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View Full Version : Demo of Phantasy Star Online BOR mod released

April 8th, 2009, 21:46
NickD (http://lavalit.com:8080/index.php/topic,2718.0.html) has released an early demo of his PSO Beats of Rage Mod that should be playable on PSP/GP2X/Dreamcast with some tinkering:

Phantasy Star Online.. if you dumped me on an island and left me only one video game to play, I'd probably choose that one. PSO just may be my all-time favorite game, so needless to say I had a lot of fun whipping this mod up.

As of now there is only one (short) stage. It is based off of Forest 1 of Episode I from the official game.

Download Here (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ATJN1887) and Give Feedback Via Comments