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View Full Version : NEOGEO CDZ Emulator for PSP 0.1.9 Bugfix 2 (NeoGeo CD Emulator for the PSP)

February 26th, 2006, 10:15
NJ (http://neocdz.hp.infoseek.co.jp/) has released a new update of his NEOGEO CDZ Emulator for PSP. (Neogeo CD Emulator)

Heres the rough translation for now:

(0.1.9 bugfix 1)
* Because user there is a part which part elementary by mistake is with drawing processing of interface, correction. You think performance of user interface drawing has improved. In addition, there was a possibility the sprite territory being destroyed at the time of picture clearing processing, but Perhaps you think this is corrected.

(0.1.9 bugfix 2)
* It meaning that with bugfix 1 new bug occurs with sound and video, it corrects. It is not completed.
* It does not solve the trouble of sleep at the time of zip file use yet.
* Because we do the entire correction of the source destined for 0.2, as for the next source release up to 0.2 Please wait. (It advances 0.1.9 bug corrections, but as for 0.2 releases you think it becomes for a while first.

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February 26th, 2006, 15:41
0.1.9 bugfix 3 is out, translation though slightly dodgy:
24bit it had stopped being indicated by the case where you use bit map as the background image, normally
 Correcting trouble.
Because next is, the snapshot was modified in PNG type. It depends on the retention of the picture the time when
 It was shortened substantially. 0.The schedule which also the background image and the picture when loading change into PNG with 2.

* It does not solve the trouble of sleep at the time of zip file use yet.
* 0.Directing to 2, because we do the entire correction of the source, as for the next source release 0.Up to 2
 Please wait.
 (0.1.It advances the bug correction of 9, but 0.As for release of 2 you think that it becomes for a while first. )

February 26th, 2006, 21:00
And here's a translation of a few of the notes concerning possible problems and solutions, as well as some good news for the few clueless gimps on this board that feel this emulator is being updated too much:

"...I'm praying that there aren't any more easy-to-fix bugs left (tears)

*In the event that the program is not running correctly, please check the following items:

1."ERROR: lost syncronization" is displayed.
Try playing with CDDA turned off.
If it works correctly like this, then there's a possibility that the MP3 files are damaged.
Even when the original data is fine, sometimes that data doesn't get perfectly copied to the memory stick, so you should delete the MP3 files and remake them from the original CD-ROM.

2.Even with CDDA on and with the MP3 files, the MP3s don't play.
The program doesn't look outside of the neocd.mp3 folder inside the game's folder.
Please check your folder settings.

3. Some of the graphics are displayed as a black square.
I don't really know what's causing this, but it does look like this has happened when the MP3 file is damaged. I've recieved several reports of this happening, and the above was the cause in each case, and I've never had it happen with my own setup. Once again, I make no guarantees about the performance using data taken from anywhere other than the original CD-ROM.
Please understand this.

4. File loading is slow.
Since the emulation of the load screen itself involves some heavy processing, when you are emulating the load screen the file load speed drops drastically. Please turn "Emulate load screen" off.
This functions just fine even without logo.bmp and loading .bmp, so if you don't need these, feel free to just delete them. As in NeoCDPSP, I haven't included any processes to speed up the loading, so if you perform the above step and feel that the speed is still too slow, you might as well just give up trying.

*Concerning the processes related to sleeping, there's still some unstable bits. As there are issues that can't be solved by the program, I think it will take some time to fix this.


State of development:
-To a certain extent, I've accomplished everything I wanted to do, so for the time being, I'm planning on performing strictly bugfixes.
I think I may even fix the windows version."

February 26th, 2006, 21:38
Thanks b8a and Hawq, Its good to get better translations from the coder of this amazing EMU. I am really starting to love this EMU. What great work!

February 26th, 2006, 21:54
Ya, this emu is sweet!! thanks for the translations, definately a big help.

February 26th, 2006, 22:13
Wow!! I just (finally!!) got all the bits and pieces needed to make the emu/roms work and I must say, this is the best emu I've used so far!

Metal Slug looks gorgeous! Im so happy!!!

Thanks NJ!!!