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View Full Version : PS1 Help Plz (backups not working, burning & emulator help)

April 7th, 2009, 00:06
Sorry if this in in the wrong spot but I was unsure where to post it.
I have just got PS Xchange V2.0 to use with my PSOne. When i put PS Xchange in, it goes to the screen where you are suppose to put in your backup or import cd but when i hit start nothing happens. My backups worked in one of the original PS's with a modchip, so i don't understand why they are not working.
Also, how do you properly make backups. i tried to use clonecd with my dvd burner but it could not read the disc.
Has anyone used a emulator to play PS1 games on their computer, if so do they have to be on your harddrive or can they run off the backup cd.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I know its a dying system but my dad would sure be happy to play some of these games again