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View Full Version : Microsoft's handheld to be revealed on March 2?

February 28th, 2006, 00:35
A rumour from Gamespot: (http://www.gamespot.com/news/show_blog_entry.php?topic_id=24365883)

<blockquote>What we heard: Ever since CES in January, rumors have been circulating that Microsoft may soon enter the handheld market. Most of these sprang from a BusinessWeek article, which cited an anonymous source inside the Redmond, Washington-based software colossus as "working on plans to develop its own portable digital media device to rival the iPod." Speaking hypothetically, Xbox marketing chief Peter Moore said any such device would also have gaming functionality. "It can't just be our version of the iPod," he told the magazine.

At the same time, one of Microsoft's signature teaser Web sites sprouted up at the URL www.origamiproject.com. Via some slick flash animation, the site asks visitors "Do you know me?" "Do you know what I can do?" "Do you know where I can go?" It then promises that, "You will ... Learn more on 3.2.06."

Given the looming launch of Windows Vista, many assumed the site was part of the effort to help hype Microsoft's new PC operating system. However, over the weekend, reports surfaced that Project Origami is actually the code name for a new portable that combines media-player and PC functionality.

The evidence came in the form of a video clip that was uncovered on the Web site for the film-production company Digital Kitchen. The clip, which has since been taken down, showed a "concept device ... noticeably larger than the iPod and somewhat bigger than Sony's PlayStation Portable," according to the Post-Intelligencer. The video also "shows people using the device not only as a music player, but also as a miniature personal computer for accessing the Internet, sending e-mail, editing photos and playing video games."

What games, you ask? A copy of the video viewed by GameSpot clearly shows a user playing what looks like a handheld version of Halo in a train station, and an image in the Post-Intelligencer's gallery of stills also shows the Bungie game on the portable's screen. Unlike the side-scrolling spin-offs that were once rumored to be coming to portables, the Origami Halo looks much like the same graphic-intensive first-person shooter that has become legendary on the Xbox and PC.

[UPDATE] However, it remains unclear when--or if--gamers will be able to get their hands on a mini Master Chief. Instead of busting out the usual "Microsoft does not comment on rumors or speculation" boilerplate, reps for the company admitted the video was legit. "While Origami is a concept we've been working on with partners, please know that the video seen on Digital Kitchen's web site is a year old and represents our initial exploration into this form factor, including possible uses and scenarios," a Microsoft rep told GameSpot.

Though reps wouldn't comment on the Halo footage specifically, their references to "possible uses and scenarios" means the footage was likely for demonstration purposes only. "Everything in the video was 100 percent pure concept, so take nothing as an indication of what may or may not be in any such final product," a source close to Microsoft told GameSpot. "I'm sure they just took some Halo footage and stuck it in there since it's a Microsoft property."

So will the portable device have gaming functionality? Hopefully we'll know soon. The reps also said that details on the Origami Project would be revealed "in the coming weeks." Maybe they should have said "the coming days," as the date on the origamiproject.com is this Thursday--less than 72 hours away. Bogus or not bogus?: Not bogus that something is getting unveiled on March 2--and we can't wait to see what it is. </blockquote>

So are Microsoft going to release their own handheld, check out the screens in the comments and give your verdict

Illegal Machine
February 28th, 2006, 00:45
very interesting to say the least

I wonder what the homebrew POV is? among other things.

February 28th, 2006, 00:50
umm i hope they make a portable game system the more the better

February 28th, 2006, 03:17
O it will have full 32bit application support
And will likely be a open system, expecting some sort of windows Vista Moble

I doubt it will rival the psp in gaming (Just look at the shape :cool: )
but it does have a keyboard that many of us are realy looking for

In short, its a realy small laptop, noting more, nothing less

February 28th, 2006, 03:19
O_O it's cuz they know that they aren't earning $$$. They are the only one that haven't made handheld consoles.

February 28th, 2006, 03:25
Utter and absolute sweetness. I'll be doing backflip pelvic thrusts over this for hours...

February 28th, 2006, 03:29
O_O it's cuz they know that they aren't earning $$$. They are the only one that haven't made handheld consoles.

XBOX360 will have a one year advanate on game sales agenst the ps3

Not to mention a much longer market share.
Also they are more protected agenst Iso's

Still hasnt been hacked.

If you try the system automaticly patchs any exploit, Its like the thing has AI
Iv made exploits, but after one-two executions, the system patches it.

Its crazy.

But dont worry MS is getting plunty of $$$$$$ from the 360

February 28th, 2006, 03:48
Ithink that its too big I mean it lookslike it has good graphics and looks like it'll play cd's
and DVD's but looks like a bigger "SEGA Gamegear" or a laptop

February 28th, 2006, 04:20
its just a little handheld PC. I saw it already at engadget.com
It looks too uncomfortable to even really play with. MSFT isn't ready yet.

February 28th, 2006, 04:44
I hope those pictures don't reflect the final design. That is not gamer friendly at all. Too big, not ergonomically practical for a gaming machine. Sure it'll probably pack some serious portable power under the hood but I don't think it will be a PSP killer.

February 28th, 2006, 04:46
Thats because its not a gaming machine. They never even implied that it would be. DCEMU likes to hype everything up and thats why they want you to think that its a handheld console. Damn yellow journalism!

February 28th, 2006, 04:57
Thats because its not a gaming machine.

Well why not add gaming functionality. There is a strong market there. If this is not it, I'm sure its just a matter of time before Microsoft does release a portable gaming device.

February 28th, 2006, 04:58
I'm sure they'll release some games for it. However, it won't be much of a gaming machine at that size and weight. It'll be like your cell phone or PDA.

February 28th, 2006, 04:59
Two words.

Oh Sh!t

Well thats it then, we had a good run didn't we?

*Throws PSP into the Atlantic*

Halo In...Well Both Your Hands (http://xbox360media.ign.com/xbox360/image/article/691/691756/microsoft-handheld-revealed-20060227111936607.jpg)

Im unimpressed by the design of this thing. Sure its got killer hardware under the hood, but is it ergnomically sound? I think not. Definitly not a toy, more so than the psp. It isnt a psp killer by any means.


February 28th, 2006, 05:04

February 28th, 2006, 07:27
It even looks purdy too :eek:

Im haveing one of these :p
If they market this right this could kill the psp :eek:

February 28th, 2006, 08:30
Ithink that its too big I mean it lookslike it has good graphics and looks like it'll play cd's
and DVD's but looks like a bigger "SEGA Gamegear" or a laptop

Haha, Gamegear was awesome, I found mine recently and compared the size with my PSP. That monstrosity was BARELY portable, lol. Anyone know the size and weight differences?

February 28th, 2006, 10:08
doesn't look like a hand held console... more like a portable media centre >.>

February 28th, 2006, 10:30
If you can play old games pc and emu, yes it's a great game machine :D

February 28th, 2006, 11:08
EUuuugh!! look at the buttons xD

February 28th, 2006, 11:51
@ sheng - I noticed that too. As far as I can tell from those screenies it is a small tablet PC made inhouse by micro$oft. It appears to be running windows XP tablet edition (does that 'paint' program look familiar to you?) . This also explains the halo bit. If its on a regular x86 platform, and previding it had a graphics accelerator ofcorse it can run halo. As has now been stated by microshaft these pics are real but are a year old so it may have a completly different form factor by now and the software should be a bit more 'disguesed'.

February 28th, 2006, 19:29
it looks more like a PDA

February 28th, 2006, 22:07
lol is toooooooo big looks like a brick!!!!.

February 28th, 2006, 22:24
id buy it just to play halo on the go and homebrew and roms

March 1st, 2006, 00:52
EUuuugh!! look at the buttons xD
I'm sure the touch screen will make that up ;)

March 1st, 2006, 01:00
xbox360 will have one year advance on the game sales against ps3... but the 360 isnt realy catching my eye or prety much any other person i know's eye. the thing sucks. i mean if theyre realy trying to reach everyone why arent there any realy good games. maybe if they showed me something that realy looks fun id reconsidder. but untill then its still just a handfull of purty grafix and un-inovative gameplay. oh and kameo sucks it should have just been canceled instead of delayed and released.

March 1st, 2006, 01:01
i dont know i dont see myself playing street fighter or any game that requires some kind of quick button movements. looks clumsy like i would drop it if i held it a little wrong.

March 1st, 2006, 04:41
Its toooo bigggggg. Its not a game console!!! Like any other handheld device (even the IPod) it'll be able to play games, but it won't be a gaming machine.

March 1st, 2006, 14:39
Check out the video here: http://www.youtube.com/results?search=ms+oragami&search_type=search_videos

Cap'n 1time
March 1st, 2006, 14:51
This is pure speculation...
If the software is just your average x86 based pc software... then this thing is going to cost more then the machines actual production cost.

Rather then a console - which generally costs less then it takes to make it but makes up for that with software sells this could just be a PC. That being said, in order for MS to make a profit off of this they will have to sell this gadget at a higher price then it took to produce it. I'd say look at a price >$600.

Thats just speculation btw.

March 1st, 2006, 16:44
It would probably be more than that! Look at the price of the OQO http://www.oqo.com/store/shop.cgi/op/op_index.html?drilldepth=1 and the sony type U http://www.icube.us/Products/sonyux.htm It will probably cost around the price of those since they seem so similar.

March 2nd, 2006, 14:19
This Look SOOOOOOOOOO Fake And Dosnt Say Any Thing About Micrsoft

March 2nd, 2006, 15:52
this is real! but as far as I can tell it's not hand held console.... infact it may not be a hardware advert ether... it chould be a advert for a new Microsoft OS.... you never know....