View Full Version : HEN for PSP 3000 Coming Soon ?

April 16th, 2009, 20:49
Davee (http://forums.mformature.net/showpost.php?p=39423&postcount=457) posted this:

HEN will be a stripped down enabler lacking many features of M33 custom firmware. It'll allow the bootup of homebrew regardless but may be restrictive to certain applications (in cases where it will not boot at all). However, applications will be released to enhance the HEN such as the loading of M33 custom firmware when I get permission to use the modules.

As another note, the conditions of the TIFF exploit as very unstable (as you might have noticed) and flashing of modules to flash0 is improbable and will load off the memorystick. An eboot will be supplied to countervent this and will flash the modules in a more stable enviroment.

Release is currently unconfirmed but will be before Tuesday.

Very interesting news :)

April 16th, 2009, 21:18
Permission ehh! I have to say this getting permission from the homebrew royalty just all seems a bit messed up to me, i'm not going to hide the fact i'm against Psp 3000 hacking, so even though i'm creating myself some industrial strength flame bait, i really hope a CFW with ISO loading is a long way off.

April 16th, 2009, 21:56
I personally am hoping for CFW, and he wouldn't be getting permission from the homebrew community, He'd have to get permission from whoever owns the modules for the custom firware, who I'm assuming is dark_alex

April 16th, 2009, 22:17
great news, homebrew for all! regardless of psp type

April 17th, 2009, 17:50
great news, homebrew for all! regardless of psp type

I hope so too.

..even though my phats kudos ain't
quite the same now this new hack's appeared.

April 17th, 2009, 22:40
wow if dax and the rest of the devs make cfw i gotta buy it just for home brew =D