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View Full Version : SEGA Details Upcoming Lineup

April 14th, 2009, 20:02
Platinum Games' debut title MadWorld was released first in Western markets, so we were a bit concerned when word recently broke about a Fall 2009 Japanese release for the developer's second title, Bayonetta. All concerns were cleared today when SEGA confirmed that the PS3/Xbox 360 multiplatform action title will see a simultaneous worldwide release. That's Fall 2009, everywhere.

The announcement came today at a press event in Tokyo. SEGA showed off its upcoming lineup. Most of the games were Japan-centric, but the three main titles, Bayonetta, End of Eternity, and Puyo Puyo 7, are all probably worldwide titles.

Bayonetta saw a live playable demonstration by producer Yusuke Hashimoto, who discussed the game's "Climax Action" theme, which promises to let players experience the climax of a movie in every single scene. While we don't have footage of the demo session, we were able to get some super high-res screens of the game. See our Bayonetta media page for those.

The End of Eternity presentation was limited to just a trailer, which you can see at the EoE official site (it's under the "Movie" section after the lengthy and totally unskippable flash opening). SEGA's Hiroyuki Miyazaki and tri-Ace's Yoshiharu Gotanda spoke at the event, with Gotanda describing the title as "the first step in destroying the classic RPG." For first high-res screens of this, see our gallery.

Finally, Puyo Puyo. We've already shared all the details on the DS version of Puyo Puyo 7 (Wii and PSP versions are also on the way). The big news at the press conference was that SEGA will be using actress Erika Toda in commercials for the game.


April 15th, 2009, 01:07