the start up sound, the audio that plays when you have the UMD of the game selected, ready to play, the pulled the battery right out, in fear of my teacher noticing. I was amazed when five people around me looked at me for a second, started laughing hysterically, and the teacher never noticed.
Enough of me reminiscing, thanks for this plugin, from somebody who really needs it.

March 31st, 2009, 15:58
Aha, an easy way to disable the Cold Boot Puh-ding !

if this works, I can permanently remove the hacked off 3.5mm jack
from the phones socket.

April 3rd, 2009, 04:22
Wow, i wish i had this back in highschool. Would've gotten me out of several times of being in trouble with my psp.

Nonetheless, very nice.