View Full Version : PXDrum v1.1

March 31st, 2009, 23:31
Jum (http://jum.pdroms.de/PSP/pspprog.html) has posted an update to his drum app for the PSP:

Released "PXDrum" version 1.1. (This version includes some minor fixes, and executables for PSP, PS3 Ubuntu, Ubuntu Linux and Windows).

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April 2nd, 2009, 01:38
what is this exactly?

April 2nd, 2009, 17:38
what is this exactly?

near as like a programmable beatbox with many classic drum samples , a sequencer,
and a button/mouse GUI.

June 10th, 2009, 16:27
PXDrum has been updated to v1.2:

The release includes a binary for PSP, a binary for Ubuntu Linux, and a binary for Windows.

*** NB: PXDrum v1.0 and v1.1 will NOT be able to load songs saved with
*** PXDrum v1.2 or newer !!!

Changes from v1.1 to v1.2:
- Updated disco and reggae examples.
- Grid cursor mouse and arrow movement now locked together.
- Made UI more customisable (textures.bmp now holds gui colours).
- Icons for PSP XMB.
- Fix to timing/sync (BPM is now far more accurate).
- Added "Record to WAV" function.
- Added simple "VU meter" (in place of Pitch bar).
- Increased song sequence length to 100 patterns.
- Add "Jump to" option in sequence menu.
- Increased number of patterns to 50.
- Pattern list now "follows" current pattern (like sequence list follows
current song position).
- Implemented minor "joystick mouse" acceleration.
- Implemented control using PSP headphone remote (PSP only).
- Shuffle value and VolRand value now displayed in "Info Panel".
- Added BIG_ENDIAN file i/o for PS3 version.

- jum

PS: Wraggster, please update the thread heading, or make a new announcement thread. Thanks dude!