View Full Version : Agenaworld 1.3 released

February 27th, 2006, 17:59
Edepot messaged me this news of a new version of his Space shooter type game:

"Biggest changes: 24bits/pixel mode and multi-directional scrolling, and ability to visit all nine planets ofsolar system (plus other galaxies). Try to reach earth (homeworld). Its really fun to find the solar system from the initial cubes. You can press right trigger to see where you are after using the hypercubes to zip to another area.

It is a big program when unzipped, so get at least a 128MB memory stick."

Download (its 28meg) from the official page here --> http://www.edepot.com/game.html

February 28th, 2006, 05:05
WOW, large file size.