View Full Version : Phantasy Star Online

April 8th, 2009, 21:46
NickD (http://lavalit.com:8080/index.php/topic,2718.0.html) has released a new Beats of Rage Mod that should be playable on PSP/GP2X/Dreamcast with some tinkering:


Phantasy Star Online.. if you dumped me on an island and left me only one video game to play, I'd probably choose that one. PSO just may be my all-time favorite game, so needless to say I had a lot of fun whipping this mod up.

~Game Mode~

As of now there is only one that has a (short) stage. It is based off of Forest 1 of Episode I from the official game.


This mod uses the attack, special, and jump buttons.

Recommended control layout for PSP (Xbox and DC users should have similiar setups):
Attack1 - Square
Special - Triangle
Jump - Cross/X

Remember to set these controls in Options->Control Options->Setup Player #!


There are 3 characters to choose from. Below is a list of them and their moveset:

(Key Legend)
A - Attack button
S - Special button
J - Jump button
U - Up on the D-Pad/Directional keys/Analog pad
D - Down on the D-Pad/Directional keys/Analog pad

AAA - Press the Attack button 3 times.

AAA - Main attack string. Third hit launches enemy forward.
AS/AAS - Mid-combo attack. A powerful hit that launches enemies forward very far.
S - Zonde (lightning spell). Attacks at a set range, does little damage but stuns the enemy. Takes 25 MP to use.
JS - Jumpattack. Knocks enemies down.
UU/DD - Dodge in the direction you pressed (UU dodges up, etc).

AAA - Main attack string. Shoots non-knockdown bullets each attack.
S - Grenade launcher. Powerful with short range.

AAA - Main attack string. Third hit launches enemy forward.
AS/AAS - Mid-combo attack. Powerful hit that launches enemies upward.
S - An attack that can hit enemies on both sides of the player.
JS - Jumpattack. Knocks enemies down.
UU/DD - Dodge in the direction you pressed (DD dodges down, etc).

~OpenBOR Version~
I personally tested this on OpenBOR 2.2038. It should work fine on all later versions as well.

To-Do List:
-Make HUnewearl
-Crop Principals speech images so that the text is actually readable *This is something I really don't feel like doing but will anyways, as it's like 30+ images we're talking here.
-Possibly make Barbarous Wolf(sp?)
-Make items (monomate/fluids)
-Finish up Forest 1

Download Here (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ATJN1887) and Give Feedback Via Comments

April 9th, 2009, 10:56
Wow, out of all the Beats of Rage mods there are out there, I never have thought to see a PSO one. =P

From the screenshot it looks like it fits fairly well actually.