View Full Version : Why the PS3 is a better system

April 9th, 2009, 20:39
For a moment, let's ignore that the PS3 has more room for upgrades and that its potential has yet to even be near-maxed. Let's ignore that PSN is not only good as Xbox Live, but that it's free. I won't throw dirt at Microsoft over their questionable business practices (homophobia and not covering the return of defunct systems comes to mind). I'll even lay aside the fact that recently the PS3 has been rapidly gaining on the other large consoles in worldwide sales and exceeding them in some countries. I'm only going to cover capability and past performance.

It's easy to dig up an entire library of graphics comparisons between the 360 and PS3 and almost every time, the Xbox 360 walks away the victor. Why? These 'comparisons' are done by comparing screenshots of multiport games, many of them games that originated with the 360 before being ported over to the PS3. The 'better' 360 images (which are really just darker and uniform-cut) are designed to accommodate the weaker system. A game developed specifically for the PS3, such as Killzone 2, will always trump a 360-specific or multiplatform game when it comes to graphics.

To prove this, we have to turn to hardware capabilities. The PS3's GPU has nearly triple the processing power of the 360's GPU. I won't go into the specific numbers behind this (an example can be found here), but suffice to say that as programmers adapt to the difficulty of programming for the PS3, the differences between the systems will shine on a larger scale. The 360 is the easy way out for now, but it has its limitations.

Performance aside, consider capability. You can use the PS3 to browse the internet independently, whereas the 360 is dependent upon being heavily modded or having to run it through a PC. Also consider what you're getting for the price. The PS3 comes with a hefty price tag compared to the 360, but it's worth it considering it includes a Blu-ray player, with unlimited storage to boot (via the new external drive capability). It plays normal DVDs and, if you want a larger game library, the older PS3 can run PS2 titles. You can't beat a Blu-ray player, gaming console, web browser and free multiplayer in one.

Now, the Wii? We won't even go there. The system relies on additions to the console or repetition. Each game seems to need a special controller or pad and those that don't are the same plots with new characters (Pokemon, anyone?) or the same characters with no-effort new plots.


April 9th, 2009, 21:33
If this was an active forum, this thread would be like a big flashing light for arguments.

April 9th, 2009, 22:38
People buy a gaming machine to play games,good quality,big library in attractive price.Xbox 360 has it all(thanks to piracy its attractive to everyone,something that sony pioneered and now throw down).So being a little better in hardware(as I say,a little better dont you ever think you will see gorgeous graphics differences in both systems in the future)and have the silly internet and blu ray expensive system,will never make it the better choice.You want games now,Xbox 360 is for you.You want a different taste in gaming with nintendos signature,buy a Wii.Ps3 is for few rich people who cant live without Gran turismo and solid mustache snake

April 9th, 2009, 22:41
this is awful.

April 9th, 2009, 23:37
PS3 is my favorite.

April 10th, 2009, 00:02
This article get's the crown for being among the stupidest things I read in quite a while. - "Did you know that a Ferrari is faster than your smaller, but much cheaper family car ? No? See, now you know."

Oh, if anyone actually is looking for a powerful beast to spend 400 bucks on, just buy a PC. It'd be the Formula 1 racing car in my example.

April 10th, 2009, 07:01
For god sake! Can't you just agree to disagree?

April 10th, 2009, 09:46
Threads such as these cause huge flamewars on other forums. Glad too see that there not many fanboys on this site. But the forums seem kinda empty :\

April 10th, 2009, 11:22
hey im back :D
hmmmm... this is crazy
saying xbox has it all... blah! lies! you have to buy shit seperately on accessories.. not only that, you have to buy a stupid membership card for online gaming! sums up the same price as the ps3 without the buyer knowing... yes the system is cheaper yet the accesories sums it up big time
ps3 is actually progressing alot since these years and its exciting :D

April 10th, 2009, 19:33
I own only a PS3 but sometimes I wonder if I made the wrong choice, I can see the points for each side of the console war. Nintendo have a more "interactive" experience, xbox is the cheaper/older option and then you have the top trumps PS3.

The only problem is that the PS3 has very few good games, Im sorry but killzone 2 isn't a good game, it's OK but seriously you have to accept that there was nothing really new about killzone, it looks fantastic and I think proves the point that the PS3 has the most potential but if this is what is pumped out I honestly worry about the future of the PS3, yes regardless of what I say the sales figures will prove me wrong but I think the real worry is that n xbox boy will play killzone and no doubt say "Seen this all before, yawn" and wont be looking at buying a PS3 but the same cannot be said for the reverse especially when you could pick up a cheap xbox for a lot less than a PS3.

Not many good RPG's nor strategy games exclusively for the PS3 and we also seem to be waiting for the next "big" game. I have seriously considered an xbox as well as the PS3 but I keep talking myself out of it, honestly if a friend asked what they should be getting... well I would be tempted to make them get a PS3 so we can play on-line but if I had to be honest I think I would have to point them at the xbox and thats what makes me really sad :(

I think Sony have a really good plan up there sleeves though... the next GTA will be PS3 exclusive and will be as good as San Andreas so I think microsoft made a huge mistake there plus there have already been whispers of a new xbox within a few ears so hopefully the Ps3 will reclaim the market at his point... Man I hope so cuz Im sick of waiting and missing all the good games!

April 10th, 2009, 20:40
well, it all comes down to preference. one man will prefer Gears of War, one man will prefer God of War =)

I own all 3, but I personally prefer PS3 because the exclusive titles are more "for me" and I always fear when using my 360 of the awful red rings :o

April 10th, 2009, 20:53
Games is what it's about , now xbox have more better games, but I hope SONY will find a way to release more 3th party great games, but not just optimised ports from 360

Ultima Chocochu
April 10th, 2009, 23:21
I just have to put it, it is all a matter of opinion, and I myself prefer the PS3 over the rest.
I just get kind of tired of the "PS3 has no games", either you haven't played it's exclusives or apparently you hate them all, I dunno which yet.
But the majority of First Party Titles have been great, and outdo the competition in my opinion.

On another note however, I hate how certain developers and publishers have treated the PS3 at times, ignoring it and all.

Now let us hope we've got no crazy fanboys starting anything.

April 11th, 2009, 00:33
i prefer my ps3, i have more games for it than my 360.

April 11th, 2009, 00:44
ive got a wii and a PS3 but ive spent a bit on time on 360, I prefer the PS3 joypad and wouldnt like to pay for XBlive, i havnt seen many 360 exclusives id call must haves (same with ps3 mind, afew gems aside) most multiplats are slightly better on the 360 but not enough to worry about. I honestly think the blu ray player makes it much more futureproof as a useful item then the xbox. When the xbox 720 and ps4 come around, everyone has a million dvd players but doubt many will have "spare" blu ray players. so as a second console for a different room ps3 is more useful in my eyes. (just think how much your GC gets used if you have a wii for example)

April 11th, 2009, 07:20
I have all three and I personally break it down like this:

If I want to play something simple and fun I play the Wii.
If I want to play something else I play either the 360 or the PS3.
If I want to play something online I play either the PS3 or the Wii.

Game library wise the Wii suffers from having only a few good titles out of a plethora that come out, the 360 has a lot of good titles and a lot of horrible ones as well, and the PS3 has a smaller but growing list of titles that also run the gamut. Nintendo doesn't seem to care who publishes what on their system. Microsoft makes some admittedly smart moves and does things like contracting Bungie. Sony on the other hand has done some really stupid things such as canceling the sequels to Heavenly Sword (the first sold over a million copies). Seriously, anyone play even the first few minutes of Heavenly Sword and can say why they wouldn't want to play more of those games?:confused:

Either way I guess the best way to put it is that all consoles have their ups and downs and to rate any system over the other based solely on a single criteria is pointless. How many of you here still have and love their Dreamcasts? How many out of those would say that the Dreamcast sucks because the PS3 has more RAM and it doesn't have Halo or a motion sensing controller? You can argue the criteria of how powerful a system is but that doesn't make it better. Want more proof? Look at how the Atari 2600 (and it's clones) were in production WELL into the NES era and longer.

Guess its just hard for some people not to be fan-boys and to simply take each console as it's own for what it is.:rolleyes:

April 11th, 2009, 07:22
All the 360 exclusives I even cared about seem to be coming to the PS3 anyways, Microsofts so busy giving money to third parties to keep them away from the ps3 that they forgot to make some good first party games, that's been the most obvious this year when 360 has little to no exclusives coming out, their big titles this year so far have been Halo wars and Ninja Blade, that sums it up, and the argument about PS3 having no good games is completely mute by now, the ps3 has the better exclusives and it has tons of games planned for the next 2 years already